Mrs. Casiano
Room 317
Phone: (972)925-1500
TUTORING – After School Monday-Friday,4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Welcome to my ALGEBRA class! I look forward to working with you this year. It is my expectation that youwork and LEARN daily. Understand that regular attendance will not be sufficient for passing and receiving credit for this class. Your goodattendance,DAILY EFFORT, and preparation are essential for your success. Remember, I will be prepared to work with you and you too must be committed to earning your credit.
Please read and share all the information provided on this syllabus with your parent/guardian. If there are any questions or concerns I can be contacted by email or phone both of which are given above. Complete and return the section at the end.
- A 1 Subject Spiral Notebook (for note taking)
- Mechanical Pencils
- Folder & loose leaf PAPER
Category 1: Functional Relationships in a Variety of Ways
Category 2: Properties and Attributes of Functions
Category3: Linear Functions
Category 4: Linear Equations and Inequalities
Category 5: Quadratic and Other Nonlinear Functions
Spiral Notebook Policy
Bring your spiral notebook each day for taking notes. It will be graded as a special project grade.
Electronics Policy
ELECTRONIC DEVICES (cell phones/i-Pods/mp3 players/CD players) arenot allowed in class. They will be confiscated.
1st time: Warning
2nd time: Pay $5 to get device back
3rd time: Device can be kept by the administration until the end of the school year.
Restroom Policy
No restroom passes/breaks will be given during class.
Tardy Policy
After 10 minutes you will be marked absent.
Grading Policy
Your 6-weeks Gradewill be weighed as follows:
Classwork – 20%
Homework - 20%
Tests & Quizzes – 25%
Six Weeks Exam – 15%
Projects/Binders/Notes – 20%
What I expect of you. . .
To succeed in my class by giving your best efforts at all times.
To tell me when something/someone is preventing you from learning.
Bemature and respectful towards me and each other at all times.
Be on time and prepared (personally and with supplies) for class.
Turn work in on time and make up missed assignments promptly.
Show your work in an organized and neat manner
What you may expect of me. . .
To give you my best efforts at all times.
To be fair and honest.
To be consistent.
To listen to you.
Parent and Student Communication
By signing this syllabus, you are stating that you have read and discussed the expectations, procedures, and policies in Ms. Casiano’sALGEBRA class.
Student Signature: ______
Student Printed Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Printed Name: ______
Date: ______
Home Phone: ______Cell: ______
Email: ______
-Thank You-