Dear Student (except Ontario Visiting Graduate Students),
Our records indicate that although you enrolled for the Fall 2008 term, a balance remains outstanding on your account.
If fees were posted to your student account prior to August 25, 2008, it is essential that you make a payment &/or submit a Promissory Note to cover the balance on your account immediately, to avoid these consequences:
- Your courses will be dropped from your schedule
- You will not have access to UW-ACE
- You will not receive credit for the selected one or more courses
PLEASE NOTE: If you were not enrolled for Fall 2008 until after August 25, 2008, you may arrange your fees within ten business days from the date the fees were posted to your student account without penalty; however, your payment in full or Promissory Note must be received no later than September 30, 2008.
The due date for Fall 2008 was August 25th, 2008 to pay by cheque/money order/bank draft/Promissory Note fee arrangement, or September 3nd , 2008 to pay by bank payment or international wire transfer. Payments and Promissory Notes received after those dates are subject to Late Fees. Payment in full of the balance on your account must be received by September 30, 2008 to avoid the implications indicated above.
As explained via the Fee Payment Instructions link on your Quest account, you are required to submit a Promissory Note, along with acceptable proof, in order to use scholarships, bursaries, Tuition Benefit, Research or Teaching Assistantships, Seniors Bursary, third-party sponsorships, authorized employer agreements, or provincial student loans to pay your fees.
If you are encountering delays in receiving financial aid, please work with Student Awards and Financial Aid or the Graduate Studies Office now, to resolve the situation as quickly as possible so you can be properly registered for this term.
If your registration is not finalized by September 30, 2008, you will need to affirm your intention to be registered for the Fall 2008 with either the Registrar’s Office (undergraduate students) or Graduate Studies Office (graduate students) along with payment &/or Promissory Note to cover the full balance on your student account.
We have made every effort to ensure that all Promissory Notes, fee payments, cancellations, and other account changes received up to September 12, 2008 have been processed. If you feel this letter has been sent to you in error, please contact Student Accounts at (519) 888-4567 X38466 or by email at for verification of your registration status.
Yours truly,
Finance – Student Accounts