Praise Pod
- To explore and develop an understanding of the 13 enterprise skills.
- To create a point of praise for students developing their enterprise skills/ behaviour.
Description of activity
At RawmarshAshwoodPrimary School, Year 6 students have begun not only developing their enterprise skills but also recording their achievements using the latest technology.
Students at the school worked closely with teachers and Richard Crooke from the PCT to devise their very own version of Praise Pod focussing on the 13 enterprise skills.
Students considered where Praise Pod would be located and how the footage could best be used. As part of the development students created enterprise cards which would display each of the 13 skills in a fun way. Every student would have their own pack of cards which they then mark under a specific skill each time they have visited Praise Pod for that reason. As part of this process students had to think closely about design and fastenings before working with the print company to achieve their final product.
Now up and running, Praise Pod is opened at selected times of the week where students can go and record their enterprising achievements. Students from Y6 host the Pod and manage the technical recording as well as interviewing each student. Every clip can be recorded under child name as well as under the enterprise skill heading so that film reels can be shown or even put onto Praise discs and sent home to parents.
Apple Mac, large plasma screen, camera equipment, enterprise skill cards
Input from Richard Crooke, RMBC PCT
Other ideas
- Ask students to record their enterprise achievements in personal or class learning journals / scrapbooks.
- Using skills on sticks, ask students to give verbal feedback at the end of the lesson with reasons why they feel they have shown or developed that particular skill.
- Set up a video recorder in a quiet area of school or the classroom which students are able to use on their own initiative to record their thoughts around enterprise.
- Create a merit system where all students can collect points / marks under each enterprise skill building towards an award / special mention / letter home
Curriculum Links
- Literacy
- Art & Design