Dear SAP Liaisons and Commonwealth Approved Trainers,
The Pennsylvania Network for Student Assistance Services (PNSAS) is pleased to announce afree on-line professional development opportunity for SAP liaisonsto be held on Tuesday, February 17, 2015from 2:30 PM-4:00PM. It is our pleasure to have Sherry Peters, from the National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health as our speaker on“AddressingAt Risk Behaviors: Could Trauma Be a Factor?” Sherry’s previous work experience was with the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Children’s Bureau where she was an active partner in the development and furtherance of SAP in Pennsylvania.
Please note, this webinar will only be available via the internet; there will not be telephone access. You will need to have a microphone-enabled computer/laptop or one with a headset. You will also need to have the latest versions of QuickTime and Java downloaded. A Certificate of Attendance will be available via download to all participants who complete the webinar and the Survey Monkey following the training.
Topic: “Addressing At Risk Behaviors: Could Trauma Be a Factor?”
Speaker: Sherry Peters, MSW, ACSW
Senior Policy Associate
National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health
Q & A, Wrap-Up
The registration form is attached.Only email registrations will be accepted. Once registered, you will be sent an email confirmation with the link and log- infor the webinar.It is important that you register due to limited seating.
In the interim please watch the 7 minuteIntroductory Video to Module 1in the "Trauma Informed Care: Perspectives and Resources" tool found at the following link: This video will be discussed in the webinar to identify opportunities for trauma-informed responses.
We would like to thank Chester County Intermediate Unit 24 for hosting the Blackboard Collaborate site for this webinar.
We are looking forward to your participation and think that you will benefit from Sherry’s expertise and presentation.
The PA Network for Student Assistance Services
SAP Liaison Professional DevelopmentRegistration“Addressing At Risk Behaviors- Could Trauma Be A Factor?”
February17, 2015
2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Please email completed registration to
Job title/position:______Number of years as a SAP liaison:______
Phone: ( ) ext: ______
Will additional liaisons be in attendance at the same site with you? If so please list names and contact information
Name: ______Email:______
Name: ______Email:______
Name: ______Email:______
Name: ______Email:______