July 2014
Dear Pueblo County High School Students, Parents, and Guardians,
I would like to welcome you to an exciting year at Pueblo County High School. School District 70 patrons passed the Bond and this school year will be busy once again with the building construction and we would like students and parents to be patient and considerate of the construction workers during this time. There may be many detours and obstacles we will have to work around. We thank you in advance for your patience.
Every student at Pueblo County High School will be issued a Mac Book Air Computer to use at school and home. ALL students must be accompanied by a parent when they check out their computer and have their $50.00 insurance fee unless they qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch. We are going to change the computer check out process this year in order to provide information to parents and students that are important for the entire school year. We ask that you please be patient for it is important that both parents and students are aware of the all the needs and information for your students grade level in order to have a successful school year. Please schedule at least an hour to hour and a half for these meetings and computer check out.
The following days have been selected for each grade to access all the information and services provided by the school while they check out their computer:
Seniors: Monday, August 4, at 6:00 p.m. we will have a Senior Class meeting for all senior students and their parents in the gymnasium. The meeting will include the computer orientation that is necessary for computer check out, computer paper work, senior year dates, as well as Graduation information and other information we know will be very important for students and their parents.
Sophomore and Juniors: Tuesday, August 5 at 6:00 p.m. we will have a meeting for all Sophomore and Junior students and parents in the gymnasium. The meeting will include the computer orientation that is necessary for computer check out, computer paper work and other informational items important to sophomores and juniors.
Freshmen: Wednesday, August 6 at 6:00 p.m. orientation and a Freshman Class meeting for all freshmen and their parents in the gymnasium. The meeting will include the computer orientation that is necessary for computer check out, computer paper work, a tour of the building for those who wish to participate, informational items that are important to freshmen and their success.
SCHOOL PICTURES: ALL STUDENTS MUST TAKE A PICTURE FOR STUDENT ID CARDS. Pictures will be taken the evening of class meetings and computer check outs, please have your student dress for the picture. Packets will be available in the office and at computer check out prior to the day of pictures. Packets range from $9.00 to $47.00 depending on the amount of pictures you would like to purchase. Upgrade info on borders, backgrounds and bonus options will be available on the order envelope for additional charges. All orders must be prepaid on picture day, check, cash or money order. Questions ? Call Peak Photography 1-800-482-7325.
ONLINE INFORMATION PACKET: Online information packets will be available during each class meeting/ computer check out evening. This procedure will replace the paper packets that used to be sent home at the beginning of each school year. Every parent will need to complete this information packet before their student will receive a computer.
To assist our incoming 9th grade students with adjusting to a high school setting, we have planned a series of activities. Our activities will be conducted during the regular school time (7:30 a.m.-3:40 p.m.) and bus service will be provided. Freshmen PLEASE do not bring your computer on Thursday and dress comfortably.
CLASS SCHEDULE: 9th grade students will receive a hard copy of their 1st semester class schedule in the gym. All other students will access their schedules on Power School. If a student has an issue with their schedule they should report to the counselors’ office and sign a form to see their counselor. The courses you are enrolled in are based on your need and preferences indicated during registration last spring.
PCHS DAILY SCHEDULE: The bell for the first class will sound at 7:25 a.m. allowing 5 minutes passing with class beginning at 7:30 a.m. Class is dismissed 3:40 p.m. We will be having three lunch periods; students may access the Bell Schedule pch.district70.org. That schedule will be up by August 1st along with other alternative bell schedules. Please make sure you access our website
for information about Pueblo County High School.
NEW LUNCH PRICES: High School Student $2.25 Adult without milk $2.75.
PCHS WELLNESS CENTER: All students are welcome to use the Wellness Center if they are a District 70 student and in grades K-12. Parents are asked to complete a Parent Consent form before students can be seen by the Wellness Center. Please call the Wellness Center after August 4th for information about fees, consent forms and any other questions (719) 544-7247.
PCHS DAILY ATTENDANCE: Daily attendance is a very important component to every student’s educational success. The expectation is that all students will attend all classes regularly and will remain on campus if they are scheduled into classes. Students are not to leave campus at any time (including lunch time) unless a parent calls the office prior to the student leaving campus. The student must then officially sign out in the office. It is important that students sign in when coming late to school and sign out when leaving school early. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated and is in the best interest of your child’s safety and educational success. Also, it is very important for parents to call the office within 24 hours (notes will not be accepted) to excuse a student’s absence/tardy. When parents do not call, it may be assumed that the student is truant, and Friday School or In-School-Suspension may be assigned.
Fall Sports Start Date: August 11, 2014
GOLF Start date: August 4, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. at Walking Stick.
Golfers need to clear in the office with paperwork, physical, and fees before August 4th.
Paperwork can be picked up in the athletic office at PCHS.
Pueblo County High School will be holding their Mandatory Fall Sports Parent/Athlete meeting on Tuesday, July 29, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at the PCHS auditorium for all fall sport athletes. If your athlete wishes to try-out for a fall sport including Marching Band, information from the coaches will be handed out at this meeting. If your athlete has a current physical, they may submit all paperwork and fees and clear for the start of the fall sport season after this meeting. If they do not have fees paid, paperwork turned in and they have not cleared through the athletic office, they will not be allowed to begin fall sports. DO NOT DELAY taking care of the clearance of your athlete.
The Wellness Center at Pueblo County High will be conducting sports physicals.
Cost: $30
Dates: August 4-10
Time: 7:30am-4:00p.m.
Call for appointment 544-7247
A reminder to all parents, the activity and athletic schedules may be obtained by going to www.schedulestar.com and clicking on Pueblo County High School, or by visiting the school website.
All fees paperwork and physical must be cleared through the office before the start of the sport. If you have any questions please contact the Athletic Department of Pueblo County High School at 948-3351 ext. 10010.
ACTIVITY PASSES: Activity Passes are available for students. The purchase and use of a Student Activities Pass greatly reduces the amount a Pueblo County High Student must pay to access the extracurricular activities for the year at PCHS. Student Activity Passes may be purchased from the Activities Secretary in the athletic office for $35.00. A Ten Punch Pass may be purchased in the activities office for $40.00 for adults to access home games. Booster Club members get a special on the Ten Punch Pass, buy one pass and get one free. You may become a Booster Club Member with a $10.00 yearly dues fee. The membership card DOES NOT get you into games free. It only identifies you as a booster club member when you purchase the punch passes. If you would like to join the booster club or need to renew your membership, contact a booster club official or stop by the activities office at the school. These passes are good for all Pueblo County High School Home Games. The Activities Passes and Ten Punch Passes are not good for post-season play-offs.
All seniors must take a picture with the school photographer at the beginning of the school year 2014/15 even if they are submitting a senior photograph. The school photograph is the placeholder for the senior picture. This assures that your photograph is in the yearbook and your name is spelled correctly.
DEADLINE: OCTOBER 9, 2013, Thursday by 4:15 p.m.
To submit a hardcopy we will need a 4 x 6, VERTICAL, high resolution photograph by OCTOBER 9, 2014 by 4:15 p.m. to ROOM 2. (Professionally done photographs are high resolution). Other photographs are not high resolution and will not reproduce in correct color. You do not need to do both; either a digital or a hardcopy photograph will work.
Tributes must be done online through the JOSTENS’ link on the County Home Page @ pch.district70.org. JOSTENS’ link (follow instructions posted there) payment must be included at the time of placing senior tributes or we will not be able to place your tribute in the yearbook.
Senior tribute prices:
$260.00 full page $85.00 1/4 page
$135.00 1/2 page $55.00 1/8 page
Seniors and all other students may purchase their yearbooks on the days computers will be issued (Picture taking as place holder and student I.D. for students also these days).
OR: You can purchase your yearbooks online using a credit or debit card. Go to pch.distrcit70.org and click on JOSTENS’ link (follow instruction posted there).
Yearbooks will be $65.00 through April 26, 2015. After April 26, 2015 you will not be able to purchase a yearbook online or at the school. If there are any extra copies we will sell them on the “Yearbook Signing Day” on a first come first serve basis for $85.00. Buy your yearbook early!!! Cash or money order to Room 2 before and after school only. Thank you!
Ms. Terrie Tafoya, Principal
NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT Pueblo County School District 70 does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, genetic information, or handicap (disability) in admission or access to, or treatment, or employment in its education programs or activities. Inquiries about ADA, Section 504, and Title IX may be addressed to the Superintendent of Schools, 301 28th Lane, Pueblo, Colorado 81001. 719-542-0220