Dear Supplier:
Below arethe questions received in regards with the RFPS-USA-2017-502521: Event Production Services. Please find the answers under each question.
- Question: Approximately how many vendors are participating in this RFP, is there an incumbent agency and is this a required RFP by your regulations?
Answer: This is an open public tender, therefore number of participants is not limited. There is no incumbent company.
- Question: What is the approximate budget spent on each scale event: Small, Medium, Large and what is an approximate ANNUAL Event Budget?
Answer:There is not budget for any of the categories as well as annual budget for all events. The budget is subject to the scope and purpose of the event and number of events depends on the programmatic needs of UNICEF.
- Question: What Government regulations do we need to follow when we are discussing budget and spend? Is there a cap on revenue %?
Answer: UNICEF is an international organization and not governed by any Government regulations. Please refer to Clause 5 of General Terms and Conditions in the tender document.
- Question: Is there also a regulation or particular way you need hours captured?
Answer: There are no specific regulations according to which the hours are to be submitted. The proposals shall be reflective of best industry standards and take into consideration the fact that UNICEF is non-governmental, international organization.
- Question: Do we need to use your existing vendors in A/V, Livestreaming, third-party vendors etc.?
Answer: If the event occurs at United Nations Headquarters then the in house A/V, livestreaming would be done by United Nations Department of Public Information. Otherwise A/V and livestreaming can be procured whichever way you see fit.
- Question: What kind of security clearance would our staff and vendors need to have?
Answer: If the event is at United Nations Headquartersor UNICEF Headquarters then each staff and vendor would have to provide their full name and government issued identification to enter the United Nations Complex.
- Question: Are we in charge of advancing the talent, and transportation logistics and costs?
Answer: You are not in charge of advancing the talent, but we would like the vendors to manage transportation and costs as part of the budget.
- Question: What system or type of invite do you usually use? (Hard Copy, What Online Service etc.) Are you looking for the Vendor to provide our own?
Answer: We usually use electronic invitation and note verbal fax to the member states – which UNICEF would handle. For the external guests we use google docs and Eventbrite. The vendor could provide their own if there is a system preferred.
Thank you,