Dear First Grade Families,

Welcome to first grade! My name is Michelle Munsell and I will be your child's teacher this year. I look forward to working with your child during the coming year. This will be a dynamic year of growth and learning. It will be a year filled with fun, adventure, and challenges.

The school day begins at 8:35 a.m. Dismissal will be at 3:10 p.m.

Enclosed you will find a school supply list and other important notices for you to read prior to the first day of school. Hopefully these will answer many of your questions. I have also enclosed a parent survey that will allow me to get to know your child.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am available beforeorafter school. I can be reached at school (671-4290), by a note, or email

(). I am looking forward to a terrific year ahead!


Miss Munsell

School Supply List

First Grade

Noyes Elementary 2013-2014

Dear First Grade Families,

Most of the supplies we use in the classroom are used as a “community of learners.” The supplies that you purchase for the classroom will be added to our classroom community supply closet. School supplies should not be labeled with your child’s name, as all students will use them.


  • 2 boxes #2 pencils (48 count)
  • 2pink erasers
  • 2 boxes 24ct. crayons
  • Scissors
  • 1 package construction paper
  • 1 package manila paper
  • Four 1-subject spiral notebooks
  • 3 boxes of kleenex
  • 3 dry erase markers
  • 1 box markers
  • 1 box ziploc baggies
  • 4 two-pocket folders
  • 2 bottles of hand sanitizer
  • 2 glue sticks

**Wish List**

Post It Notes

Colored Copier Paper or Cardstock

Clorox Wipes

Dear First Grade Families,

I am writing to invite you to be a partner with me in your child’s education. Please take a few quite moments and write to me about your child by answering the questions below.

Your response will help ne make your child feel at home in the classroom. I am looking forward to a wonderful year.


Miss Munsell

All About My First Grader

My child’s name is ______

My child’s interests and/or hobbies include ______


My child’s favorite subject(s) is ______

My child’s special qualities include ______


My child approaches learning…

____with excitement ____with confidence____with reluctance

____with curiosity ____with anxiety ____without interest

Goals for my child include ______

What would be important for me to know early on in the school year? ______



What are your child’s cherished books and songs? ______


What else would you like to tell me? ______


Parent/Guardian Interview

Student’s name:______

Parent/Guardian name(s):Relationship to Student:



Student’s birthday:______

Home address: ______


Home phone:______

Cell phone:______

Work phone:______


Which is the best way to contact you (circle one):

home phone / cell phone / work phone / email

Transportation Survey

At the end of each school day, first graders always get anxious about getting home. To help with the end of the day excitement, I am asking you to help me! Please put an X by the statement below to tell me how your first grader will be getting home each day.

___My child will be riding the school bus. The busnumber is ______.

___My child will be walking home. My child willwalk home with ______.

___My child will be picked up after school everydayby ______.

Student Name: ______

Classroom Policies

Please take the time to read through these classroom policies. I look forward to a terrific year ahead!

School Hours:

The school day begins at 8:35 and ends at 3:10.


Students will report to the gym. Upon arrival the student will either get his or her breakfast card and go into the cafeteria, or sit quietly in the gym.

If your child shows up late (after 8:35) the office must sign them in.


Dismissal will be at 3:10. All students stay in the room until dismissal. Walkers and car riders can be picked up in front of the school.


If you plan to pick up a child that normally rides the bus, you wish your child to ride a different bus than usual, or a different person than usual is picking up your child up: YOU MUST SEND A WRITTEN NOTE. If a written note is not received your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation. Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Outdoor Recess:

Our class will be going outside for recess everyday unless it is raining or extremely cold. Please keep this in mind when helping your child select clothing for the day. Also, our school dress code policy says students must wearshoes that are securely attached to the foot. If your child wants to wear dress shoes, sandals, or cowboy boots, please send tennis shoes for recess and gym.


On occasion it will be necessary for your child to bring money to school. Always send money in a sealed envelope with the following information written on it:

1.Your child's name

2.The purpose for the money (book order, party money,

3.My name.

Home and Back Folders:

Your child will be receiving a Home and Back Folder purchased by Noyes. Please check the folder every night, clean it out, add any notes to bring back to school, and place it back in your child's backpack. This needs to come to school each and every day. It is one of the first steps in responsibility at school taught to our students. Thank you for your cooperation.

Book Reports:

Book reports are available in the classroom. Students must read at least 12 books and complete a book report for each in order to receive the Reading Circle Certificate at the end of the year. Students will also get Pizza Hut Book-It Coupons for a certain number of book reports completed or books read in a given month. (More specific information to come in September)

Lunch Money:

Please watch for lunch money notices. Return money when neededin the envelope provided.

Donations/Wish List:

The following items would be greatly appreciated throughoutthe year. Thanks!

Hand Sanitizer

Disinfecting Wipes (e.g., Lysol or Clorox)


Expo Dry Erase Markers

Velcro Sticky-Back (Tape or Coin Pkgs.)



If a student wishes to bring treats they may if there is enough for the whole class. Treats will be passed out at end of day before dismissal. Only prepackaged or store bought products are allowed. If party invitations are brought to school there must be one for each student of that gender or one for the entire class.

Behavior Management Plan:

Behavior is one of the most important elements of the school day. If behavior is out of control, then learning is not possible.I don't believein a child's day being “over” because of sad choices, so I allow students to move up and down during the day. For example, if a student made very sad choices in the morning, but had worked hard and tried his or her best for the afternoon, they can "redeem" themselves and end the day with a smile.

Heath Concerns/ Allergies:

If your child has any allergies or health concerns that will effect his/her performance, behavior, or well-being during the school day, please inform me as well as the school nurse immediately. All medications must be administered by and kept with the nurse. If your child needs medication throughout the school day please give it to the nurse. If medications change or are added during the school year that again will effect your child’s performance, behavior, or well-being during the school day, please contact the nurse and me immediately.

Contact Information:

Parent and teacher communication is key to a successful school year. Please contact me with any questions, concerns, or to discuss your child’s education.


Notes: Sent to and from your child’s Noyes Folder

Phone: (816) 671- 4290

Before or After School: Check in with office first

**Please allow 48 hours for me to contact you back**

Please return the portions that needed to be filled out as soon as possible. Thanks!

If you have any questions on policies and procedures for our room, just let me know.
