Dear Parents/Guardians,

My name is Michelle Warwick and I am your child’s teacher this year. Your child is in K/1W. I am very excited to be working alongside you to educate your child.


Students will receive a homework book next week (Monday), with all of their homework sheets glued in for the term. One sheet is one week’s worth of homework. Students need to read or be read to daily, as this is important in getting them ready for reading and establishing them as fluent, confident readers. More information regarding our Home Reading system will be sent home soon. Each week the students will have to practise their spelling words, which will also be focused on that week in the classroom. The students can then choose which activities they wish to complete. Homework books can be returned on a Friday for marking.


Library will start this week, with your child borrowing on a Thursday with Ms Bond, our Library teacher. Students will need to bring in a clean library bag to place in our class tub located on the seat outside the library, before the bell rings in the morning.


Sports day will be on a Friday and students will need to wear their sport uniform.


Unfortunately I will be on leave in Weeks 5-7 of this term. Mrs Manasawage will be taking the class for this time. If you have any questions during this time, please see either Mrs Manasawage or Miss Twist.


During the day students have several opportunities to have something to eat and drink, including fruit break. They are to bring along some fruit for fruit break and I encourage all students to bring a drink bottle that they can leave on their desk for use during the day.


This year we will be using a digital portfolio to store students’ work and photos and to send reminder messages when events are going to occur. This digital portfolio is able to be viewed by the child’s parents/family members and you are welcome to add comments to items that are uploaded. Attached to this note I have included instructions for how to access your child’s work.


Scripture occurs every Tuesday. Your child will be sent to the scripture class that you have indicated on your child’s enrolment form.


If your child is away for any reason you will need to supply us with a note the following day, stating the date and reason why your child was absent from school. This is a requirement from the Department of Education. If your child is away for longer than a week, it would be greatly appreciated if you could call the school and inform us. If you are planning on taking leave (e.g. holiday) a note will need to be sent to the school prior to the holiday for approval.

Change of routines

As you would be aware routines are very important in the early years of school and help us ensure your child has a settled day. Could you please assist us by informing the school if there is a change to your child’s normal school routine. For example, someone different picking up, not catching a bus or not feeling well. This can be done by leaving a message with the schools office staff or by giving your child a note to give to me.

Parent Helper

During Term 1 we will be establishing routines and ensuring the class is settled before asking for parent helpers. Term 2 we will be looking for parent helpers to assist us in the classroom. A note will be sent home requesting assistance at a later date.


The following is a list of items that we are hoping you would be able to assist us with supplying for our classroom.

Whiteboard maker

Paint shirt


Hand soap/sanitiser

If you have any questions or queries feel free to come and see me or contact me on,

It cannot be guaranteed that emails will be read during the school day, so any urgent messages need to be phoned through to the school.


Mrs Warwick