Oulton Broad Parish Council
Minutes of the Personnel Committee
The Pavilion, Nicholas Everitt Park, Oulton Broad
for the meeting of 5th March 2018
Present: Councillors Christine Ashdown (Chair), Paul Carver, Benvenuto Falat, Sandie Keller, and Roger Woodard.
Also in attendance: Tina Page (Clerk).
PC12. Welcome
Councillor Ashdown welcomed everyone to the meeting. The right for the public to record the meeting were noted.
No members of the public present.
None; as all present.
PC14.Declaration of interests and dispensations
PC14.1 Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary interests.
PC14.2 Receipt of written interests.
PC14.3 Dispensations granted.
PC15. Minutes
To consider the accuracy and approve the minutes from 6th November 2017. Proposed by Cllr Keller and seconded by Cllr Woodard 4 AGREED
PC15.1 To note actions taken from last meeting which are not detailed in this agenda.
P7. To discuss the pension scheme, review of progress. All sorted and setup with
NEST, Cllr Cooper will be managing this on a monthly basis.
PC16. Public Forum. No public present.
PC17. Review the Clerks training and development and agree any action.
PC17.1 To discuss and agree if necessary the Clerk attending the Clerks Workshop:
Book Keeping, Annual Return, Audit and Precept training provided by SALC 29th March
2018, 9.30-1.30pm.
The Clerk would like to change this course to Norfolk PTS, Managing the Council’s
financial year end, morning, £45.00 21st March 2018. This was discussed and agreed
that this will help her with the finances.
The Clerk mentioned the new Data Protection Regulations that are coming into force in
May 2018. She mentioned the amount of work that is needed, and that she may need
some additional hours to achieve this. It was agreed that the GDPR Toolkit document,
would be sent to all Councillors for their views. Action Clerk to send document to
The Clerk also mentioned that on the run up to Financial Year End, Internal and External
Auditors etc. Shemay need additional time to get the processes in place: Year End in
the requiredtimescales, Internal Control, Internal Audit. It was decided to run with the
hours and forthe Clerk to state when she needs help.
PC18. To discuss and review the Clerk being in post over 3 months and agree any action. The Clerk was asked to leave the meeting, whilst this was discussed. However, it was stated on her return that the committee are very happy with the progress. They are happy with the Clerk’s personal commitment on unusual circumstances and stated that she has raised to the challenge marvellously. However, it was agreed that the Personnel Committee needs to review and adopt a Lone Working Policy. Cllr Falat stated that he would like recorded a vote of thanks to Tina for the work she has done since she started.
PC19. To receive an update on the telephone and broadband and agree any action. The Clerk reported that Daisy Communications will be installing the Broadband over the next week. The cost for the telephone line and unlimited broadband is £30.98 per month, subject to a 24 month contract. There is a bolt on of £10, for unlimited phonecalls, this can be added at a later date.
PC20. To discuss the clerks parking during the powerboats ‘closed park’ days, and maybe consider approval for her leaving early and agree any action. After some discussion on this, it was confirmed that they did not think it would be an issue in leaving the park whilst the event is running.
PC21. To discuss the purchase of additional equipment and agree any action. The costings for a laminator and pouches was discussed. The laminator A3 would cost £66. There was an agreement to purchase glossy pouches of mainly A4, but also some A3 and A5. Costings to go to the Finance Committee.
There was a discussion on a need for a OHP to be attached to the laptop and the projector screen that would be attached to the wall. The costings would be sourced and discussed at the Finance Committee.
PC22. Items for the next agenda.
Lone Working policy
PC23. To note the date of the next Personnel meeting as 14th May 2018 2pm.
PC24. To resolve that under the Public Bodies (Administration to Meetings) Act 1960, the public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted: No matters advised at time of publication.
There being no more business to discuss.
Meeting closed 3:10pm.
Minutes approved on …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2018
Signed …………………………………………………………………………………… Personnel chair
Oulton Broad Parish Council Personnel Committee1