Dear Students and Parents:
I am very pleased to have your son/daughter in my class this year. I am making the commitment to help each student maximize his/her potential in mathematics. I expect that you and your student will join me in this commitment.
As a parent, you can be a key source of motivation and support for your student. I would ask that you not only monitor the completion of his/her daily homework, but also monitor his/her achievement on unit quizzes, tests, and other various classroom activities. If your student is not progressing satisfactorily, you should encourage him/her to seek additional help. I am very committed to providing this extra assistance. I will be available each day before school from 8:30- 9:00.
In order to improve as a mathematics student, you must be willing to be an active participant in class. You can do this by:
1. Asking questions and being involved in each and every lesson.
2. Completing all class work and homework assignments.
3. Taking and completing notes including summaries and “tips”. (We will discuss this more later.)
4. Being organized by having a 3 ring binder, a spiral notebook, a pencil, a pen, and questions regarding the current material each and every day.
5. Students will also be required to use the internet for various classroom lessons and activities. (Please let me know if this will be an issue for you and I will make special arrangements.)
Note: There will be times when it is necessary to seek extra help to keep on pace with the class. This is completely normal and a big part of being a successful math student.
The best way to be successful in this class is to prepare for tests and quizzes. This can be done in many ways:
- Do all of your homework! There is always a direct relationship between completing homework and passing assessments. The test problems are always very similar to your homework problems.
- Ask questions in class! If you missed a homework problem, you should assume that similar problems will be on the test.
- Go over your chapter notes and homework. Rework any problems that may seem difficult.
- Go to my website for the class calendar, helpful links, and various review videos for many of the key topics.
My grading and discipline policies are on the back of this page. Please read and discuss them with your student and then sign and return the bottom portion of this letter.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me through the school office at (909) 696-1406 or E-mail to . Please remind your student that I am available for extra help. I am looking forward to an exciting year and sharing my enthusiasm for mathematics with you and your student.
Mr. J. King
Mathematics Instructor
Shivela Middle School
(Please detach here and return this portion) Mr. King’s Class
Student’s name______
Parent/Guardian’s names______
Parent’s E-mail address ______
Parent’s Signature______Date______
1. Homework will be assigned each class meeting with very few exceptions. Parents can check class calendar to verify assignments. Full credit is given when all problems have been attempted and work is shown and labeled. Homework is checked for completeness not accuracy. It is the student’s responsibility to make the necessary corrections at the beginning of class. Points will be taken off if corrections are not made.
2. If a homework assignment is missed, I will only accept late work up to two days after the original due date
with a 50% penalty. Absent work will receive no penalty if it is turned in within the same number of days that
the student was absent. It is the responsibility of the student to get any make-up work needed.
2. Grades are broken up into the following categories: Assessments (tests, quizzes, and projects) and Practice (classwork and homework), with 80% of the overall grade based on assessments and 20% based on practice.
**As you can see, with such a large majority of the grade based on assessments, students will be required to demonstrate a true understanding of the mathematics to receive a passing grade. Studying both the notes and homework is a critical step in having success on the assessments. **
5. A computer printout of my gradebook is posted in the classroom giving the students access to their current
grades. This printout is updated approximately every two weeks, which assures that students always know their
grades. Parents will also have access to these updates on the Aries website (see office for codes).
1. Be on time and prepared for each class meeting
2. Do not disrupt others from learning
3. Show respect for others, as well as school property
4. All students must participate in all classroom activities
1. Verbal and Non-verbal praise
2. Positive phone calls or notes to parents
3. Late homework pass
4. King Cash for weekly prizes
1. Verbal warning
2. Break detention/Time out
3. One hour detention and Parent Notification
4. Submit “Discipline Card” for administrative review
SEVERE CLAUSE: Should a discipline problem arise that requires immediate attention, the student will be
sent with a “Rapid Exit Card” to the assistant principal.