Quarterly Communication #4 to Scientific Committee Chairs and Secretaries

July 12 2016

Dear SC Chairs and Secretaries,

This email requests your Scientific Committee commitments for ICOH2018 Abstract and Special (speakers organized/no funds available) Sessions and for a business meeting for your SC.

Please fill in the attached forms and return them to me () by October 1, 2016.

A major responsibility of the ICOH Scientific Committees is providing most of the scientific content of each Triennial ICOH Congress. ICOH2018 will be held in the Convention Centre Dublin, which is modern and wonderful ( Its size is similar to the conference center in Cancun (2012), so it is smaller than our expansive Seoul (2015) center. Therefore, not all proposed Abstract sessions may be able to be accepted. Please consider your SC experience at previous Congresses and propose a limited number of Abstract Sessions that were particularly popular. We hope to be able to include all proposed Special Sessions. Note: No funds are available for these session speakers.

You will see detailed explanations of the two types of sessions in the attached TOR and Confirmation Sheets. Abstract Sessions enable attendees to present papers on topics that you select; your role is to identify the topic, arrange for review; assign abstracts to oral presentation or posters, and chair the session. The Dublin website cites a February 2017 Call for Abstracts and Closing of Abstract submission in July 2017. Special Sessions may have either a presentation or workshop format. You arrange the topic and all speakers for a Special Session; no funds are available for the speakers. The workshop format is interactive to discuss scientific issues or to provide knowledge transfer and updates on current issues.

I would like to receive the filled in forms as soon as you are ready, but the forms are due at the latest by October 1, 2016. This date allows us adequate time for our leadership review so that we can make preliminary preparations for room assignments at the Convention Centre Dublin. Abstract Session forms enable us to prepare for the Call for Abstracts in February 2017 that will take place via the ICOH2018 website. We anticipate that you will complete your Abstract review during July or August. 2017. The Special Session Preliminary Commitment forms are needed in October 2016 to allow us to plan conference rooms for both Special and Abstract Sessions. The Preliminary Special Session Confirmation form should be sent only if there is a high likelihood that you will obtain speakers at no cost. ICOH cannot provide funds for these speakers. You may modify your speakers if needed, and send the Final Special Session Confirmation form at any time, but it is due no later than August 1, 2017. The Final Special Session Commitment forms allow us to make all final decisions regarding notification of acceptance of Abstracts arrangements for room assignments at Dublin2018.

The attached documents provide details. The Terms of Reference attachments provide the requirements and procedures for organizing an Abstract Session or a Special Session at ICOH2018. You fill in the information for each session on the appropriate commitment form. Please also fill in the Request for a Business Meeting for your SC, as that allows you to request a preferred day. You can see the Program at a Glance on the ICOH2018 website ( showing that business meetings are held after the scientific sessions.

The attachments include Terms of Reference for Abstract Sessions, Terms of Reference for Special Sessions, Confirmation Form for Abstract Session, Preliminary Confirmation Form for Special Session, Final Confirmation Form for Special Session, Request for Business Meeting, and Quarterly Communication #4. The forms are located in the SC Virtual Office at

Best regards,


Marilyn Fingerhut, Ph.D.

Vice President, ICOH