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The Wisconsin Virtual School team is excited to help you support your online students for the 2015-16 school year. Below please find some exciting changes and news!!

Price Changes

With legislative action, the Wisconsin Digital Learning Collaborative has received funding to help us reduce costs for school districts in Wisconsin!

The cost for High School, Middle School and AP Courses has changed from $325 to $295 per semester per course. Credit Recovery courses will remain the same at $200 per semester per course. Dual credit course will be $325 per semester per course.

When the local district provides their own teacher, the cost for High School, Middle School and AP per semester per course is $150. Credit Recovery will be $100 per semester per course.

Updated Course Information

Click here for our2015-16 Materials List and here for the2015-16 Wisconsin Virtual School Course list.

In addition to new courses, updated courses, and a few other changes, please note the following:

  • AP Psychology is now a TWO semester course and requires an e-text. (see our materials list)
  • AP English Literature requires an e-reader subscription. (see our materials list)
  • AP US History (NEW) has a required text.


WVS is offering a new service for online students to get a little homework help on demand. In core subject courses such as Math, Science, Social Studies, and English there is a link in our courses' “Welcome Folder” called “Homework Help Tutor.” By clicking on this link at any time except holidays, students can ask for homework help on a specific question.

Students will be asked their name, subject, grade level, and to provide a detailed question. The Tutor.com teacher will not have access to courses orhelp with tests or quizzes. Tutor.com's philosophy is to help students understand the concepts behind what they are working on, so that students can learn how to solve the problem Tutor.com is not an answer-giving service.

When students cannot contact their WVS teacher at the moment they need assistance via email or virtual office hours, they can use Tutor.com to get some additional homework help. Their session with Tutor.com will be recorded and the WVS teacher will see what questions students need additional help on which will help them, as well, to assist students better in the future.