Dear Evaluator,
Thank you for taking the time to write a letter of evaluation! Health profession schools, like medical and dental, rely on your comments to help them in the important process of selecting future health care professionals. Strong letters can help sway an admission decision.
At Georgia Tech, we offer a Centralized Letter of Evaluation service. This service allows evaluators to write one letter of evaluation and complete the Georgia Tech Letter of Evaluation Form; Pre-health Advising will distribute copies to any school the student formally requests. You may address the letter to:Admission Committee.
Here are the steps involved:
1)Complete the Georgia Tech Letter of Evaluation (LOE) Form (provided by student)
2)Attach a letter of evaluation on letterhead with your signature
3)Send a hard copy of both in a signed and sealed envelope to Pre-health Advising at the address on the form.
4)Or, you may email the letter as a pdf to . Please make sure the letter is on letterhead and has your signature. The LOE form may be mailed, emailed, or faxed. Letters cannot be faxed.
5)Deliver it by June 1st
(Note: the professional health schools have rolling admission. It is to our students’ benefit to have their files completed early in the process.)
The letter and form is kept under lock and key. The only time an applicant will be able to read the letter is if they elect NOT to waive their right of access to their file, which will be indicated on the Georgia Tech Letter of Evaluation Form. Students who are applying to multiple programs (M.D. and MD/PhD, for example) are encouraged to have two different letters in their file.
At this time, Georgia Tech will provide a compilation packet of letters, instead of a “Pre-health Advisor” or “Pre-health Committee”. The best measure of our students is in the individual strength of the evaluation letters from those who know them well.
Although you may not have observed all four of these areas, medical schools appreciate reading about the candidate’s thinking and reasoning, science, intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies. As always, if you have any questions or would like help in crafting the letter, please feel free to contact me.
Andrea L. Clark, MBA
Pre-health Advisor
Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons, Room 283 Mail Code: 0252
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0252
404.385.2475 (office)404.385.1980(fax)