Our home-base pool is ready!
On Saturday the 15th we were very kindly offered the use of the facility for our ‘Information and Nationals entry form submission’ session. The finishing touches are being finalised to a masterpiece achieved only through the perseverance and following through on a dream. Steve Haupt gave us the run down on the features of the facility and by the end of his talk we were all absolutely amazed at the excellence and ‘out-there’ technology that has gone into this facility. To put it all into layman’s terms - the facility boasts:
1. Two heated 25m pools, one built to satisfy any FINA requirement, the other to standards that would make any normal pool blush.
2. UV radiation and absolute minimal chlorination of the water.
3. Water filtration using Atlas Filters and ultraviolet sanitation systems by ATG Willand.
4. Change room facilities that accommodate all.
5. A gym area with state of the art equipment.
6. A 44-seater coffee bar.
7. Core strength and stretching area.
8. Video and electronic equipment that can tell you how fast, how and where you are swimming.
9. ‘Intelligent’ air conditioning that keeps the facility, the spectators and the two huge glass walls cool.
The above name but a few of the facilities features all of which are housed in the most beautiful wave-shaped white roofed enclosure where the west and north glass walls look out across St. Peter’s College grounds. Magic!
So, what are the financial implications???
For the normal swimmer, a straight fee of R500 per month.
But, because Masters are such special people we may choose one of the following options:
A R20 walk-in fee to attend WAHOO Club meets and galas on Sundays.
A full ‘Training’ option where the member is trained at the pool by one of the coaches for up to six days a week. This option will cost R450 per month (Includes facility access and training programmes) and the member will have free access to the facilities for club meets. This option comes with heart rate monitor facilities as well.
A half ‘Training’ option where the member may attend training sessions at the pool twice a week, and utilise ‘Internet’ training programmes for the other three sessions at another pool during the week. This option will cost R 275-00 (Includes facility access and training programmes) per month and the member will have free access to the facilities at club meets. This option comes with heart rate monitor facilities as well.
(The three above are exclusive of Wahoo Masters registration fees, valid for the 2004/2005 season)
The WAHOO team won the 6-hour endurance relay on Saturday 22nd January!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Mike, Paul, André and Rick. They completed a distance of 23.9km in the six hours. Mike’s comments were that he was shattered but had to believe it because he was holding the trophy. Well done guys you’re setting the standard for the rest of the country!
Wahoo also had second team competing at the 6-hour endurance relay! Claudia, Niki, Jeff and Greg had a superb swim. Well-done guys. You are stars!
We had a good turnout at Old Eds Gala held at Ellis Park on Sunday 30 January! Hope to see More WAHOOligans on the 20th Feb!!!
GMS Galas
Phoenix 20th February,
Inter-Regional – March 5th. All at Ellis Park.
Ellis Park Pool – Parking is a problem and it has been suggested that people double park to ensure security.
Tshwane Masters
Tshwane Masters Champs LC, Hillcrest 15 and 19 Feb
Oceania Masters
1st Oceania Masters Swimming Championships to be held in Suva, Fiji on 10 - 13 June 2005.
The swim program: all strokes and distances from 50m to 200m plus 400m IM, 400m free and 800m free plus a 3 KM Open Water Harbour Swim.
More details are found in the attachment, (OMS Champs 10-13 June 2005)
Nationals this year will be held at the Dellville Pool in Germiston on the 17th, 18th and 19th March 2005. For our new members, ‘pool’ swimmers see Nationals as 'the' event of the Masters calendar. It's a time to swim your PB for the season, meet Masters swimmers from all over SA – and sometimes from other countries - and have lots of fun.
In order to swim at Nationals you have to:
* be a registered Masters swimmer, both with your local Masters club and with South African Masters Swimming (SAMS).
* Your entries have to be signed by your Masters club President and submitted to the organisers by the 7 February 2005. This means that your completed entries and accompanying entry fees have to reach El Presidente by 4 Feb 2005 THE LATEST!!! Please make payment into the Wahoo account and fax through forms and deposit slip to Slave (Jacqui) on (011) 469-0545
Entry forms are attached – the Entry P1 and Programme page. Alternatively, they are available on the SA Masters website < Please remember to keep a copy of your entry form - for your own record.
General information about Nationals:
- It is a club competition, where each swimmer or relay teams placing from 1st to 10th will earn your club points. So, as part of our new 'we're going to be the best Masters club' ideal each and every one of you will be swimming the maximum amount of events!
Only joking! But take a leaf out of Helen's book – Helen swims the maximum number of events. The fact that she also wins and breaks records shows her brilliance! Any swimmer may swim a maximum of 6 individual events. Swimmers are also awarded gold, silver and bronze medals
for first, second and third place respectively. The only event you cannot enter is the 'Dash for Cash’, which is by invitation only and is made up of the 8 (or 10 depending on availability of lanes) fastest times swum in the 50m free. SA colours/honours, are awarded to any swimmer achieving a time faster than the tenth fastest in the world. Times are available on the
- Relays - are the best part of Nationals. Everyone registering to swim at Nationals will be swimming in at least one relay - a day! And we will be showing off our new club costumes and caps. Relay teams are decided by a team of highly experienced relay formulators from the WMSC Committee
(!!!), and team members are selected according to age as well as times so that the highest possible placing for the relay team can be achieved. One swimmer of each relay team is nominated as captain, and is responsible for making sure that their relay happens (!) and the collection of medals (!).
- Kit - apart from our club kit, Easterns the hosts of this years Nationals, have offered Nationals kit for sale. Items include navy blue board shorts, navy blue 'drimac', tog bags, t-shirts. Examples are
illustrated on the attached document or on the website.
Please get your kit orders in ASAP!
Fax through to Gillian Roets on 27 11 918 2665 phone / fax
Postal Address:Eastern Masters 2005
P.O. Box 13938
- Wahoo kit –
Costumes, Towels, and Embroidered logo (- if you would like the Wahoo logo embroidered on any of your bottoms, track pants, black costumes or swimsuits, etc.)
To date roughly 30 members have ordered costumes and towels (and indicated the size costume they would like) Delivery is approximately three weeks from order.
Please forward all enquiries to Helen Lawless
Caps - have to be worn in the relays, order through Debs (El Presidente).
T-shirts - our purples! Will be worn (with black bottoms) for the team photo taken during the Nationals. Anyone who has not yet received his or hers please let El Presidente know.
Bottoms, track pants, warm tops - any black and white.
There are three main social events during the championship:
A welcoming social,
A Happy Hour on the Friday evening and
A dinner dance on the Saturday evening.
Costs for the socials are indicated on the entry forms.
Saturday evening Dinner Dance.
A beeg paartay and prize giving! Each year the dinner dance takes on a theme. The theme chosen by this year's organisers is GOLD. Each club joins in the fun of a team effort. WAHOO traditionally arrive in a wacky form of the theme. So, we’re going to go as the Wahooligan Gold Miners. Mike has very kindly offered to loan all who are bok to paartay an overall and a hardhat. The hats will be painted gold and the overalls have ‘Wahooligan Gold Mine’ on the back. You are welcome to accessorise with gumboots/hiking boots/garden shoes/takkies, picks/shovels (maybe plastic??!!), dancing bells………………
- Accommodation - experience has shown that staying together (close to the pool) as a club is a jorl! It also takes away all the angst of travel and getting there on time. WAHOO have booked out a B&B 1km from the pool. Out of 16 places there are only two beds left. Please let 'the slave' (i.e. Jacqs) know if you would like to stay at the B&B.
Please note that only payment of the deposit guarantees a booking.
Clubs and individuals are encouraged to place messages or adverts at the following rates:
3 OR 4 LINESR 50,00
Deadline:15th February 2005
Adverts or messages can be e-mailed to
Payment or proof of payment must accompany all messages or adverts.
Direct deposit - Bank Details:Bank:First National Bank, Northmead Mall
A/c Name:Eastern Masters 2005
Account No:6206 724 8370
Branch Code: 252842
If you require more information please contact Carol Van Der Walt on (011) 269 4600 or 883 3095 [work] or on the above e-mail address
You can also contact Patrick Nicholson who is coordinating the program on 082 458 4602.
WAHOO is the very proud owner of an Olympic 2004 – Athens t-shirt signed by Roeland Schoeman!! We have had a number of suggestions of how to ‘use it to the best advantage of Wahoo Masters’, as prescribed by Roeland and his Mom. Any ideas would be welcome?
Number of WAHOO members to date… 61!
We are fast becoming THE Masters Club in Gauteng. To date we have 61 members 36 more than last season, and swimmers of ALL categories.
Phoenix 63, WAHOO 61, Killer Whales 52, Old Eds 29, Florida 9
Happy, happy to January birthday babies Ross 7th, Mercia 12th, Jean 13th, Michelle 28th, and Bobby 30th (who sat very quietly at the gala, when we could have sung for you!)
February celebrations are Mike 5th, Siggi 13th, Dael 20th, Bernie 21st, and Eugene 29th.
Followed by March’s Happy Birthdays – Sam 8th and Tammy 31st.
PRESIDENT: Debbie Carroll 083 297 2106/794-8116
TREASURER:John Garson082 695 5233/475-0597
SECRETARY: Jacqui Lecuona 082 405 1183/469-3817
Mike Davies 082 442 6989/469-1034
Ross Lawson082 935 3751/672-8736
Bernie Lawson072 372 1627/672-8736
(Gala Secretary)
Helen Lawless 083 326 4545/888-1411