August 20, 2013
Jacksonville, Florida
Dear People of Holy Cross Faith Memorial
I am thrilled that I will soon be serving with and among you as Wil’s Assistant Rector for Pastoral Care and Outreach. I am both humbled and amazed by how this has come to be.
Nearly 4 months ago someone told me I should check out HCFM because great things were going on there. I found your website and right then fell half in love because of your campus, your mission statement, your on-campus outreach, and your strategic plan. I also heard great things about Wil Keith. So while on vacation I called Wil to ask for a tour and a conversation. There was just something about HCFM that tugged at me. I’ve learned to pay attention to those tugs and nudges.
Wil graciously gave me that tour and spent several hours talking with me about the state of the Episcopal Church of South Carolina, and of Holy Cross Faith Memorial and of his own happiness at being your rector.
But, as there was no position available at HCFM, I returned to Jacksonville feeling a little bereft. Why was the call to be there so strong when there was no position? I continued to pray for you and Wil and asked if it be God’s will that something (?) would happen.
A few weeks ago, something did happened and I can only describe it as God at work in the world about us. Suddenly there was a position at HCFM and I was eagerly on my way here to preach on a Sunday and to meet with Wil and others and with the Bishop. After prayerful discernment and more conversations Wil offered me the assistant position and I readily accepted.
As we go along we will get to know each other better but here is a thumbnail sketch of me. Before going into ministry I was a radio and television anchor-reporter and newsroom supervisor for 20 years. I received my Masters of Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia and was ordained in the Diocese of Southwest Florida. Since then I have served two large congregations in Florida specializing in pastoral care and outreach, mission and service, and advocacy on behalf of the marginalized and powerless. There is more but that will come later.
For now I cannot wait to get started on October 1. We are going to be such a good team.
Peace and Grace to you
The Rev. Sandra K. Moyle