June 2017

DearSchool Administrator:

Fourteen years ago, the New Jersey Association of Pupil Services Administrators (NJAPSA), with the support of the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, developed a unique program to recruit, develop, and support a new cohort of special education leaders. The fourteenth cohort of new (in the current position for less than one year) administratorsrecently completed the one-year program. This cohort experience is designed to provide special servicesadministrators with the skills and knowledge that are critical to success in these challenging and complex positions. We are now accepting applications for the 2017 – 2018New Administrators’ Cohort. The cost for participation in the cohort program is $2,500 and also includes cohort member access to the recently revised NJAPSA Special Education Procedures manual and additional professional development opportunities throughout the year at no additional cost.

Applications are welcome from educators who haveeither obtained orarein the process of obtainingappropriate certification(s) and who either wish to expand upon the skills and experiences gained from their initial months in the position or anticipate job placement sometime in the coming year. Applicants must currently serve or anticipate serving in a position with school-wide or district-wide responsibility for special programs and services.

We are aware that the administration of special education programs and services is increasingly complex and challenging. It is often difficult for school districts to recruit, hire,and retain highly capable special services administrators. Through this unique initiative, NJAPSA will help your school district to increase the positive outcomes of your special services department.

Beginning with an October2017 kickoff meeting, participants will attend five (5) full-day sessions scheduled throughout the school year. Cohort members are also offered attendance at two mini-conferences and the annual “Director’s Academy” workshop as part of the program. Additionally, each participant will be matched with a NJAPSA mentor who will provide guidance and support throughout the school year. Mentoring and training sessions will be led by a group of special education directors with extensive administrative experience and demonstrated skills in dealing with special education issues.

All Cohort meetings will be held at the Forsgate Country Club in Monroe, NJ conveniently located just off the NJ Turnpike Exit 8A. Topics for each of the five training sessions are planned to coincide with the needs of new special education administrators:

October 2017 /
  1. Grant Writing & Budget Development
  2. Getting Started as a New Administrator
  3. Setting Goals (Personal & Departmental)
  4. Getting Help, Who’s Who, What’s Due When

December 2017 /
  1. Evaluation, Supervision, Recruitment Retention
  2. Technology Applications (Office & Instructional)

January 2018 /
  1. Special Education & Hot Legal Issues
  2. Case Law
  3. Mediation & Due Process
  4. Complaint Investigation

March 2018 /
  1. Special Education Procedures & Best Practices
  2. The Monitoring Process

April2018 /
  1. Parent, School Board, Community Relations
  2. Lessons Learned & Moving Forward

Please consider your current special education administrators who may have little or no experience, as well as recruiting and recommending candidates that you believe have the potential to become leaders in special education in New Jersey.

An application and recommendation form is enclosed for you to provide to potential candidates and is also available online at The application is due bySeptember15, 2017and you are encouraged to immediately examine your district’s need to participate in this initiative. We accept a limited number of applicants each year and unfortunately,in the past, districts have been “closed out.”

If you have any additional questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact any of the officers listed below. We look forward to your recommendation of candidates for the 2017 – 2018 school year, our fifteenth cohort of pupil/special services administrators.


Mr. Gary Molenaar
NJAPSA President
/ Mr. Greg Margolis
NJAPSA Treasurer/President Elect

Dr. Paul Barbato
NJAPSA Secretary/Treasurer Elect
/ Ms. Marci Grabelle
NJAPSA Co-Executive Director


2017 -2018 NJAPSA New Directors’ Cohort



Primary Position/Title:

Present Employer:

Work Address:

City: State: Zip:

Work Phone: Fax:


How long at present position:

Home Address:

City: State: Zip:

Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Note: Please answer each question fully or reference and attach your resume if the information is included there.

  1. Higher Education – Begin with the most recently attended institution.

Institution / Location / Date / Major / Degree
  1. List all honors, awards, and fellowships received, as well as special travel or study programs undertaken, beginning with the most recent.

Name of Award / Honor / Fellowship / Date(s) Received
  1. Reference – Please list an individual who is familiar with your professional work and qualifications.

Name / Position / Address / Office Phone #

Applicant’s Signature: Date:

Please mail or email the completed application and resume, to be received by September 15, 2017 to:

Ms. Marci Grabelle,


NJAPSA New Directors’ Cohort

PO Box 2012

Westfield, NJ 07091

NJAPSA New Directors’Cohort

Recommendation Form

Candidate’s Name: ______

To the Endorser: The individual named above is applying for the New Administrators’ Cohort, a program designed to develop and support special education leaders. Using this form, please assess the candidate’s capabilities and potential.

Please mail or email the completed application and resume, to be received by September 15, 2017 to:

Ms. Marci Grabelle,

NJAPSA New Directors’ Cohort

PO Box 2012

Westfield, NJ 07091

Name of Endorser:




City: State: Zip:

Work Phone: Fax:

How long have you known the candidate?

In what capacity do you know the candidate?

Please assess the candidate’s abilities in the areas listed below:

Exceptional / Above
Average / Average / Unable to Determine
Providing leadership in dynamic, complex settings: /  /  /  / 
Communication skills: (oral and written) /  /  /  / 
Knowledge of profession: /  /  /  / 
Openness to ideas & approaches outside profession: /  /  /  / 
Self-confidence /  /  /  / 
Managerial skills: /  /  /  / 
Working with & relating to faculty/staff, parents, students, & community: /  /  /  / 

What additional skills/professional experiences do you believe the candidate needs in preparation for administering special education programs/services?

Additional Comments:

Signature of Endorser: ______Date: ______