Dear vaulting friends in the US and Canada

CVI 1*/2* Chilliwack is coming! This is the first time Canada has organized a combined FEI/Equine Canada event so we are finding ourselves on quite the learning curve. We have be given permission by Equine Canada to approach AVA and VaultCanada clubs to determine an estimateof how many vaulters and how many horses they are planning to enter in the CVIand Equine Canada Bronze Show so we can complete our budget.Please email usback with your anticipated number of entries, horses and stalls (double or single) … and when you plan to arrive in Chilliwack and leave after the competition.Email Barb Schmidt at

Here are some pertinent facts about our tentative schedule

Please remember … this Is all very, very tentative

CVi 1*/2* Chilliwack

  • The CVI will take place June 10-13, 2010at Heritage Park in Chilliwack, BC on the west coast of Canada. There will be CVI 1* and 2* events for individuals, teams and pas de deux. (There will be classes for lower levels offered at the Equine Canada bronze show. See details below
  • Stalls will be set up by 4 pm on Tuesday June 8 so you may arrive as early as that. Practice arenas will be available from that time on. You may reserve either a single stall (3m x 3m) or a double stall (3m x 6m). There will be rubber pads and shavings provided. It would be helpful if we knew how many single or double stalls you are wanting and if you will need hay and/or grain available for purchase at the competition. Stalls will cost $40per night for single stalls, $80 for doubles. There is also a single charge of $20 for the stall mat ($40 for double stalls)
  • The veterinary inspection will take place at 6:00 pm on Thursday, June 11. All horses, for both shows, must therefore be on site by 4:00 pm Thursday, June 11. This is so you have time to find an alternate horse is your first choice does not pass the inspection.
  • Draw for the CVI order of go will take place immediately after the veterinary inspection.
  • First round compulsories will take place Friday June 11 likely beginning at 2:00 pm
  • First round freestyle will take place Saturday, June 12
  • Technical tests and second round freestyle will take place Sunday, June 13
  • The FEI has granted a one-time waiver exempting all North American horses from having to obtain an FEI passport for either the 1* or 2* classes at CVI Chilliwack. American horses will require a US National Passport plus written proof that vaccinations (especially flu) are up to date. To meet Canadian border requirements these horses also need a Veterinary Health Certificate and negative Coggins (EIA) test in order to enter Canada. No veterinary inspection is required at the border for horses entering Canada provided the horse returns within 30 days of the date of entry. Canadian horses will require an Equine Canada National Passport and must have written proof that vaccinations (especially flu) are up to date. Canadian lungers and horse owners will need an EC Platinum sports license.
  • This event must operate on a ‘break-even’ basis because there is no major sponsor and the hosting volunteer organization cannot take a serious loss. His means the entry fee for individuals is expected to be $250. For teams it will be $400. The pas de deux entry fee will be $150. All competitors will do both rounds. Competitors will all receive a commemorative gift and t-shirt as part of their entry package. It is hoped to arrange a no-host dinner for all CVI and Bronze Show participants and their families on the Saturday evening.

Equine Canada Bronze Show

  • The Equine Canada Bronze Show will offer individual mounted classes from demonstration level to Division B canter. There are no cross entries for individuals in the CVI and no double entry of individual classes. CVI competitors are welcome to enter barrel classes. Those entering the CVI as individuals may also enter the Bronze show classes for team or pas de deux. Likewise, CVI competitors only entered in team or pas de deux are welcome to enter individual mounted classes in the Bronze Show provided they have never competed as an individual in a CVI.The rules of the Equestrian Vaulting Association of BC and Equine Canada will apply.
  • All horse classes will be one round. You can save $5 by entering an individual mounted class plusone individual barrel class for a total of $35. If a vaulter does not want this combined entry, then the fees are $25 perindividual mounted class and $15 per individualbarrel class. Team classes and pas de deux classes will be $15 per vaulter on the horse and $10 per vaulter on the barrel.
  • We will offer AVA Open and Trot two-phase by request from our American friends. The entry fee will be $15 per vaulter. Rules of the American Vaulting Association will apply for these classes.
  • All Bronze Show horses must go through the veterinary inspection starting at 6:00 pm on Thursday, June 11. Canadian horses entering only the Bronze Show do not need an Equine Canada passport but must show written proof that vaccinations (especially flu) are up to date. All Canadian vaulters in this show must belong to their provincial sports organization and have an Equine Canada bronze sport license which is available online for $20 from the Equine Canada website. American vaulters must be members of the AVA and USEF. American horse owners must complete a foreign horse affidavit. There is no charge for this.
  • We will not be able to provide an order of go for the Bronze Show until we have completed the CVI order draw because some horses are in both events. If possible though, please try to avoid having the same horse in both events.
  • It is expected that the Bronze show individual canter compulsories and all team compulsories will be performed on Friday, June 11 from approximately 6:00 – 8:00 pm. All other mounted classes will take place on Saturday, June 12. All barrel classes will be on Sunday, June 13

Check out our website at and our Facebook Site CVI Chilliwack 2010