15 June 2016

Dear Parent/ Carer,

RE: - Activity Days

I am writing to give you further details about the four Activity Days on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of July. The purpose of these days is to allow the students to participate in a range of school based activities to enhance team building, social cohesion and British values.

During these four days, your son/ward has a choice of activities that he can take part in. Please find enclosed a timetable of events for your son/ward to participate in. Some activities require payment to take part in while others are free. These events are broken into year groups and we would appreciate if you could complete the appropriate form and return it by Monday 20th June. Attendance to these days is compulsory and represents a key opportunity to develop “Skills for Life”. Once an activity has been selected your son/ward will need to collect a letter from the main office, where further details and information can be found.

Students will not need to wear school uniform although appropriate clothing for these four days is requested. Jeans are not permitted due to the range of sporting and team building based activities taking place on various days. A voluntary contribution of £2.00 is requested towards the cost of the materials that will be used by all students. This money will also be used to award prizes to those students who make an outstanding effort during this time. Students should pay this to the main office where a register of payment will be kept. All activities have limits on numbers, so spaces will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

The canteen will be open as usual but there will be an alternative menu in place for these days including a BBQ. There will also be an ice cream van, where students will need to bring in money if they wish to purchase refreshments. The canteen will be open as normal and if your child is entitled to a free school meal, these will be available as normal.

If your son/ward has any medical needs that we are unaware of, please could you inform us of this immediately so that we may make appropriate arrangements. Thank you for your support; please do not hesitate to contact me via email or via the school office if you require any further information.

Yours sincerely

Mr. M Dallas
Assistant Headteacher

Year 7 Activities

Is your son/ward booked on the Wales residential trip with Mr Smith? / Yes/No
If your son/ward is on the residential trip with Mr Smith, please DO NOT select options below.
Monday 11th July
Event: - Dover Castle Trip
Cost £20
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Sporting Activities
All students to take part, coaching and teambuilding for those who are unable to compete in competitions. A reminder that no jeans are to be worn on these activity days.
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Tuesday 12th July
Event: - Bowling Trip
Cost £5.50
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Trading Game
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Wednesday 13th July
Event: - Laser Tag
Cost £21 (Lunch Included)
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Masterchef Cooking
Cost £5
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - First Aid Training
Cost £4
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]* / Event: - Royal Engineers Museum Activity
Cost £2
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]* / Event – Teambuilding Activities
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Thursday 14th July
Event: - Football Golf
Cost £18
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Chessington Trip
Cost £31.20
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Sci-Art-Matics Fun Activities
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]

*Both the First Aid Training and Royal Engineers Museum Activity can be taken together; therefore both activities can be ticked

Year 8 Activities

Is your son/ward booked on the London residential trip with the English Department on 13th & 14th July? / Yes/No
If your son/ward is on this residential trip, please DO NOT select options for the 13th & 14th
Monday 11th July
Event: - Dover Castle
Cost £20
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Chessington Trip
Cost £31.20
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Sci-Art-Matics Fun Activities
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Tuesday 12th July
Event: - Bowling Trip
Cost £5.50
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Masterchef Cooking
Cost £5
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - First Aid Training
Cost £4
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]* / Event: - Royal Engineers Museum Activity
Cost £2
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]* / Event – Teambuilding Activities
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Wednesday 13th July
Event: - Laser Tag
Cost £21 (Lunch Included)
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Trading Game
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Thursday 14th July
Event: - Football Golf
Cost £18
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Sporting Activities
All students to take part, coaching and teambuilding for those who are unable to compete in competitions. A reminder that no jeans are to be worn on these activity days.
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]

*Both the First Aid Training and Royal Engineers Museum Activity can be taken together; therefore both activities can be ticked

Year 9 Activities

Is your son/ward booked on the London residential trip with the English Department on 13th & 14th July? / Yes/No
If your son/ward is on this residential trip, please DO NOT select options for the 13th & 14th
Monday 11th July
Event: - Dover Castle
Cost £20
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Masterchef Cooking
Cost £5
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - First Aid Training
Cost £4
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]* / Event: - Royal Engineers Museum Activity
Cost £2
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]* / Event – Teambuilding Activities
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Tuesday 12th July
Event: - Bowling Trip
Cost £5.50
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Thorpe Park Trip
Cost £32.60
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Sci-Art-Matics Fun Activities
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Wednesday 13th July
Event: - Laser Tag
Cost £21 (Lunch Included)
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Sporting Activities
All students to take part, coaching and teambuilding for those who are unable to compete in competitions. A reminder that no jeans are to be worn on these activity days.
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Thursday 14th July
Event: - Football Golf
Cost £18
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Apprentice Game
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]

*Both the First Aid Training and Royal Engineers Museum Activity can be taken together; therefore both activities can be ticked

Year 10 Activities

Monday 11th July
Event: - Dover Castle
Cost £20
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Apprentice Game
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Tuesday 12th July
Event: - Bowling Trip
Cost £5.50
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Sporting Activities
All students to take part, coaching and teambuilding for those who are unable to compete in competitions. A reminder that no jeans are to be worn on these activity days.
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Wednesday 13th July
Event: - Laser Tag
Cost £21 (Lunch Included)
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Thorpe Park Trip
Cost £32.60
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Sci-Art-Matics Fun Activities
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]
Thursday 14th July
Event: - Football Golf
Cost £18
Out of school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - Masterchef Cooking
Cost £5
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ] / Event: - First Aid Training
Cost £4
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]* / Event: - Royal Engineers Museum Activity
Cost £2
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]* / Event: - Teambuilding Activities
In school activity
Please tick here to choose this option [ ]

*Both the First Aid Training and Royal Engineers Museum Activity can be taken together; therefore both activities can be ticked