Cargill Christian Preschool
and Daycare
Parent Newsletter
Volume 7, Issue 10
June 2016
2000 Wesley Ave. Janesville, WI 53545
(608) 752-2140
P4J Graduation
Monday, June 6th @ 6:30 pm
Please have your child in their classrooms by 6:00pm
Happy 1st Birthday to:
Maddux Piggott– 19th
Owen Fanning– 29th
Happy 3rd Birthday to:
Landon Mueller– 19th
Happy 4th Birthday to:
Max Fuelleman– 21st
Noah Oberdeck– 28th
Happy 5th Birthday to:
Ian Adams – 24th
Joey Lee Herbeck – 26th
Happy 6th Birthday to:
Cooper Dobson – 10th
Happy 8th Birthday to:
Jackson Liddell – 18th
Evan Hornung – 23rd
Happy Birthday to These Teachers:
Miss Elizabeth – 8th
Miss Anna – 20th
Miss Patricia – 29th
A Note From the Director
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!! Welcome summer. We are excited to get our summer fun going, but sad to say goodbye to our P4J friends. We wish the best to all of our P4J friends as they continue to Kindergarten. Also, we want to say goodbye to the children who will be off for the summer –we cannot wait to see you in the fall!
We would like to thank all families who donated items for Grandparent’s Day. Grandparent’s Day and Book Fair was a success thanks to Miss Alyss and her hard work she put in in planning these special events. Thank you to all the families that came to the carnival and brought a dish to pass. It was all too delicious and we enjoyed seeing all children and parents having a grand time at our annual carnival. Thank you Miss Janell for planning this event.
P4J Graduation will be held Monday, June 6th at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary. Please have students in their classroom by 6:00 PM. Light refreshments will be served afterwards in the fellowship hall. We hope to see you all there!
We would like to welcome back our summer school-agers and new families that recently joined us. School Agers are looking forward to their summer fun filled activities. They will be having fundraisers to help fund their field trips throughout the summer. They need our support, please stay tuned for information about these fundraisers and field trips this summer.
With these hot sunny days upon us, it is important to keep our children safe from the sun. We ask that each child bring in sunscreen. Parents/Guardians will need to fill out a slip stating that staff has permission to apply sunscreen on their child. Please see your child’s teacher for the slip. When bringing sunscreen in to school, please double check to make sure that the sunscreen has not yet expired and please if you have more than one child enrolled with us, each child must have their own sunscreen. Another reminder, please replace your child’s extra winter clothing with summer clothing. Thank you.
Center will be closed on Monday, July 4th for observing the holiday.
We are looking for several parents to be part of the daycare board. They meet every third Thursday of each month at 6:30pm. If you are interested please contact me in the office. We are hoping to have 2 or 3 parents.
We hope you have a wonderful month!
Miss Arolyn
Dear Parents:
It is with a heavy heart that I resign my position here at Cargill. During the past seventeen years as a Teacher and Director I have met so many wonderful children and families who have filled my heart with love. I will carry my memories with me forever. I can’t begin to thank you enough for all the hugs, laughter, and stories I have in my memory. At this time in my life with my husband’s health God has asked me to seek a different path to walk. I need to thank our wonderful staff for being so supportive during this change, and doing such a magnificent job with your children.
Please welcome our new Director, Dawn Allen, who will be here the week of June 20th. She has a strong passion for achieving quality childcare. As we walked around together a few weeks ago she was involved in some intense conversations with your children as they shared important information with each other. I know she will do a great job. Dawn and I will be working together the week of June 20th to help make it a smooth transition. My fondest memories will always be those of the children and families here at Cargill.
God Bless everyone,
Miss Aroln
North Office South Office
P.O. Box 1088 61 Eclipse Center
Janesville, WI 53547-1088 Beloit, WI 53511
608-757-5440 608-364-2010
608-758-8423 (fax) 608-364-2011 (fax)
May 31, 2016
Attention Parents:
This newsletter is to inform you that the Rock County Health Department has recently noticed an increase in cases of Shigella in our county. Shigella is a highly contagious bacterial illness that may cause symptoms of abdominal cramping, fever and mild to severe diarrhea that may have traces of blood or mucous. Persons infected with Shigella excrete this bacteria in their stool making it easy to transmit the infection to others through direct or indirect contact. This shedding can last for several weeks, even after symptoms have resolved. The majority of people infected during this outbreak are children, however, family members of infected children are also becoming ill.
Steps to take to prevent the spread of Shigella:
· Most important: Wash hands with soap and running water after using the restroom, before eating, and after eating. Make sure to wash all surfaces of the hand including fingernails.
· Assist young children in washing their hands.
· If your child has diarrhea, keep them home from school until they are symptom free for 24 hours. If your child attends a daycare, there may be stricter criteria before they can return to daycare.
· Keep in contact with your school or daycare if you are keeping a child home for an illness such as diarrhea.
· Contact your health care provider with questions about a diarrhea illness.
· Anyone with diarrhea should avoid preparing food for others.
· Clean commonly touched surfaces with a cleaning agent that is labeled as a disinfectant.
If you have questions regarding this letter contact the Rock County Health Department at
757-5440, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm.
The Rock County Public Health Department
Classroom Connection
Fun at Bon Park
End of the Year Trip for the three-old preschool
Even Start Family Literacy Program
Even Start is a comprehensive family literacy program, designed to increase the literacy level of the whole family.
All Even Start services are free of charge to eligible families. Criteria for family eligibility include:
- Income at or below poverty level
-At least one parent with a need to increase his/her literacy skills (through obtaining a GED/HSED or improving English through English Language Learning classes).
- At least one child under age 8
Cindy Laube,Coordinator
(608) 361-1905