Dear Committee Chair of a Cub Scout Pack:
This letter is designed to help you plan for and track your progress towards your Pack earning Journey to Excellence for 2015. This is for your use and to help you communicate with your Unit Commissioner and/or District Commissioner. Journey To Excellence 2.0 is a series of guideposts intended to guide your program planning and delivery. For more information on JTE 2.0, please refer to or your Council Calendar and Program Planning Guide.
Guidepost one: Plan and Fund your program
Develop a program and funding plan for your unit with your Unit Commissioner's support by August 31. Date completed: ______
Guidepost two: Communicate your program
Develop a plan to communicate your program to families throughout the program year. Present to your Unit Commissioner by August 31. Date completed: ______
Guidepost three: Basic Adult and Youth Leader Training
· Fully trained* Cubmaster and Committee Chair no later than October 15. Yes ____ No ____, and
· All Den Leaders fully trained* no later than the 1st den meeting but no later than October 15. Yes ____ No ____
Guidepost four: Advanced Adult Leader Training
Have at least one Wood Badge trained** direct contact leader*** no later than October 15. Name: ______
Qualifying criteria for Cub Scout Pack JTE 2015
Recharter Turn-in date ______
· Bronze: Two Guideposts + On-time recharter by November 15
· Silver: Three Guideposts + On-time recharter by November 15
· Gold: Four Guideposts + On-time recharter by November 15
Please complete this form and give a copy of it to your Unit Commissioner or your District Commissioner when completed. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your Commissioner.
Yours in Scouting,
Pat Johnston, District Commissioner, Many Waters District
Northern Star Council
*A fully trained leader adult leader must have position specific training AND youth protection training.
**"Wood Badge trained" qualifies once the adult leader completes the Wood Badge coursework and is working on, but may not have completed, the practical (Ticket) component.
*** Direct contact leaders are the Cubmaster, assistant Cubmaster, den leaders and assistant den leaders.