Physical Science Syllabus

Mrs. Soulsby

2016 - 2017

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Physical Science!!

Email Address:

Contact Number: 770-651-2787

School Website: (You can access Mrs. Soulsby’s webpage from this site by selecting school staff, and clicking on Ms. Soulsby’s name.

Teacher Website:

Textbook: Glencoe Science: Physical Science : The student edition is available online at Access Code: FD39AF83EA

Assignment Calendar: Students and Parents can access daily assignments and upcoming test dates at available as a free android/iphone app, or you may access using your personal computer.

Tutoring Schedule: Mondays, 3:45 to 4:20, other times available upon request with advance notice

Course Objective:

In accordance with the Georgia Performance Standards (, the Physical Science curriculum is designed to continue student investigations of the physical sciences that began in grades K-8 and provide students the necessary skills to have a richer knowledge base in physical science. This course is designed as a survey course of chemistry and physics. This curriculum includes the more abstract concepts such as the conceptualization of the structure of atoms, motion and forces, and the conservation of energy and matter, the action/reaction principle, and wave behavior. Students investigate physical science concepts through experience in laboratories and field work using the processes of inquiry.

Required Materials:

1.  Composition Notebook

2.  Glue Sticks

3.  Notebook Paper and Graphing Paper (approximately 50 Sheets)

4.  A calculator (preferably scientific/$1.00 at Dollar Tree or Walmart). Cell Phone calculators may not be used.

5.  A pencil or pen at all times.

Grading Policy and Scale:

In accordance with Douglas County School Board Policy, the grading scale for High School courses is as follows:

A = 90-100; B = 80 – 89; C = 71-79; D= 70; F= 69 or lower.

All grades can be categorized into three groups, summative, formative, and End-of-Course Assessment. All grades are academic and relevant to this course. Extra credit must be academic, and issued at the discretion of the teacher.

I.  Summative Grades: Summative grades will comprise approximately 50% of the 36 week average, and could include but are not limited to: Examinations/Tests, Projects, Formal Lab Reports, Term Papers, Compositions, Benchmarks, Common District Assessments, midterms, and other similar assignments

II.  Formative Grades: Formative grades will comprise approximately 30% of the 36 week average, and could include but are not limited to: Class Work, Notebooks, Mini-Labs, Quizzes, Homework, and other similar assignments

III.  EOC/Final Exam: End of Course Test will count 20% of the 36 week average.


*A student/parent has 5 business days from the date report cards are issued to appeal the final grade.

The appeal must be made in writing to the principal and the decision of the principal is final.

Remediation and Retesting

Students who do not show mastery of the content standards on a class test (teacher created) will be given an opportunity to retest after remediation activities have been completed during class or tutoring.

Unit Tests

Unit tests will be given after the completion of each concept/unit of study. Each test will be designed to encourage students to demonstrate knowledge of both the concept most recently covered and the random segments of previously tested concepts.

End of Course Test

The End of the Course Test (EOCT) is written and administered by Georgia’s Department of Education. It is designed to test students competence in the concepts outlined in the Georgia Performance Standards for High School Physical Science. Students will be issued a copy of the Performance Standards and Student Learning Map for each unit.


1.  Bathroom: Students have time between classes to use the bathroom, so trips to the bathroom are discouraged during learning time. Students will be issued 3 restroom passes per 18 weeks for emergency purposes only.

2.  Class period Tardies: New Manchester H.S. has a zero tardy policy. Doors will be closed when the bell rings. If a student is tardy to class they will be directed to a designated area to receive a tardy pass in order to return to class.

3.  Late Classwork: All assignments are expected to be completed and turned in on time. Failure to complete and submit assignments when due will result in a zero, unless a valid reason is presented.

4.  Missed Tests: If a student is absent on the date that a unit test is given; the student must take the test on the date of his/her return to class, in compliance with School Board Policy.

5.  Make-Up Work: Make up work will only be given to students that have missed class with an excused absence.

a.  The make-up assignment may not be the original assignment, but it will address the same concepts.

b.  Make up work is due at the next class meeting after it is assigned.

6.  Homework: All homework is expected to be complete and turned in on time. An assignment will be considered late if it is not turned in when the teacher collects it. Late homework will be collected a class day after it was due with a maximum grade of 50%. NO HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE NEXT CLASS MEETING.

*Homework/Agenda APP: and are links to websites that NHMS will use to replace the need for student agendas. These wonderful tools assist with communication between teachers, parents and students. All students are required to sign up for both the apps in which tests and major assignments will be posted, as well as the class syllabus. The app is both android/iphone compatible.

Teacher Expectations:

1.  Be On Time.

a.  Be in your seat when the bell rings.

b.  Have your materials out, ready to begin.

2.  Be Respectful.

a.  Value everyone’s opinions and/or answers all the time. Accurate or not.

b.  It is distracting to visit the sharpener or trash can while anyone is addressing the whole group.

c.  Absolutely NO profanity. EVER!

3.  Be On Task.

a.  Attention should only be given to activities that contribute to your learning.

b.  The teacher decides when and how it is appropriate for you to use your technology.

c.  During group work please stay with your group.

4.  Be Honest.

a.  All work you turn in should be your own.

5.  Be Proud of NMHS.

a.  Clean your area before you leave.

b.  Only talk highly of your school, teachers and classmates.


There is a ZERO tolerance policy for cheating. Cheating is obtaining information from any sources other than those prescribed (approved) by the teacher for the specific assignment.

Examples of cheating offenses:

A. Having a “cheat sheet”

B. Copying from someone else’s paper during a test or homework assignment

C. Providing someone else with answers

D. Talking during a test

E. Plagiarism (copying, word for word, or ideas, without giving credit to your source)

F. Use of any technology (cells phones will be turned in prior to testing and returned after the testing period is


If a student has a question any time during the testing period, they must raise their hand as not to disturb/disrupt other students testing. During assessments every student’s desk should be cleared before testing, except for the materials the teacher gives or asks the students to take out. If a student is caught cheating, student(s) that copied the information and/or provided the information will be given a grade of a zero.

Penalties for cheating:

1. Parent notification

2. An assignment of 0% for the grade will be entered in the grade book

3. Make up opportunities up to the discretion of the instructor

4. Office Referral

DISCIPLINE CONSEQUENCES: (severe disruptions will be sent to office)

1st Offense: Warning – Verbal/Nonverbal

2nd Offense: Short conference with student and parent contact

3rd Offense: Before/After School Detention

4th Offense: Referral to an administrator or counselor


All minor infractions (chit chat, off task, sleeping/head down, inappropriate behavior, etc.) will be subject to Science Dept. Detention Students will be issued a form with the date and location of Detention. The form must be returned by the day of the detention with both parent and student signature. Failure to do so will result in an administrator referral. There will be 48hrs notice given to the student to arrange transportation. At any time parent contact will be made if the student chooses to behave contrary to the rules and expectations set forth.


·  Electronics devices cannot be used, unless prior permission has been granted by the teacher. This includes, but is not limited to cell phones.

·  You are responsible for your electronic device.

•  You cannot charge your device in the classroom.

•  Classrooms will not be searched for lost/stolen items. It is your responsibility to keep up with your belongings.

Electronic Device Procedures:


2.  No cell phones during CODE BLUE DRILLS!!!

3.  If a device is taken out or used without the instructor’s permission, that will start the discipline cycle for you in the following manner:

a)  Collection of device by teacher, and turn-in to the office for parent pick-up;

b)  parent contact/detention;

c)  office referral


Work that has been graded and returned must be kept in your class folder; selected assignments will be kept in the student’s classroom folder, and returned before each unit test. Quizzes and test will be kept on file in the classroom, and will be able for review. I am open to, and welcome conferences with students and parents.

“Let’s have a GREAT year together, and enjoy learning science.”