Dear Conference Exhibitor,
The HTMA-SC (Healthcare Technology Management Association of South Carolina) is now planning our Annual Conference. The date for the conference is Friday May 4, 2018, with exhibit hall set up on Thursday evening till 3-5 PM or Friday morning from 7-8 AM.
Exhibiter Registration Dates
March 4th Exhibiters from last year
March 18th Corporate Members
March 25th Members
Aprils 1st Public Exhibiters
The event will take place at the South Carolina Hospital Association Yates Conference Center at 1000 Center Point Road, Columbia, SC 29210. The phone number is803-744-3529.
We expect to have between 70 and 90 HTM managers and biomeds in attendance.
The Conference Center is located near the intersection of Interstates 26 and 20, on the north side of Columbia, SC.
If you are interested in acquainting yourself with the people that purchase, evaluate, use, or service your products, you will want to reserve a booth early. Participants from other symposiums and conferences know the benefit of displaying their products to health care professionals in this type of setting. Invitations will be extended to clinical engineers, medical administrators, biomedical technicians, imaging engineers, health information technology workers and nursing personnel throughout South Carolina, North Carolina, as well as eastern Tennessee and Eastern Georgia.
Rental of booth space which includesadmission for three representatives, one table 6ft. by 2ft., two chairsis priced at $340.00 for 2018 Corporate Members and $425.00 for non-corporate members. Some booth spaces have electrical outlets, while others do not. A preliminary exhibit hall layout is attached. Please visit to register for a booth. Please indicate your preference of booth locations (it is suggested you indicate 1st through 3rd choices).Note that booth location will be confirmed upon receipt of payment. We cannot guarantee any specific location, although we will make all reasonable efforts to honor your requests.All spaces will be awarded on a first-paid, first served basis.
Please note the following expectations for shipping arrangements. Contact the conference center directly for questions related to shipping. Indicate on your packages that they are for the HTMA-SC Conference Exhibit area.
You may pick up name badges and your vendor packet on Thursday evening or Friday morning. We ask that you plan to set up your booth on Thursday evening the 3rd,by 5:00pm. This conference center will be secured at 5 by the William L Yates Conference Center staff. All vendor booths should be prepared for exhibit hall traffic beginning at 7:00am on Friday. We will set up the continental breakfast in the exhibit hall area and encourage the attendees to spend time in there prior to the morning sessions. We have continued with the schedule that will allow more uninterrupted exhibit hall time from 11:15 am to 12:00pm. Booth tear-down is scheduled to begin at 1:00pm, after you join the HTMA-SC for lunch. We ask that you do not begin to shut down any earlier than that, as we have communicated these extendedhours to prospective attendees.
We also ask that out of courtesy to other exhibitors, please ensure your booth fits inside the 6 x 8 space allocated to you, and does not block the access to the neighboring booth spaces. If your backdrop is oversized, please indicate that on the contract so that we can try to place you at an appropriate location in the exhibit hall. We reserve the right to charge for additional space if we are required to rearrange things the day of set-up.
You are a significant part of the conference; and all levels of participation are greatly appreciated. We are seeking presenters for our educational sessions and/or sponsors to help with financial support for presenters or the lunch or breakfast bar. Please contact us if you are interested. We will be happy to answer any questions or provide any additional information that will facilitate your attendance. The HTMA-SC hopes to see you at the conference in May.
Optional Sponsorships
$300 Breakfast Sponsorship
$500 Lunch Sponsorship
$300 Afternoon snacks Sponsorship
$300 Beverages Sponsorship (sodas, coffee, juice throughout the day)
Donate door prize (drawings will be at end of conference)
Andrew Stiles
2018 President
Phone: 864-313-5754
Dan Paladino
2018 Vice President
Education Coordinator
To repeat – to register, visit .