Dear Sir/Madam,
On behalf of the Los Angeles action center of Vibha, we would like to partner with you for the LA Dream Mile 5k Run/Walk 2007 being organized on October 7th 2007.
Vibha is a non-profit organization founded in 1991 with a vision to ensure that every underprivileged child attains his or her right to education, health and opportunity. Since our inception in 1991, we have made a difference to the lives of thousands of underprivileged children and this has been possible only through the generosity and commitment of people like you.
The Los Angeles action center of Vibha was founded in 2005.Since inception the action center has organized several awareness campaigns and has had great success in reaching out to the local community. We hope you will partner with us to make this event a grand success. Enclosed are more details about various sponsorship packages, and about Vibha’s efforts in India and the US.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to partnering with you and your organization to strengthen the cause of underprivileged children. If we can dream a little, then we can do a little. We hope to see you at the Dream Mile!
Raj Palla
Sponsorship Coordinator, Vibha Run/Walk 2006
Address: Vibha LA Action Center, 10106 Camarillo St. #C, Toluca Lake, CA 91602
Vibha is a non-profit organization that seeks to restore to underprivileged children their basic right to food, shelter, health and education- in short, a future. Vibha volunteers in the US seek to raise awareness in the community on children’s issues and to generate funds for child development projects in US and India. Vibha is a 501(c)(3) organization with tax id 22-3122761.
Vibha - The Organization
Vibha is a Sanskrit word that means inner radiance or brightness and it signifies our organization’s vision of providing every underprivileged child with an opportunity for a brighter future. We are a US based non-profit, non-religious, non-political volunteer organization that seeks to restore the promise of a future to underprivileged children by providing them access to education, healthcare, shelter and nourishment. In the US, Vibha volunteers raise awareness and resources to support child development initiatives in India and
the US. Since our inception in 1991, we have made a difference to the lives of thousands of underprivileged children and this has been possible only through the generosity and commitment of people like you.
Vibha - The Vision
To ensure that every underprivileged child attains his or her right to education, health and opportunity.
Vibha - The Mission
Educate, empower and enable every individual who wishes to make a positive difference in the life of an underprivileged child.
Vibha- Projects
Since its inception, Vibha has raised nearly 6 million dollars with the help of patrons like you and has supported more than 110,000 children through 175 grassroots projects in India and the US. 90 cents of every dollar that Vibha raises through its fundraising activities goes directly to these projects.
Though the major focus of Vibha is to provide basic needs such as healthcare, education, nutrition, recreation and vocational training to the underprivileged children, Vibha has stepped in to help communities when natural calamities have befallen such as the Tsunami in 2004 and hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Projects in USA:
· Sacred Heart Community Service, San Jose, California (ongoing)
· Collin Intervention For Youth House (CITY House), Plano, Texas (ongoing)
· Kids coming home (ongoing)
· Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Twin Cities - Minneapolis, Minnesota (ongoing)
· Austin Children’s Center - Austin, Texas
· San Jose Neighbors That Care, Inc. - San Jose, California
· Dallas Heart House - Dallas, Texas
· The Make-A-Wish Foundation of GA and AL - Atlanta, Georgia and Alabama
Hurricane Katrina Relief(2005) :
· Martin Behrman Elementary School (Charter School) in New Orleans ($13,000)
Tsunami Rehabilitation Projects(2004):
· Association for Sustainable Community Developmen- ASSCOD($7088): Medical Camps, School
supplies, Utensils for 500 families in 11 villages
· Society For Education and Action - SEA($3000): School supplies, Food for 600 families in 12
· Vidyarambham ($15000): Education, Mobile Toys Van reaching 750 children
· Rising Star Outreach - RSO ($3000): Distributed Saris, Bed Sheets
VIBHA FACT: Vibha is a non-political, non-religious, volunteer based 501(c) (3) non-profit organization 4
registered in the state of New Jersey as Help Them Grow, Inc.
Projects in India :
Today, over 59 million Indian children in the school-going age are outside the school system. There are 18 million street children and over 15 million children living as bonded laborers. Through its various projects spread across 9 states/Territories of India, Vibha has made a positive difference to more than thousands of children. However this is only the beginning. With constant support from patrons like you, Vibha can expand its impact to a much larger community.
Currently, Vibha supports 36 projects in India of which a few are listed below. A more complete list of projects is available on or feel free to contact us for any further information.
Project Name, State & Impact AreaE: Education, H: Healthcare, V: Vocational Training, C: Community Awareness / Number of children Supported / Annual Budget
ALAMB, New Delhi - Education/Vocation Training for Girls in Slums (E, V) / 365 / $17,978
GORD – Gandhian Organization for Rural Development, Andhra Pradesh - Development of High Schools (E, C) / 350 / $5,524
RMKM - Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal, Rajasthan - Education, Training for Children with Mental Challenges, (H, E, V) / 228 / $11,992
RMKM - Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal, Rajasthan - Vocational Training - vocational training for mentally challenged children (V) / 50 / $13,542
Rachana, Maharashtra – Integrated Development for Rural Children (E) / 1250 / $13,330
JanMadhyam, New Delhi - Rehabilitation of Mentally challenged Children (E, V, H) / 160 / $11,328
BTS- Baikunthapur Tarun Sangha, West Bengal - 3 New Child Care Centers (H,E,C) / 100 / $10,357
SKB - Sarada Kalyan Bhandar, West Bengal - Education for Rural Children (E,H) / 457 / $14,384
Aasman (E,H)- Education, Health for children of sex-workers / 175 / $6,268
Vidyarambam, Tamilnadu – Pre-Primary Education, Supportive Education (E) / 900 / $20,000
Pratidhi, New Delhi - Prevention of sexual abuse of children (C, V, H) / 400 / $7,961
Sebama Foundation, Tamilnadu- Training for physically challenged children (V) / 47 / $5,869
Odanadi, Karnataka Mainstreaming of Sexually exploited children (H,V,C) / 78 / $10,000
HOPE Foundation, Bangalore – Supportive Education for Children (E, V) / 220 / $9,580
HEARDS, Andhra Pradesh - Elimination of child labor through education, training (E) / 120 / $7,181
Mobile Science Van, Tamilnadu - Science van that goes to different school/village (E) / 3000 per month / $12,232
Association for Sustainable Community adu – Supportive Education to Tsunami affected children (E)
tion / 300 / $13,860
CTF - Children Toy Foundation, Maharashtra – Toys and games van targeting different areas of intellectual and physical development (E) / 1000 per week / $9,957
Project Name, State & Impact Area
E: Education, H: Healthcare, V: Vocational Training, C: Community Awareness / Number of children Supported / Annual Budget
Shristi Special Academy, Karnataka - Preschool for Rural children developmentally delayed (E,H) / 25 / $10,840
Swami Vivekananda Vani Prachar Samity, West Bengal - School for the underprivileged children from the slums (E) / 250 / $6,976
Sevalaya, Tamilnadu - School Staff Salaries (E) / 700 / $10,000
Gugle Educational Trust, Maharashtra – Support Structure for School children (E) / 60 / $2,087
Bodh Siksha Samit, Rajasthan – Residential School for children (E) / 115 / $9,965
BCT - Bhagavatula Charitable Trust, Andhra Pradesh, Residential School for Children (E) / 97 / $10,000
DSS - Door Step School, Maharashtra, Elementary Education for out-of-school children (E) / 250 / $10,000
AURED, Maharashtra, Treatment for Hearing Impaired children (H) / 190 / $10364
Prayas- Education & Training Program for Deprived Mentally Challenged Children / 50 / $7846
AMTA – Primary Education, Vocational Skills (E,V) / 100 / $9090
Cholai – Child Friendly School Project, Supportive Education (E) / 800 / $4863
VIBHA FACT: Since 1991 Vibha has helped create brighter futures for more than 110,000 children
What we offer
The Dream Mile 5K Run/Walk
October 7th
The publicity campaign for this event is kicking in to high gear. Between now and the event day the energetic volunteers of Vibha will be working to publicize the event in Los Angeles and particularly the Indian community. The publicity for the event will identify with children’s issues: education, health, and shelter – in short a better future for underprivileged children, and will include:
1 Web Ads
2 Publication Ads
3 Flyer publicity campaign
4 Poster publicity campaign
5 Email publicity campaign
6 Event Day Publicity: Banners, Booth, Announcements, Souvenirs
You can helpFeatures / Level
/ TitleSponsor / Platinum Sponsor / Gold Sponsor / ASSOCIATE
SPONSOR – Tier 3
Free Registrations
Company name and URL on WebSite
Company name and URL on email fliers.
/Company logo on flyers, posters etc.
/3x2 in.
/ 3x1 in.Company logo on T-shirts
/ 4x4 in. Front / 3x3 in.Rear / 2x2 in.
Rear /
Banners at event venue
/Corporate message on e-mail fliers (4 lines)
/ XEvent named with your business name
A few miles for a million dreams
Proceeds from this event will benefit Vibha supported child development projects for underprivileged children in India and US
Platinum SPONSOR $3000
Gold SPONSOR $1000
Check enclosed for amount: $ ______
SIGNATURE: ______DATE: ______
Make checks payable to: VIBHA
Mail to: Vibha LA Action Center, 10106 Camarillo St #C. Toluca Lake, CA 91602
VIBHA FACT: Vibha is a volunteer movement spread across 14 action centers and several cities