EnAbling Change Funding 2011/12

Stage 1: Letter of Interest

EnAbling Change Partnership Program

Public Education and Partnerships Unit

Outreach and Compliance Branch

Accessibility Directorate of Ontario

Ministry of Community and Social Services

777 Bay Street, Suite 601A

Toronto, Ontario M7A 2J4


Dear Ministry Representative:

We are interested in applying to the EnAbling Change Partnership Program. We understand that if our project idea is selected for further consideration, you will contact us and request us to submit a detailed proposal.

We are providing the following information about our organization and our project.


Part 1: About your organization

1.Organization name:

2.We are an incorporated, non-profit organization.

Date of incorporation:

Corporation number:

3.We are aware that the EnAbling Change program does not provide funding for the following:

Funding for direct services

Funding for capital expenses such as equipment, furniture, or buildingrenovations (e.g., ramps, automatic door openers, etc.)

Funding for an ongoing program or initiative

Funding for an accessibility audit

Funding to promote religious or political activities

Funding for administrative, operational or overhead expenses relatedto ongoing business activities

Funding for raising awareness about a specific disability(ies)

Funding to provide grants to others

Funding for workplace accommodation or other accessibility measuresalready required under the Ontario Human Rights Code

and that if any of the above is requested, our application will be ineligible for funding.


4.Our organization primarily represents:

Private sector organizations

Non-profit sector organizations

Broader public sector organizations

Other (please specify):

5.Our organization’s mandate is: (Maximum of 100 words.)

6.Please provide an example that demonstrates your organization’s project management skills and capacity to implement large scale projects successfully. (Maximum of 100 words.)

Part 2: About your project idea

Measurable Targets

7.Your project must have sector-wide impact. Which of the following is the main target audience of your project? (Check more than one if applicable.)

Private sector

Non-profit sector

Broader public sector

Other (please specify):

8.Approximately how many member organizations or individuals will you reach through this project? How will you engage organizations and create coalitions outside your membership? (Maximum of 150 words.)

9.Your project idea must support one of the current priorities of the EnAbling Change Program. Which priority area does your project address? (Check only one.)

Supports awareness and readiness for the entire proposed Integrated Accessibility Regulation

Supports awareness and readiness for a future standard in accessible information and communications

Supports awareness and readiness for a future standard in accessible transportation

Supports awareness and readiness for a future standard in accessible employment

Support development of a province-wide accessibility awareness campaign aimed at children and youth

Supports the development and facilitation of a competition for post secondary students to incorporate universal design principals into practice within their field of study.

10.Provide a brief description and list the key deliverables (products or otherwise) of your project. (Maximum of 150 words.)

11.What communication or distribution channels will you use to deliver/disseminate the key deliverables to your target audience? (Maximum of 100 words.)

Sustainability and Continuous Improvement

12.How will the project be sustained beyond its completion? (Maximum of 150 words.)

Partnerships and Linkages

13.List the names of people or organizations that would be involved as secondary partners in the project. Also provide explanation of the role that they would play as a secondary partner.

Proposed Duration and Funding

14.The duration of the project will be from: to:

15.The government’s portion of the total project cost will be approximately$.

16.Your organization’s (including partners) portion of the total project cost will be approximately $. (Must be at least 25 percent of total project costs)

17.The project’s total cost will be approximately $

Additional information

Do you wish to provide any further information about your proposed project? (maximum100 words)

Part 3: Your contact information and authorization

An original signature by the authorized signing authority for the lead proponent is required.

Please note that the organization that signs as the lead proponent will be responsible for signing the partnership contract with the ministry and this organization name will be used in all public communications including on the ministry website, at press conferences and in media releases.

Lead proponent
Full Legal Name
Any other relevant name under which business is carried on
Authorized signature / Title
Print Name
Telephone / Fax / Email
Key Contact Name (print) / Title
Telephone / Fax / Email
Mailing address
Project Partner(s) (add more if required)
Full Legal Name
Any other relevant name under which business is carried on
Name of Signing Authority / Title
Telephone / Fax / Email
Key Contact Name (print) / Title
Telephone / Fax / Email


Once you have completed this Letter of Interest, please complete these two steps:

Save a copy of the completed form to your computer system and submit it as aWord document by e-mail to : .


Mail a signed copy of the form to:

EnAbling Change PartnershipProgram

Public Education and Partnerships Unit

Outreach and Compliance Branch

Accessibility Directorate of Ontario

777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Suite 601A

TorontoONM7A 2J4

EnAbling Change Partnership Program 2011-12