Minutes of the one hundred and forty-sixth meeting of the Accreditation Committee held on Tuesday 10 January 2017.

Members Observers

*Ms C Wilkinson (Convenor) / Mr G Houston
*Mr M Hunter / *Ms L Halkett
*Ms V Mann
*Dr J Brown
*Mr D Abernethy
Mr P Campbell
*Dr K Thomson
Dr J Rees
Ms S Greco
*Ms J Handley
*Ms T Bryant-Shaw
*Mr G Jamieson
*Ms L Connell
Ms A Newton
*Mr G Brown
*Ms L Leitch
*Mr A Crone
*Ms L Hewitt
*Mr S Markwick

* indicates present


The Convenor informed Members of the format of the meeting. The Convenor asked Members to declare whether they had any ’conflicts of interest’ in the papers. No conflicts of interest were recorded.


The Convenor welcomed and wished all Members a happy New Year. The Convenor welcomed the following new Members to the Committee; Mr George Jamieson, Policy Manager, National Farmers Union, Ms Lisa Connell, HR & Training Manager, Scottish Salmon Company and, Ms Tracy Bryant-Shaw, Head of Human Resources, Scottish Sea Farms Limited. A welcome was also offered to Ms Leanne Halkett, Administrator, SQA Accreditation.

The Convenor informed Members that Ms Angela Newton, Group Head of Learning, Development and Quality at Apex Hotels would also be joining the Accreditation Committee but was unable to attend today’s meeting.


Apologies were received from Mr G Houston, Mr P Campbell, Ms S Greco, Dr Rees and Ms A Newton.

Members were informed that this would have been the last meeting that Mr Houston would have attended as his period of time as Chairman had come to an end. The Convenor thanked Mr Houston for all his support and contributions to the Accreditation Committee.


There were no resignations to note.


Members were informed that four new members had now been appointed onto the Accreditation Committee.


The minutes of the one hundred and forty-fifth meeting of the Accreditation Committee were approved as a correct record.


No matters arising.



Mr Markwick introduced paper AC146/3 and provided an update on the annual audit meeting report for the above awarding body

Members were informed that there were no outstanding issues.

Action: Members approved the audit reports.


Mr Markwick introduced paper AC146/4 and provided an update on the above awarding body provider monitoring report.

Members were informed that there were no outstanding issues.

Action: Members approved the provider report.

146/5 OPERATIONAL PLAN 2017-2018

Mr Brown introduced paper AC146/5 and updated Members on the changes. The potential objectives were discussed and suggestions made for inclusion within the operational plan.

Members were informed that Strategic Goals 5, 6 and 8 are relevant to the proposed objectives for the accreditation function for 2017 – 2018.

An objective regarding the Stakeholder Survey and subsequent development of an Action Plan has been included as it has been three years since the last survey had been carried out.

Members were informed that an objective relating to the development of a risk strategy had been included. This would assist in the determination of risk appetite in relation to particular qualifications and awarding bodies.

Mr Markwick informed Members that he would like to set up a project group to look at developing a possible ‘risk strategy’. Those involved in the group would be SQA Accreditation staff and Members from the Accreditation Committee. This was agreed to be a good idea and the Convenor suggested that three Members could be involved. It was agreed that the Accreditation Committee had a role in providing support and direction in this area.

There was a discussion around the risk strategy and what areas of activity SQA Accreditation should be prioritising especially when the budget is tight. This would highlight to Scottish Government what activities SQA Accreditation would be able to carry out within the grant-in-aid budget.

Members also discussed the absence of a Scottish Government official on the Accreditation Committee. Members were advised that there is no official with a policy remit for the accreditation functions. Discussions with Scottish Government are ongoing.

Mr Brown informed Members that provider monitoring visits would include a focus on Foundation Apprenticeships to ensure that the assessment of SVQ units for young people undertaking the Foundation Apprenticeship is of a comparable standard to those undertaking the SVQ full time in the workplace.

Members were informed that the National Occupational Standards are still critical and we need to maintain relationships with Wales and Norther Ireland.

Action: Members approved the operational plan 2017 – 2018. Members agreed to a project group to be set up to look at developing a possible ‘risk strategy’ Mr Markwick will be in touch with Accreditation Committee Members for volunteers.

Members have asked for wording to be changed under the first column, bullet point 4 ‘where appropriate’ to be changed to ‘where relevant’.


Mr Brown introduced paper AC146/6 asking members to approve the updated version of the Accreditation Committee (AC) and Accreditation Coordination Group (ACG) Standing Orders.

Members were informed of the changes that had been made to the Standing Orders:

-  The Customer Charter document had been replaced with the Customer Handling Procedure document within the Accreditation Coordination Group Standing Orders.

-  Under sections 14.2 to 14.4 of the AC Standing Orders and 10.2 and 104 of the ACG Standing Orders the wording has been changed to match the timelines with the ‘Appeals Process’ document.

-  Within both Standing Orders ‘Sector Skills Councils’ have been replaced with ‘standards setting organisations’.

The Convenor informed Members that she had not informed the Board when Accreditation Committee Members had failed to attend three consecutive meetings. This falls under 9.1 of the Accreditation Standing Orders. Going forward the Convenor will now inform the Board.

Mr Thomson suggested that track changes should be left on when these documents are amended and also with any policy documents.

Action: Members approved the Accreditation Committee and Accreditation Coordination Group Standing Orders and these are to be presented to the Board of Management for consideration and approval.


Mr Brown introduced paper AC146/7 and provided Members with the proposed revised equality outcomes for SQA Accreditation.

Mr Brown proposed to Members that over the next three years the contributory actions focus on two areas: reasonable adjustments/special considerations and recognition of prior learning/achievement.

One of the initial contributory actions was to ensure that all awarding bodies had a policy relating to reasonable adjustments/special considerations. This will be built in to the audit and provider monitoring visits to ensure that awarding bodies have and are applying their policies.

Members were also informed that Scottish Government is considering how it can support migrant workers in having their qualifications recognised in Scotland. Currently some migrant workers are being required to undertake Scottish qualifications when they already hold a similar qualification in their home country.

Members were informed that the UK NARIC database will show what each qualification is equivalent to.

Although the equality outcome runs for three years Members have asked for an update on an annual basis.

Members were informed that the contributory actions were:

·  Monitor and review the implementation of Reasonable Adjustment and Special Considerations Policies by Awarding Bodies

·  Monitor and review the implementation of Reasonable Adjustment and Special Considerations Policies by providers

·  Monitor and review the implementation of policies with regards to the Recognition of Prior Learning and Recognition of Prior Achievement by Awarding Bodies

·  Monitor and review the implementation of policies with regards to the Recognition of Prior Learning and Recognition of Prior Achievement by providers

Action: Members approved the Equality Outcomes. Members have asked for an update on an annual basis.


Mr Markwick introduced paper AC146/8 and informed Members that the following policies were reviewed to ensure that they continued to be fit for purpose.

·  SQA Accreditation’s Removal of Approved Awarding Body Status Policy

·  SQA Accreditation’s Sanctions Policy

During the review it was felt that the Removal of Approved Awarding Body Status was effectively a sanctions policy. A number of areas of improvement were identified which resulted in the amalgamation of the above two policies. This also gave an opportunity to amend some of the language to give the decision making process a little more flexibility. Changes in terminology will allow decisions to be made on a case by case basis.

SQA Accreditation has sought legal advice on the introduction of public reporting of sanctions applied to awarding bodies. As a result the regulatory sanctions policy has been updated to include this. SQA Accreditation website will be updated to include sanction decisions.

Members discussed what the impact on students would be if it was highlighted on the public reporting that they had been given a sanction. Members were informed that it is SQA Accreditation’s credibility that matters.

Action: Members approved the SQA Accreditation’s Regulatory Sanctions Policy.


Mr Brown introduced paper AC146/9 and provided Members with an update on the status of the SQA Accreditation’s Risk Register.

Mr Brown highlighted to members the new risk that had been added since the last meeting. The risk is in relation to involvement of SQA Accreditation in contributing to the strategy and future structure of the National Occupational Standards (NOS) Programme.

Members were informed that one risk had been reduced (14DR17 – no announcement has been made with regards to the funding of the NOS programme for 2016/17). Although all contracts are now issued and work is underway there are still concerns about the timescales for completion of the work. Especially given that some projects have an end date of 31 March 2017.

Members were advised that there is a NOS Governance Group, which comprises of official from the three Devolved Nations, and SDS, and that there is a NOS Panel which comprises of SQA Accreditation, CCEA Regulation, Welsh Government and SDS. The Governance Group oversees strategy and policy whilst the NOS Panel oversees operational activities. Members were of the view that it would be beneficial if SQA Accreditation was able to attend the NOS Governance Group to provide advice and guidance.

Members were updated with regards to IT systems to support the operational activity of SQA Accreditation. A meeting has been set for 19 January 2017 to enable a demonstration of the potential product.

Members felt that risks14DR10 and 16DR21 which are regarding resources could either be merged as one or sit beneath each other.

It was also discussed that the risk report should be of a higher level and the day to day activities to be removed. The risk should be at functional level and operational level could be a separate document.

Members recongised that it was a challenge for SQA Accreditation to cover all activities as it is a small section.

Action: Members discussed the Risk Register and were content with the risk scores attached to each risk. Members have asked for a higher level risk document to be developed and presented to the next Accreditation Committee meeting.


Mr Brown introduced paper AC146/10 and provided Members with an update on the Quarterly Performance Report for the third quarter 2016/17.

Members were informed that all scheduled activity is green with three exceptions. First one relates to the development of an IT application which would support the work of the team. A demonstration of an ‘off-the-shelf’ product has been arranged for January 2017 to determine the suitability of a product and to determine how much customisation would be required.

The second relates to the organisation and hosting of a stakeholder event in Q4. The last stakeholder event was held in early September 2016, this replaced the original scheduled event for March 2016. At the last Accreditation Committee meeting it was agreed to discuss whether an event in March 2017 should be held. It was agreed that going forward this event should be held in May/June by which time contracts should be issued to the Standards Setting Organisations.

Date of the event will be circulated to Members as early as possible so that they can attend. It was also suggested that attendance from Scottish Government would be beneficial and ideally a Minister could deliver the opening session on the day. Organisations attending will be given the chance to contribute on what they would like on the agenda.

Members were informed that the quality of submissions to Accreditation Coordination Group (ACG) has improved; a project group has been working on this area.

Action: Members discussed the Quality Performance Report. Date for the Stakeholder Event to be agreed and date circulated to Accreditation Committee Members.


Mr Crone introduced paper AC146/11 and updated members on the completion of projects.

Mr Crone gave a brief explanation for new Members of how the standards and framework commissioning process determines the funding provided for the review and development of National Occupational Standards (NOS), Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) and Modern Apprenticeships.

In context the Delivery Partners, Standards Setting Organisations and Sector Skills Councils, would ideally be contracted in April with projects scheduled throughout the year ending the following February. This would provide an operational year of 11 months.

For this financial year contracts were issued in September, although some were even later in November, with final completion dates of 31 March 2017. Consequently the significantly reduced operational year presents challenges and concerns for Delivery Partners being able to complete all their projects on time.

Members were informed that having considered the feasibility of actually completing all contracted projects on time some Delivery Partners have, with agreement of Skills Development Scotland, pulled a small amount of projects originally planned for this year.