Dear School representative,
In the past school year 2016/17 ten Gloucester Secondary Schools have currently received a free Fearless from Knife Crime session. This session was created following the 28% increase in the possession of weapons within Gloucestershire for 2015. (School) has the opportunity for all of its Year 8 students to partake in this free prevention session. According to statistics as discovered by the Gloucestershire Constabulary, the age bracket 10 to 19 years contributes to 6% of the UK’s population, in 2015 28% of those listed as a suspect, or offender for a knife possession are subsequently aged between 13 and 19 years. We would like to help raise awareness to reduce the amount of knife related crime and keep young people safe.
Fearless is a youth brand of the independent national charity Crimestoppers. Fearless encourages young people to make positive, informed decisions around crime and criminality. Uniquely, young people can also pass on information anonymously about crime to This empowers young people to have a voice in their community to help prevent crime, if for whatever reason they feel they cannot engage with the police.
Fearless Gloucestershire have developed a ‘Fearless From Knife Crime’ project, which aims to address knife crime and help reduce it within Gloucestershire in the medium to long term. Our aim is to educate your pupils on the risks and consequences associated with knife crime, as well as advising them on local services available to them.The session will be delivered by myself, a specialist Youth Worker that has first-hand experience of the danger of knife crime.Therewill also be the opportunity for a follow up session with the support of a Great Expectations mentor.
We would highly recommend that you take advantage of this free service and help raise awareness of the life changing consequences carrying a knife can have. Not only do these sessions have an impact on increasing young people’s confidence in reporting crime, they also count towards achieving one of the two credits needed for a Healthy Schools Certificate and are located in the PSHE PINK handbook.
We would really appreciate any feedback and actively encourage you to complete this short questionnaire which will allow us to establish the level of concern you feel as a school and help us tailor the session accordingly. The questionnaire is completely confidential and your response will contribute towards building a geographical profile of trends in the area. There is also an opportunity for parents to given feedback on their concerns should they wish
If youhave any question please do not hesitate to contact me on or 07834789020. I am more than happy to help.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards
Leon Hobson
Fearless Youth Worker