Newsletter to Parents – Friday,24thNovember, 2017

Dear Parent(s) and Carer(s),

Christmas Postie Service

From 1st December, our school Council will be offering a Christmas postal service within school whereby they will be collecting, franking, sorting and delivering Christmas cards between classes. We are asking children to design Christmas stamps. The winning entries will then be on sale, from the beginning of December, for 1 pence each. All proceeds will go to the school council’s projects over the course of the year and charities the school council choose to support. If you need a replacement stamp template to enter our competition, please feel free to ask at the school office.

Changes for Extra Curriculum Clubs – From January 2018

From January 2018 we will open up the extracurriculum activity clubs to all children in Years 1 to 6 (these include tennis, zumba, gymnastics, street dance, footballand arts and craft clubs).

As we move towards being a cashless school, we will operate a new system that will meanthat you will have to book a place on-line using our ‘Sims Agora’ online payment system. This will operate on a first come, first served basis and you will have to pay with yourdebit/credit card at the time of booking to reserve a place. As before, places will be limitedand if you are not successful, your child’s name can still be put on a waiting list held at theschool office. Please note, payments are non-refundable.

Christmas Performances:

Years 1, 2 & 3 to Grandparents 13:30, Friday, 8th December

Years 1, 2 & 3 to Parents18:00-19:00,Monday 11thDecember

Years 1, 2 & 3 to Parents18:00-19:00,Tuesday, 12thDecember

Parents of 6TP, 5SK, 4YS Church Performance 14:00,Tuesday, 12th December

Parents of 6SA, 5LC, 4DH Church Performance14:00,Wednesday, 13th December

Evening Church Performance to Parents 18:00, Thursday, 14th December

REW/NNP Christmas Performance to ParentsP.M. Tuesday, 19th December

RGH/NNA Christmas Performance to ParentsA.M. Wednesday, 20th December


This year, our Reception and year 1 children will be visiting the Warwick Arts Centre to watch ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ on Wednesday, 29th November and our year 2 and 3 children will visit The Belgrade Theatre to watch ‘Cinderella’ on Friday, 15thDecember. If you would like to make a voluntary contribution and have not already done so, please send payment into the school office in a named, sealed envelope. Thank you in advance.

PSA Facebook Page

Please like and follow the Ravensdale’s PSA Facebook page for information on upcoming events and ways in which you can help.

PSA Christmas Fayre

Our Christmas Fayre will take place on Friday, 15th December, starting at 3.30pm. There will be lots of festive fun, our hugely popular cake stall and games. We may also have a very special visitor joining us! If you are able to give up a bit of time to help it would be much appreciated.

Dates for Diary:

Reception & Year 1 Trip Wednesday, 29th November

Year 1 Learning Together Session09:00-09:45, Tuesday, 5th December

“One Body, One Life” Meeting15:30, Wednesday, 6th December

Dance Assembly to Parents09:00, Wednesday, 13th December

PSA Christmas Fayre Friday, 15th December

Family Carols16:15 – Tuesday, 19th December