Course descriptions:
104C - Discovering & Using your Spiritual Gifts
Instructor – Rev. Terrance Morrison
This course is designed to guide students in the discovery and application of their Spiritual Gifts. Students will complete a spiritual gifts inventory that will aid in the discovery of their gifts
123E - Strongholds that Must Come Down!
Instructor – Rev. Jackie Bailey-Moore
The enemy unassumingly uses stronghold against the Christian. Stronghold will hinder prayers from being answered, keep people in bondage to sin and enslaved to Satan, and prevent God’s people from walking in health, wealth, and complete prosperity in life. Recognize these tactics of the enemy and overcome them to receive all God has for you.
201C - Living Faith = Trusting in God
Instructor Rev. Mary Korden
This course will explore how living a faith filled life can equal trust in God. It will explore how we go from faith comes by hearing to blind faith, to faith as a line of defense, to faith in shifting events, to holding on to faith, to faith as evidence of things not seen, and finally to faith equaling trust in God.
Course Content:
What does it mean, “faith comes by hearing?”
What is blind faith?
How to use faith as a line of defense?
How faith works when events shift?
How do I hold on to faith and why do I need to?
How faith works when you can’t see anything?
How can faith and trust work together?
250 – Student Christian Independent Project
Students are encouraged to seek out and explore an independent topic that fits within the boundaries of biblical foundation of scripture II Timothy 2:15. Once your topic has been approved, the student will be assigned a teaching staff member to provide spiritual guidance on the project. Depending on the topic, the project may count as a core or an elective in the program. Instructions on project are located in the Fellowship Hall.
274C – Joseph Overcoming Life Challenges
Instructor: Evan. Frances Echevarria
Students will learn how to believe and trust God's word coming from the Old Testamentcharacter on the life of Joseph , who endured a hard and painful, tear filled experiences in his life. Joseph learned through extreme difficult circumstances how to overcome by believing God and by keeping the hope of glory alive. Students will discover their own God given potential as they experience the fullness of Christ manifesting in their own lives.
Being like JESUS through Worship WORD and Work
Mission Statement
St. John Baptist Church School of Christian Discipleship exists to equip members of the congregation to become more serious, able and faithful disciples of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, by offering a comprehensive Biblical Disciple’s Curriculum.
II Timothy 2:15
Rev. Dr. Silas M. Townsend, Pastor
To glorify GOD by being like JESUS in every aspect of our lives through a discipleship that is loving warm and friendly
Christian discipleship
Certificate program
SpringII session2016
Classes Starts May 02, 2016
Cheryl Collier, Director
Phone #. (609) 230-8204
Lettie Hedgepeth, Asst. Director
Phone #. (856) 338-9167
Requirements: Complete six core and two elective course sessions. A registration form is required for all classes. At the same time; you may register for one or more courses using this form. Each class is held once weekly, Sunday-Saturday, for a period of 1½ hours for six weeks.
Discipling Ministries (elective)
115-Women’s Fellowship-Wednesday-7:30 PM-Rev. B. J. Torres & Sis. B. Primas-Prepares women to be pleasing in the sight of GOD at all times and to love and respect each other. Titus 2:3-5
116-The Brotherhood-Wednesday-6:30 PM-Dec. D Abayomi To develop a strong relationship with GOD, share life experiences with each other and build strong disciples and spiritual warriors.
117-Adult Sunday School-Dec. Joe Robinson & Dec. Dennis Carter-Sunday 9:45 AM-Learn principles you can apply to your own life situations.
118-Men’s Bible Study-Dec. R. Rivers-Saturday 10:00 AM
Hearing the WORD of GOD and seeing HIS work throughout the WORD of GOD. John 10:27
119-The Potter’s House-Rev. J. Bailey-Moore-Thursday
7 PM-Keeping your eye fixed on JESUS in order that HE might bring restoration to the wounded by restoring their hope, healing, damaged emotions and hurting and broken hearts.
225-Sisters of Christ/SOC-Rev. M. Korden/M.I.T J. Cade-Thursday 7:30 PM-Teen girls, 13 – 18 years of age.
I Timothy 4:12
227-Youth Prayer Ministry-Rev.T.Morrison-1st Wednesday of the month 7:30 PM. Teaches youth how to pray and worship GOD anddevelop a prayer and worship life. Prayer model is ACTS/Adoration Confession Thanksgiving & Supplication.
266-YoungBrotherhood-Bro. Brian Bailey-Thursday 7:00PM-This course is designed to teach young men to live their lives with a biblical perspective. This is done by teaching the WORD of GOD and fellowshipping with other young men.
Instructors: Rev. Terrance & Sis. Carla Morrison
Married and engaged couples get together every 4th Friday for fellowship, food, and fun. We use a Bible-based program for to enrich and inspire couples to grow beyond their vows.
Course # / Course- Instructor / Day - TimeLocation
104C / Discovering & Using your Spiritual Gifts
Instructor – Reverend Terrance Morrison / Mon.
7:00-8:30 PM
Fellowship Hall
123E / Strongholds that Must Come Down!
Instructor – Rev. Jackie Bailey-Moore / Tue.
6:30-8:00 PM
Fellowship Hall
201C / Living Faith = Trusting in God
Instructor Rev. Mary Korden / Thur.
6:00-7:30 PM
Fellowship Hall
250 / Student Christian Independent Project / Home
274C / joseph overcoming life challenges
instructor: evan. frances echevarria / Saturday
10:00 AM-11:30AM
e = Elective; C=Core
Please complete and detach the Registration Form and give it toa member of the School of Christian Discipleship Ministry staff or take it to the church office. A total of eight courses must be completed in order to graduate6 core courses and 2 electives. A core course can be used as an elective in the program.
You may also obtain a Registration Form on our website: (
The next graduation service will Sunday July 17,2016.
Registration Form
Are you a member of St. John Baptist Church? Yes No
If No, please state church affiliation.
Are you auditing a course(s) for knowledge base and spiritual growth only? Yes No
Your Church