Dear headteacher/chair of governors
As many as one in 12 pupils could be young carers, experiencing difficulties in their education and not achieving their potential.
Don’t miss out on your opportunity to increase outcomes for this vulnerable, disadvantaged group and gain a Young Carers in Schools Award for your school’s effective practice through Young Carers in Schools.
Young Carers in Schools
Young Carers in School is a free, England wide initiative that offers primary and secondary schools across England step-by-step guidance, practical tools, professional development events and webinars. Schools can apply for a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award to gain England wide recognition for their work with young carers.
Led by Carers Trust and The Children’s Society's Young Carers in Focus partnership, Young Carers in Schools has been developed with teachers and school staff, who understand the pressures that schools face to deliver the very wide range of demands placed upon them.
Why is supporting Young Carers in Schools important?
A young carer is a person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care for another person. They are a vulnerable and disadvantaged group who frequently experience difficulties in their education as a result of their caring role. They are specifically mentioned in Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework and are often eligible for free school meals and Pupil Premium Funding.
It is likely that there are many young carers at every school.
The 2011 Census statistics revealed that there are just over 166,000 young carers in England, but research reveals that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The true figure could be closer to 700,000 young carers in England, equivalent to one in 12 school children many of whom are unrecognised and unsupported.
What can we offer you?
As a local service, we can support your involvement in the programme through:
[Young carers’ service deletes what does not apply]
•A referral pathway to our young carer service.
•Training for your governors and all staff.
•Assemblies for your school.
•PSHE sessions
•Help to set up your school support model for young carers.
We can also:
[young carers’ service deletes what does not apply]
•Work with a School Lead for Young Carers in your school to support individual pupils.
•Provide a support group for pupils with caring responsibilities.
•Support engagement with wider multi-agency services.
•Support with facilitating a young carer’s assessment for pupils.
•Provide additional support services if funding is available.
Next steps
To get involved in the programme visit:
Yours faithfully
Carers Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales (1145181) and in Scotland (SC042870). Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 7697170. Registered office: 32–36 Loman Street, London SE1 0EH.
© Carers Trust 2015
The Children’s Society is a registered charity number 221124. Registered Office: Edward Rudolf House, Margery Street, London, WC1X 0J
Supporting Young Carers in Schools