Press Release
For Immediate Release
JSCC Foundation Holds 25th Annual Golf Tournament
Kenansville, North Carolina October 18, 2010 – The James Sprunt Foundation hosted its 25th Annual Golf Tournament on October 14 at River Landing Golf Club in Wallace, North Carolina.
Twenty six teams played in the tournament in support of the James Sprunt Foundation and James Sprunt Community College in its major fundraising event of the year. The purpose of the tournament is to raise funds for scholarships for deserving JSCC students. A record-setting number of 71 hole sponsors also contributed to the cause.
“The College offers its thanks to River Landing Golf Club, Foundation Board members, teams, sponsors, donors, and all the volunteers, who have made our 25th year such a successful tournament,” said Dr. Lawrence Rouse, JSCC President. “The fundraising efforts of the College have a profound impact on many of our students, determining whether or not they are able to attend JSCC and/or remain at JSCC and complete their programs of study. We are committed to making every effort in support of the success of our students and Duplin County.”
With a score of 57, first place went to the Cas-Mech Team with Charles Sumner, Pete Melville, Mike Melville, and Todd Phillips. Each player received a $100 certificate to the River Landing Pro Shop. With a score of 59, second place was taken by Charles Atkinson-Valley Proteins Team with Shannon Owen, Eric Brown, Stewart Monroe, and Mike Hooks. Each player received a $50 gift certificate to the River Landing Pro Shop.
Rick Green and Shirley Pickett had the longest drives. Closest to the pin were Tom Gneissic, Ryan Elvin, and Bob Harvey. Each of these winners received a $30 gift certificate to the River Landing Pro Shop.
In the raffle drawing, Margaret Williams won a Scotty Cameron putter, and Ken Kennedy won 4 rounds of golf at River Landing. Rick Love won the 50/50 shoot out contest, taking home $205.
The Booth/Buckner Team with Truett Booth, Kendall Oliver, Greg Buckner, and Erick Ritter won the team putting contest receiving $40 each.
First place winner was the Cas-Mech Team. Left to right are Charles Sumner, Pete Melville, Mike Melville, and Todd Phillips.
Second place winner was the Charles Atkinson-Valley Proteins Team. Left to right are Shannon Owen, Stewart Monroe, and Mike Hooks. Not pictured is Eric Brown.