Housing Survey

Dear Diverse Cymru supporter,

Diverse Cymru regularly respond to consultations from the UK and Welsh Governments, local councils, and Local Health Boards.

Recently there has been a focus on housing. This includes:

  • Affordable (social) housing
  • Housing options to meet the needs of an ageing population
  • Housing for disabled people
  • How welfare reform has affected different people

Diverse Cymru is committed to gathering the views of diverse communities in Wales. We would like to hear your views to help inform our responses and views. We would be grateful if you could fill in the attached questionnaire as soon as possible. You do not have to answer every question. If you do not feel a question applies to you just skip it. More information will help up to understand more details of your experiences.

All responses are anonymous. We will not use any details which could potentially identify you or anyone else. Equality questions are only used to identify where there are different views and experiences for different communities.

You can email the survey to uor post it to:
Ele Hicks, Diverse Cymru, 307-315 Cowbridge Road East, Cardiff, CF5 1JD

If you need help filling in this questionnaire, please contact Hannah Mason on 029 2036 8888.

Yours faithfully

Ele Hicks

Policy and Funding Officer

Question 1: What do you like most about where you live now?

Question 2: What don’t you like about where you live now?

Question 3: Is there anything that you find a bit of a challenge or any issues where you are live at the moment?

☐Yes☐No☐Not sure

Please give details of the issues you face:

If you said yes, have you thought about how you might manage these things in the future?

If you said no, do you foresee any problems becoming too difficult to manage in the future?

Question 4: What factors impact your choice of housing now?

Question 5: What factors do you think are likely to impact on your choice of housing as you get older?

Question 7: Is moving something you expect to do now or in later life (please tick all that apply)?

☐Now☐In later life☐Not sure

Please explain why:

Question 8: Would you have any issues or worries about moving?

☐Yes☐No☐Not sure

Please explain why:

Question 9: Do you think there is enough housing for older people and disabled people?

☐Yes☐No☐Maybe☐Not sure

Please explain why:

Question 10: What would your preference be to buy, to rent or part-rent/part-own a property both now and in later life?


☐Buy☐Rent☐Part-rent/part-own☐Other (please state)

In later life:

☐Buy☐Rent☐Part-rent/part-own☐Other (please state)

Please explain why:

Question 11: Have you been affected by welfare reform?

(e.g. lower housing benefit payments, the over-occupancy rules ‘bedroom tax’, changes to Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Employment Support Allowance, benefit sanctions).

☐Yes☐No☐Not sure

If yes, please explain how:

Question 12: What support do you think is needed to help people afford housing and manage their housing finances?

Question 13: What housing choice would you make as you get older? Please rank in order of preference 1 = first preference, 2 = second preference etc.

Option / Preference
a)I’d like to stay in my home for as long as I can. I could call in help if it gets more difficult for me to move around safely, if the garden gets too much for me or if I need help in other ways.
b)I’d like a small bungalow or flat in my community, close to family and friends and within easy reach of local shops, services and facilities.
c)I’d like to live in a place where I have my own space, where I can choose to be in the company of others in a similar situation. I would be completely independent whilst at the same time feel safe and supported. (supported housing)
d)I would be happy to move into a retirement housing complex where there is care and support if I want it or if my needs change. I would still have my own space and I’d be living close to other people with similar needs. I could have help with bathing and dressing or have a hot meal cooked for me if I chose. I would also be able to have a social life on my doorstep! (Extra care schemes/ retirement villages)
e)I’d want my own space and would also like to feel part of a small community where people share facilities and interact with each other. As a resident, I would have a say in the way the community is planned and managed. (Housing cooperative)
f)I’d happily share my home with someone else in a way which is mutually beneficial. If I had a large house, for example, I would consider sharing my home with a younger person who is struggling to raise the deposit to buy a home for themselves. We could help each other out. (homesharing)
g)My first choice would be to live amongst people at different life stages. A housing complex made up of families with children, couples, singles or moving in with members of my own family – this is what would feel right for me.
h)It would be important to me to be surrounded by people who share my language and/or culture and to be amongst people who understand me. A place where I can continue to live as I have always lived without fear of exclusion or harassment.
i)None of the above? We would like to know if none of these options feel right for you. Please tell us if you would opt for something different.

Please explain your choices:

Question 14: How effective do you think Welsh Government and UK Government policies, building regulations, and legislation are in increasing the supply of accessible homes?

☐Very effective☐Somewhat effective

☐Neither effective or ineffective☐Somewhat ineffective

☐Very ineffective☐Not sure


Question 15: Please let us know what you think should be done to provide appropriate housing for all or any of the following groups:

  • older people,
  • younger people,
  • women and men,
  • disabled people,
  • Black and Minority Ethnic people,
  • LGBT people,
  • people of different faiths,
  • and people on low incomes

Please provide your answer below:

Question 16: How accessible and age-friendly do you find businesses?

☐Very ☐Somewhat☐Not very☐Not at all


Question 17: How accessible and age-friendly do you find streets, parks and public areas?

☐Very ☐Somewhat☐Not very☐Not at all


Question 18: What can be done to make businesses, parks, streets and public areas more accessible and age-friendly?

Question 19: Do you feel you can be involved in local decisions on housing and neighbourhood design?

☐Always☐Sometimes☐Not at all☐Not sure

The equality data you provide on this form will be used to help us to identify whether different communities have different needs and views. Any identifying information you provide will be removed in any reports, briefings or consultation responses.

What is your age?

16-17 / 45-54 / 85+
18-24 / 55-64 / Prefer not to say
25-34 / 65-74
35-44 / 75-84

What is your ethnicity?______Prefer not to say☐

What is your gender?______Prefer not to say☐

Do you consider yourself to be within any of the following categories?(you can tick more than one if you wish)

FTM / trans man ☐

MTF / trans woman ☐

Intersex person ☐

Androgyne / polygender / genderqueer person ☐

Cross-dressing / transvestite person ☐

Other type of gender variant person (specify if you wish): ______

Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person? ______

______Prefer not to say☐

What is your religion (including non-belief)?______

______Prefer not to say☐

What is your sexual orientation? ______Prefer not to say☐