Foolish Times
Dear Fellow Holy Fools
Hello and welcome to your Autumn edition of the Foolish Times. I hope you enjoy it and that you will feel inspired to contribute to the next one. If you would like anything included please contact Hazel Hurlbut (Hazy Dazy) on 01234 305663 or email: or by post to Hazel Hurlbut 94 Hamble Road, Bedford MK41 7XW.
One more tribute to Frank Lane from our President – Patrick Forbes
Frank Lane, beloved verger, clown and fool 1929 – 2013
More than 300 people, some say 500, family, friends, fellow fools crowded into the choir and transepts of Saint Albans Abbey to celebrate his life, work and play on April 23rd. Frank died in hospital on April 10th.
There were more of us than expected as the service sheets didn’t quite go round. As we waited for the service to begin, the organist let rip with a splendid piece of music with circus overtones that set the mood for the occasion, a requiem mass for much loved family man, friend and fool.
Frank’s coffin was borne in attended by a colourful procession of 30 members of the Guild of Vergers, one of whom was accompanied by a black Labrador guide dog. Frank was branch chairman of the St Albans branch of the Guild of Vergers. Once in place before the high altar, symbols of Frank’s life were placed on his coffin, his virge or verger’s wand, a jester’s hat and a puppet.
We heard about Frank’s life from his daughter. He had served in the Royal Navy for his national service. He and Lynda were married in 1948 and they celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary this year. He worked in London and Welwyn Garden City before coming to Saint Albans where Frank worked as a verger at the Abbey for 35 years, retiring as Head Verger in 2002. Frank had been working at Morrisons supermarket for three days a week until his last illness. Staff members of Morrisons were there to say goodbye to someone who, once met, was never forgotten.
After the service, Frank’s coffin was taken out of the Abbey and family, friends, fools and colleagues lined up to wave goodbye. He was driven slowly away in a Rolls Royce, while those who followed the hearse blew bubbles into the crisp spring air.
There was a queue to write in Frank’s book of remembrance, a retiring collection for the Children’s Society and St Albans Abbey, and many stories shared of lives touched and God glorified. Thank you, Frank. May you rest in peace and rise in glory. Patrick Forbes
Recent Holy Fools Events
Spring Workshop – held at Ashley Church St Albans
In April 3 Holy Fools met in St. Albans to be part of the morning service atthe chair fools home church,. The event had been promoted on the local community radio station and also at a community fun day hosted by a local C of E St. Paul's. The community fun day saw Hazy Dazy and Jester Jim balloon modelling, mix and mingle with a puppet and put on a one hour show. (great fun) only let down by no hands free mics. On reflection Jim should have taken one with him
The Sunday service went well from an intro on a bench talking about Moses early life ( Moses being our theme) and yes eating our Manna sandwich.. Hazy Dazy and Dusty helped us through the plagues with a lot of help from the home Church. Great to see people joining in it proves even church can be fun.
This was followed by the 40 years in the wilderness with Jim on his mobile phone.A sketch written over two years ago after visiting Wintershall open air theatre story of Jesus ( near Guildford on the way to Horsham) . How many different way's can you eat manna was the running joke.
This led on to prayer with Hazy Dazy and communion and a closing thought from Jim.
There was some good feed back some weeks later from two members of the church, one saying Holy Fools is a gift to the church and we need to pray you are used more not just you but all Holy Fools.
Special thanks must go to Dusty who helped out at short notice real star, Hazy for keeping me sane and also keeping us centred by leading us from a high into a quite reflective time of prayer
Although Mr Custard could not be with us the park bench idea was sparked because of an email he sent.
The event does lead me to question the value of these events, but thanks to feed back and a good critic I have been given ideas on how to improve the sketches we used, give them more polish.
Minutes of The Holy Fools AGM held at Rochester
21st September, 2013
Members Present:
Neil Wilkin (Chairfool), Frank Parr, Jeffery Edmunds (secretary) Hazel Hulbert (Foolish Times), Daphne Pont
The meeting opened with prayer
Stephen Ashcroft, Tom Morgan, John White, Sue Brown, Derek Finch, Lorna Cahan, Elaine Gwillam, Arthur Pedlar, Rev. Patrick Forbes, Joan Salmon, Dave Magee, Sr. Hilda Mary
Minutes 2012:
The minutes of the 2012 meeting were read and accepted: prop Daphne Pont, second Jeff Edmunds: carried
Matters Arising:
Daphne Pont said: Item No.6 Letter re membership list: the list was not sent to all paid up members – Hazel Hurlbut said the task was not completed
Treasurer: (Neil Wilkin, Chairfool - acting)
At end of business year ending 30th June 2013, the total funds were: £461.05 (period extended due to late payments).
Some late membership payments appear as 2 payments in same year from one member.
Accounts proposed as accepted by Jeff Edmunds, second Daphne Pont, carried
A vote of thanks was called for the work of the late Frank Laine as treasurer, to be conveyed to his family.
Membership: (Dave Magee via Chair)
There are currently16 paid up members: 6 honorary members.
Four potential new members; one in Cornwall (St Agnes Head), three in Dorset, are being nurtured.
Jeff Edmunds said: can we do something with them to encourage, eg workshops? Daphne Pont made first contact – what can we do for them? Propose to make offer of help re: workshop. Neil Wilkin to contact them.
Foolish Times: (Hazel Hurlbut)
Lack of input – put date on FT. Editing of articles discussed.
Currently three newsletters per year are produced. Updating of Foolish Times: proposed by Daphne Pont, seconded by Neil Wilkin - carried.
Neil Wilkin proposed in between issues, an update bulletin should be sent out: proposed by Neil Wilikn, second Hazel Hurlbut – carried
Contributions to FT from 2 USA clowns: Randy Christiansen plus one other are in pipeline.
Chairfool Report: (Neil Wilkin)
Report attached, précis to Foolish Times
AGM/Banking: (Neil Wilkin)
Technically the bank says we should have an AGM to produce accounts where they are seen and seen by members, plus election of officers. We need to call an AGM re any bank procedures/changes.
Only 3 members getting to committee (Executive) meetings.
Jeff Edmunds proposed Holy Fools meet for social, regionally organised to give different groups ‘crack of whip’
Hazel Hurlbut said: occasionally meet up north eg Manchester to include these members
Retreats were discussed: also spiritually helpful. Feedback via Foolish Times re suggestions where we can meet
Chaplain: (David Girt)
Happy to continue, no news – David unsure what his role is
Neil Wilkin re David: accommodating personality, good sounding board for ideas
Chaplain ideally should be taking commissioning service
Archive: (Jeff Edmunds/David Girt) No changes
Website: (Daniel Hudson)
No changes – Neil Wilkin proposed we contact Daniel to thank him and offer remuneration. We are very pleased, especially changing bible reading display. AGM being advertised on website.
Constitutional Change: (Treasurer)
The bank says if a treasurer outside of Holy Fools membership is appointed, this needs a constitution change.
Hazel Hurlbut said: it’s good thing to have someone (from outside group) checking wastage.
Jeff Edmunds proposed Ron, a chartered accountant – small payment is offered
A Constitution change means one of the three executive officers can be a non-member
Rev. Patrick Forbes has specified someone willing to sign cheques
“Proposed constitution change to allow one executive officer to be recruited from outside Holy Fools. This action can only apply to ONE post; the others must be Holy Fools Members.”
Proposed: Neil Wilkin, second: Daphne Pont, carried
Election of Officers:
Chairfool – Neil Wilkin proposed by Hazel Hurlbut, second Frank Parr
Secretary – Jeff Edmunds proposed Neil Wilkin, second Daphne Pont
Treasurer – ongoing: Neil for present until post filled - proposed Jeff Edmunds, second Frank Parr
National Co-ordinator: Neil Wilkin & Hazel Hurlbut shared post - proposed Daphne Pont, second Frank Parr
Foolish Times – Hazel Hurlbut with Jeff Edmunds helping - proposed Frank Parr, second Daphne Pont
Chaplain (by invitation): David Girt continues in post
Website – Daniel Hudson: ex officio
Welfare Officer/Membership Secretary – Dave Magee proposed Jeff Edmunds, second Neil Wilkin
Clown of Year:
Now renamed Franco Award – family agreed
Daphne Pont for: Weymouth work, work for AGMs, nurturing over the years
Daphne Pont proposed by Frank Parr, second, Neil Wilkin - carried
Any Other Business:
Neil Wilkin: AGM 2014 venue - possibly Cornwall, also possibly the Baxters, Suffolk
The meeting closed in prayer
The Future of Holy Fools?
Thoughts from our President- From an Old Fool
Where next for Holy Fools? It’s always a good question, this time prompted by Jester Jim’s observation that very few people have shown any sign of being interested in a weekend in Rochester later this year.
I note from the Holy Fools website that we number some 50 to 60 fools, whereas back in 1995 our membership stood at around 200. And some of us are perhaps thirty years older than we were when we founded the group. And some of us may feel sixty years older.
Groups are born, grow, thrive, diminish and die and it would be no fun at all to sit around and remember the good old days when, yes, it was hard to get people together for meetings, performances, annual general meetings. Remember, it was a good eleven years before we had our first AGM.
The Holy Fools can be whatever we want Holy Fools to be. Sometimes groups have to die or get very ill before something new can be born or grow out of the wreckage or seeming ruins. To hold to this view and still be full of joy and hope is a very resurrection, a very gospel thing to do and to be.
Holy Fools in an area might meet to plan and to pray and to encourage one another without having to worry much about a wider grouping. Keep it small – I think we’ve done that. Keep it simple, keep it local, keep it hopeful and joyful and prayerful and who knows what might happen? God perhaps.
Lots of love,
Patrick Forbes.
And from our Chairman
I for one was pleased that Holy Fools will keep going in its present format for another year, but unless things improve and we recruit new members we will have to look at going regional.
This could have plus points easier for travel, people would hopefully consider keeping in touch and even working together in two's or three's. This has worked in Dorset and in Bristol (even social events here) East London before Richard James moved to Devon and Norfolk (drama clown team)
By going regional we have the plus that we can attend more events as some years there is a lot of travel (cost) involved to get to events ( spring workshop) when held nationally
On the down side it would mean someone would have to organize a regional event even if just meeting for a meal. This would no longer be done by the national group although we would be able to recommend a workshop teacher if you required one.
In the past we have had teachers like Bob Hartman, Ken Luxon, Sarah Rundel, Caroline Hutchings, Roly and Sandra Pollerman.
Thanks to Jim input from a circus team at our 21st bash, a reflective weekend Northumbria style, workshops with Staccs theatre and input from Angela Knowles (clown)
For the few that came people said wow lets do this again but nearer where I live.( that means they need to find a venue to work out of as well as the cost's involved.)
It would be useful to keep a small national committee as this would allow a foolish times to be produced and prayer diary. We would be able to inform people about national events where entertainers may be required and encourage one another with news of what others in our network are doing.
It would also mean that if a person can not clown or entertain at a local event another person could be found by contacting Jester Jim, Hazy Dazy or Plummie
Your thoughts on our future would be a great help as things need to change hopefully for the better. Please pray about this.
Jester Jim
Articles from Members/New member
Where’s the caring clown in this?
(printed with the kind permission of the author, Caring Clown director, WCA, Amanda O’leary)
Here it comes. I’m at least 30 feet away from a little girl and her Mum with a puppet. The little girl looks up and stops/freezes. I see this and I think she’s not comfortable. I stop. I look at my puppet and my puppet (as if by magic) looks back at me. We both look at the little girl. No smile. I stay put. My puppet and I try one more time hoping the rule of 3 may work for us to melt this little girl’s reaction instead, she moves behind her mum’s chair. I look at the mum, smile and say “I get it. I’m over across the field doing face painting and I have some balloons. If you want to come visit me that’s where I’ll be but I will leave you alone. Okay?” Nod from the mum. I turned and left.