Party to party support

project APPLICATION2016-2018

General instructions

The overall vision for the Olof Palme International Center support to political parties is to “Contribute to the sister parties’ internal democratic development, with special focus on youth and women’s participation and influence, and to support policy developmentthat will serve as a basis for welfare reforms”.All partnerships should relate to this.

This is a three year programme period (2016-2018), you can therefore apply for funding for up to three years.

The form shall be filled in electronically.Do not forget to tick off the check-list of documents at the end of this form.

The application should be sent electronically to: no later than 15thAugust 2015.Please mark the email “Application new project, sister party[X]”.No hard copy is required.

Project information

Project title:
Present project number (if any):
Project duration:
Total budget for the project period:

The ApplicantOrganisation (relevant section of the party, youth league or political foundation)

Organisational/registra-tion number:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Project manager:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Finance manager:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Other member:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Project auditor*: / Firm and No. of years used:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Bank name and address: / Name of account holder:
Account number, Swift/BIC,Iban number:

* Leave blank if the Palme Center provides auditor.

The Applicant Organisation (Swedish Member Organisation)*

Organisational/registra-tion number:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Project manager:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Finance manager:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Other member:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Project auditor**: / Firm and No. of years used:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Bank name and address: / Name of account holder:
Account number, Swift/BIC,Iban number:

* Leave blank if the project does not include a Swedish Member Organisation and the agreement is signed directly with the Palme Center.

** Leave blank if the Palme Center provides auditor.

Project background

1.Describe how the idea of the project was developed and how the planning process was done, who was included and how was decisions about the proposal taken? If the project includes a Swedish organization also describethe relationship between the applicant organisations and the added value of the Swedish partner in the project.

Answer here

context& organisational analysis

2. Describe thegeneral political environment and what role the party/organisation play:i.e. political system, what legal framework exists for operating, obstacles to international cooperation, is the party in opposition or in power? If the cooperation is taking place at a local level please describe the political situation from a local perspective.

Answer here

3. Describe in depththe specific challenges for the party/organisation that the cooperation is focusing on and relate it to your level of the party/organisation.

Answer here

Target group analysis

4. Who will be directly affected by the change that the project strive to achieve? Describe the primary and secondary target groupsfor the project and how they relate to the identified problem above. Please also state how many people you estimate to reach.

Answer here

Project Objective

5.Describe the overall objective and aim of the project, include an analysis of its relevance in relation to the context and organizational analysis above.

Answer here

6.List the project objectives. What do you want to achieve with the project activities? (include overall and intermediate objectives)*.

Answer here

* In the Palme Center’s Project Handbook, available on our website, you find a practical guide on how to plan your project according to the logical framework approach (LFA).


activity plan 2016

7.List of activities 2016.* Fill in the table below, add rows if necessary and do not forget to include administrative activities, planning, monitoring and internal capacity building.

Name of activity**: / Purpose of the activity (How does the activity contribute to the achievement of the objective of the project?) / No. of women: / No. of men: / Total:

* Make sure that these activities are the same as the ones you list in the budget on page 2 as well as below.

**For example trainings/workshops, seminars, study circles, conferences, lectures, networks, public events, performance and campaigns, etc., necessary to reach the intermediate objectives. Also include activities connected to internal capacity building, planning, follow up and evaluation.


8.Annual plan 2016.Use the activities listed above and mark the months when they will take place.

Name of activity: / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec


9. If there are issues in the budget sheet that needs further explanation please provide them here.

Answer here

* For the detailed calculations, use the separate budget sheet.

Cross-cutting issues

Gender equality and non-discrimination

10. Which challenges do you identify when it comes to gender equality in your party?Describe how the project will increase female participation and influence in the party/organisation and how you will work with gender equality and non-discrimination in the project.

Answer here


11. Describe how you handle the risk of corruption in the project.

Answer here


12. Describe how you will work with environmental sustainability in the project.

Answer here


13.Identify the risks (internal and external) that may affect the party organization, the project activities or the project objectives negatively.

Risks / Consequence if the risk occur / High, medium or low

* Feel free to use your own models for risk analysis and attach them to the application instead of using this format.

14.List the risks identified above according to their assessment, start with the highest, and describe how you plan to handle them.

Risks / Action plan


15.Describe how achieved resultsof the project will last after the project period has come to an end.

Answer here

Follow-up and learning

16.Describe how you will follow-up, evaluate and assess project activities and results. What methods will be used? Who will be responsible in the project group for this?

Answer here

Check list

Date and place:
Mark with a (X) if finalized:
All of the questions in the Application have been answered.
The Budget sheet has been filled in and is enclosed.
Organisational assessment is enclosed.
The project application has been approved by the central level of the party/organisation.
The person authorized to sign has approved the submission of the application to the Palme Center as well as the content above.