Comet, Asteroid and Meteor Activity
Directions: Complete each activity using your textbook, notes and the computer.
1) Venn Diagram: Use your notes from yesterday, make a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Asteroids, Meteors (meteorites and meteoroids) and Comets.
2) Go to Google Earth. Bring down the Moon from the drop down in the middle of the page. Look up the following craters:
a) Which one was the largest crater?
b) What caused these craters on the Moon?
3) Go to Google Earth. Bring down the Earth from the drop down in the middle of the page. Look up the following:
Barrington Crater, Arizona, US
Clearwater Lakes, British Columbia
Hoba, Namibia.
a) What do you think caused these craters? Explain.
4) Compare the orbits and composition of asteroids and comets with that of Earth.
5) Pretend you have been hired to create a new ride for the Milky Way Amusement Park. You may choose to have your ride be a meteor, comet or asteroid. Write below the following about your ride. (Use your notes to help you). Describe in detail where your ride is located, how will the customer get to the ride, when will the ride end up, and what will the ride look like. Be creative, but use the facts.