Newsletter No1,Term 1, 9 February 2011

DearSchool and Kingston-on-Murray Community,


Welcome back to the 2011 school year. We have some wonderful experiences planned and have added in programmes that suit our individual students – the great benefit of a small school.

It is also wonderful to have the new buildings completed with the Playgroup in full swing. The new gardens around the buildings are taking off and we have great plans for some artwork to enhance the space.

Sadly, last week a well respected past KOM principal, Marg Munn passed away. We have decided to dedicate the new garden and a plaque to her, commemorating her contribution to education here.

You will notice butterfly motifs around the school. Ask your child what significance they are.

Ms Di Hancock


It’s on again!! We have secured the artist Helen Burgemeister from Week 4 to the end of Week 9 inclusive on Thursdays and Saturdays to help with the completion of the next panel. This is a community project, therefore community members are welcome to come between 9.00a.m. and 4.00 p.m. on those days.

To register, call Bronwyn or Di on 85830239.


Next Thursday night 17th February, the students will be camping out!! Students wanted to be the first ones to use the new facilities and have long wanted to sleep in our Riverlinx tents. Please fill out the consent form and send back asap. We will be doing some Kidsmatter activities while at ‘camp’.

Students will stay at school on Thursday and return home after the school day on Friday. They may wear casual clothes for these two days.


Playgroup is celebrating their 7th year this year and what an amazing start already. We are in our new room located at the back of the Primary School known to the school community as the “Frog Learning Area”. It has been wonderful to have our very own space and the support from all families has been terrific.

Thank you especially to the Doubikin family, Lauren, Mr Griffin and my own family who have assisted me in moving all the furniture, equipment, toys etc..

Watch this space for information on the new Toy Library beginning this term. Any family in the community is able to become a member - Kerry Albrecht


Thank you to all the families that responded to the Hot Weather policy at short notice. It was difficult weather for beginning learning.

Please ensure that for each event that the Hot Weather Policy comes into play, a new note is signed when you take home students early. Before leaving please sign out your child at the front office for safety reasons.


If you would like to volunteer in activities around the school, please indicate on the form included. We would love to have any other ideas, so don’t be afraid to offer.


You are invited to the Acquaintance Night BBQ on Wednesday 23rd of February at 6.00 pm. BYO drinks, chairs and salad to share. We will be testing out the new BBQ in the outdoor kitchen. Meat will be provided.

This is a great event to get to know other families that have joined us as well as Playgroup families who are also invited.

Please complete the slip indicating numbers attending.

Following the BBQ will be our Annual General Meeting at 7.00p.m. This will be a quick meeting to elect our school Governing Council members and to ratify the budget.

Please complete the slip to nominate yourself or another member. This is an opportunity to contribute to the school operations.


We are having our own “Building Launch” on Friday the 18thFebruary as an afternoon tea to end our camp experience. Parents and Friends are welcome to attend at 2.30p.m. and enjoy the students delicious food for afternoon tea up in the Pelican Room. Please fill in the reply slip attached.


It was great to see so many using this facility during the holidays. Our students are certainly better at swimming after all the practise. We continue to go to the pool daily when the weather is warm. This swimming skill is so important to children near the river, particularly when the river is flowing so quickly.


Our school assemblies will be held every odd week (except week 7). All parents and friends are welcome to attend at 3.00p.m. in the school library.


Our rainwater tanks are now full and connected. We look forward to the completion of the next phase of connecting to toilets and closer to sustainability. Our solar panels are also being connected this week. Hooray!


Staff and students have audited the school environment to determine those areas that enhance our feelings of belonging and inclusion. You will see some changes as a result of this.

One of the surprises was the importance of our artistic projects around the school site that include students and the wider community.

We would like parents to please take the time to complete the survey. It is not necessary to name it. If you have additional comments please feel free to write on the back of the survey. We are hoping that the honest feedback will help us to enhance our school and the wellbeing of our school community. A stamped self addressed envelope has been included for anonymity.


Could all book club orders please be returned by Friday 18 February.


A booking sheet for the Annual Parent/Teacher/Student Personalised Learning Plan interviews is attached. These will occur on Monday 14th and Wednesday 16th February. Please indicate your first three preferences and we will endeavour to coordinate them. This is an important part our partnership in your child’s learning journey.


The Premier’s Reading Challenge has begun. Record sheets are kept in the library for students to record their reading. Parents are welcome to record for the younger students.


Formal Library lessons are held Mondays. Children can borrow from the library before and after school as well as recess and lunch times.

Younger students need to return their books into the basket provided.

Younger students require a library bag to borrow books. Spare bags are kept in the library.


Lauren will be attending the choir trainers conference this Friday and Saturday. Students in Years 5-7 are welcome to join the choir. Our performance in the Chaffey Theatre will be early in Term 3.


Material and Service Charges for 2011 will be $155.00.

Invoices will be going out this week to parents.


Kerbside Recycling Dates for Term 1, 2011.

Collection will be Tuesday after midday

  • February 8, 22
  • March 8, 22
  • April 5


Have you seen your child’s poster from assembly last week?


Students turning 10 this year are eligible to participate in the Riverland District swimming and athletics days this term.

Swimming will be held on Friday 25 February at the Loxton pool. Swimmers need to be able to swim 50m. If your child is interested in participating please see Mrs Bevan for entry information.


Milo in2CRICKET clinics will commence this Sunday the 13 Februaryfrom 8.30 a.m. at the Barmera Football Oval. The program is designed for the purpose of introducing boys and girls between the ages of 5-10 into the game of cricket. It will provide children with an opportunity to learn the skills ofcricket, with the main emphasis being on participation and having fun. Registration can be completedat the first clinic. The cost of the program will be $50 per registration. (Participantsthat havepaid their registration in Term 4 of 2010 do not need reregister). Each registered participant receives an in2CRICKET pack including bat, ball, t-shirt, bucket hat, backpack and other goodies. The clinics will be conducted by the coaches and volunteersfrom the Monash Cricket Club.

If you have any further queries please contact Navon 0411 961 778.


Wanted coat hangers, nuts and bolts and any old/no longer needed metal items for a science/music/technology activity. We need things like old washers, cutlery etc. Clean out the shed and don’t feel bad all metal junk will be greatly appreciated -Thanks Jo Bevan.

Also needed are brightly coloured outdoor acrylic paints for our mural. If you have any amount, please send to Ms Hancock.

Also required are items for the new kitchen area – things like good Tupperware/plastic containers, utensils or kitchen appliances.


REMINDER - Little Athletics Barmera commences for 2011 on Monday 7 February at 5.30 p.m. at Bruce Oval, Barmera.

Please note that if the temperature is 38 or above at 4.00 p.m. (36 or above for tiny tots), it will be cancelled.

All new comers welcome. Any queries please contact Leah Evans on 0427 233 148


Riverland Youth Theatre’s After School Workshop program is about to start week beginning 7 February. Young people between the ages of 2-26 years can participate in a range of workshops in drama, contemporary dance and hip hop, singing, and playwriting. Scholarships are available. Come & Try for the first week $15 only. The following workshops are available in Barmera & Berri

  • Barmera Tall Tales (Drama) 5-8 yrs Monday 4.30-5.30
  • Barmera Theatre Sports (Drama) 9-12yrs Monday 5.30-7.30pm
  • Berri Theatre Ensemble 13-17years Tues 5.30-7.30pm
  • Berri Playwriting 13+ Thurs 6.30-7.30pm

Enrolment forms are available to download on our website

Please contact RYT on 08 8586 3437 or email


Hello again everyone,

Welcome to 2011, isn’t the year flying already!?!

I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know my days and hours at the school and how to contact me when I’m not.

  • Tuesdays – 9.00 a.m. – 4:30p.m.
  • Fridays – 9.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. and on assembly weeks, it will be 11.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

For when I am not at school please feel free to leave me a note in my pigeonhole or call me on 0488 466 698 or 0400 040 940 for urgent matters.

I am loving being a part of the KOMPS family and look forward to building lasting relationships with students, families, staff and the community.

Lauren Duyndam - CPSW KOMPS

How many triangles can you see?

*don’t forget the upside down ones 

Once you think you’ve worked it out, let me know the answer or leave a note in my pigeonhole. The first family to get it correct will get a little prize. HAVE FUN!


Thursday 17 FebruaryOvernight camp for all students

Friday 18 FebruaryBuilding launch – Afternoon tea


Wednesday 23 FebruaryBBQ/AGM 6.00 p.m.

Thursday 24 February –Year 7 Leadership

Friday 25 Februarycamp

Friday 25 FebruarySAPSASA Swimming

Friday 4 MarchAssembly 3.00 p.m.

Monday 14 MarchPublic Holiday

Friday 18 MarchStudent Free Day

Friday 25 MarchDistrict Athletics Day

Friday 1 AprilAssembly 3.00 p.m.

Wednesday 6 AprilHockey – Loveday

Monday 11 AprilSAPSASA Netball Football Carnival

Friday 15 AprilLast day of Term

Assembly 2.00 p.m.

Monday 2 MayBeginning of Term 2


  • Camp consent and medical form
  • AGM/BBQ attendance and Governing Council nomination form
  • Kidsmatter survey plus self addressed envelope
  • Calendar – Term 1
  • Volunteer note
  • PLP interviews
  • Building launch
  • Book Club