
Dear Care Coordination Partners,

As part of our ongoing effort to increase member engagement and satisfaction with our Blue Plus SecureBlueSM (HMO SNP) health plan, we are going to offer an incentive again this year to SecureBlue members who refused a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) in 2015 but did not complete one in 2016.

We have identified those members who refused an HRA in 2015, yet remained enrolled in our plan as a community well member. The letter encourages the member to reach out to their Care Coordinator to schedule their HRA and states that they will receive a $50 reward card if they complete one by the end of 2016.

Similar to last year, not all Delegates will have eligible members. If you have a member that is eligible for this program you will receive an enrollment file via secure email containing a list of those members.

The letters will be mailed to members starting July 15, 2016.

The guidelines for the program are listed below. There have been a few modifications from last year’s program.

How the program works:

1.  If the member reaches out to you go ahead and schedule the HRA. Let them know that once they complete their HRA, Blue Plus will send them a $50 reward card within 3-6 weeks.

2.  Upon completion of the HRA, send an email to with the following information:

a.  Member’s name

b.  PMI number

c.  Date they completed their HRA

d.  Member’s mailing address (where they want the reward card mailed)

e.  Your name and contact information

3.  Be sure to enter the assessment information into Bridgeview for accurate reporting. .

The reward program is coordinated by Blue Plus so please direct any member questions related to the program to SecureBlue member services at (651) 662-6013 or toll-free 1-888-740-6013. TTY users call 711. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week.

Please contact the SecureBlue Rewards mailbox if you have additional questions regarding this program.

Thank you,

Government Market Solutions Partner Relations Team

Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® of Minnesota is a nonprofit independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association