June 10, 2013


The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Mel Fuller in the Northwest ISD Board Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76177.


Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, and 551.074 the Board went into executive session at 6:01 P.M. in the Northwest ISD Executive Board Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76177. The Board ended executive session at 6:50 P.M.


The regular meeting resumed at 7:06 P.M. in the Northwest ISD Board Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76177. Dr. Karen Rue gave the invocation followed by the pledge to the American Flag and the pledge to the Texas Flag

REGULAR MEETING Mr. Fuller, Mr. Wright, Dr. Simpson,

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Copp, Mr. Schluter, and Ms. Holland


OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Rue, Dr. Gindt, Mr. McCreary,

Mr. Graswich, Ms. Nail, and Dr. Chevallier


The Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra and Score a Goal in the Classroom school incentive program recently honored Dr. Kevin Lacefield with the Bayard H. Friedman HERO Award for being selected the most outstanding Fine Arts Director in all of North Texas.

The Casa Manana Theatre and Score a Goal in the Classroom school incentive program honored Wendy Bramlett with the Bayard H. Friedman HERO Award for being recognized as the most outstanding Drama/Theater teacher in all of North Texas.

Phil Beckman recognized new “Partners in Education.”



NO. 7138 APPROVE A REVISION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT’S CONTRACT: It was moved by Mr. Schluter and seconded by Mr. Wright to approve revising the Superintendent’s contract to include a two percent pay increase. Motion carried unanimously 6-0.

NO. 7139 APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA: It was moved by Mr. Wright and seconded by Ms. Copp to approve the consent agenda as submitted:

A.  Personnel recommendations, including reorganizing and assigning administrative duties and titles, extensions, hiring, and/or renewal/non-renewal of contracts of individual teachers, administrators, principals, support staff, assistant superintendents, and resignations.

B.  Minutes for the May 13, 2013; May 21, 2013; and the May 28, 2013 school board meetings.

C.  Amendments to the 2012-2013 operating budget.

D.  Fiscal agent agreement between Northwest Independent School District (NISD) and Communities in Schools of North Texas, Inc. (CISNT).

E.  Notice of public meeting to discuss the budget and proposed tax rate.

F.  Interlocal cooperation agreement – tax collection between Denton County and the Northwest Independent School District.

G.  Declaration of surplus property.

H.  RFP #012-017-01-001 for renewal of after school on-site child care program services.

I.  RFP #010-015-04-014 for NISD catalog discount (annual).

J.  RFP #013-018-04-017 for voluntary disability program.

K.  Guaranteed maximum price (GMP), amendment #1 for V. R. Eaton High School.

Motion carried unanimously 6-0.

The Board discussed possible nominations for the TASB Board of Directors for TASB Region 11, Position A and TASB Region 11, Position D.

NO. 7140 APPROVE THE COMMUNITY-BASED ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM: It was moved by Mr. Wright and seconded by Ms. Holland to approve the Community-Based Accountability System proposed measures of success as recommended by the administration. Motion carried unanimously 6-0.


NO. 7141 APPROVE THE NORTHWEST ISD 2013-2014 LONG-RANGE TECHNOLOGY PLAN: It was moved by Mr. Schluter and seconded by Ms. Holland to approve the Northwest ISD 2013-2014 Long-Range Technology Plan as recommended by the administration. Motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Jerhea Nail presented a report on gifts to the District that provide a public purpose and meet the criteria for acceptance in board policy.

Kitty Poehler discussed the renewal of the agreement with JPI Specialty Services as the workers compensation provider and Alamo Insurance Group for specific retention for 2013-2014.

Ms. Poehler also presented the renewal of student insurance coverage with Bene-Marc.

Dennis McCreary reported on the extension of the landscape services agreement with O’Donnell’s Landscape.

Mr. McCreary also discussed the extension of the contract with Durham School Services for contract transportation services.

NO. 7142 APPROVE THE RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE SUPERINTENDENT TO ACQUIRE EASEMENTS NECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF V. R. EATON HIGH SCHOOL: It was moved by Ms. Holland and seconded by Mr. Wright to approve a resolution to authorize the Superintendent to acquire easements necessary for the construction of V. R. Eaton High School as recommended by the administration. Motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Tracy Cartas presented the special education district effectiveness report.

Susan Elza presented the health, physical education, and athletic district effectiveness report.

Dennis McCreary updated the Board on construction progress around the District.

There were no items removed from the consent agenda for consideration.


Mel Fuller presented the Board president’s report.

Dr. Rue presented the superintendent’s report.

NO. 7143 ADJOURN: It was moved by Mr. Schluter and seconded by Ms. Copp to adjourn at 9:09 p.m. Motion carried unanimously 6-0.


Mel Fuller, President 2513 Devonna Holland, Secretary