Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer with The Prince’s Trust. The Trust helps young people to overcome barriers and get their lives working. Please complete the information below and return it to the contact detailed on the Role Descriptionor online vacancy. Please note that where possible email will be our preferred method of communication as this helps The Prince’s Trust maximise its resources.

Answers will be used to short-list applicants for this opportunity. If successful answers will also help find a suitable match with a young person where appropriate. To check a box, double click on it.

1. Personal Details

Surname / Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other
First names / Employer
Home address / Work address (if applicable)
Postcode / Postcode
Home phone / Work phone
Mobile phone / Email

Your home contact details will be the primary contact method.

Postal address Telephone Email Mobile

2. Volunteering with The Prince's Trust

Which advertised volunteering role are you applying for?
If not an office based opportunity, please let us know in which locations you wish to volunteer.

In which areas do you have skills/experience?

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Banking/Financial Services

Basic Skills tutor

Careers guidance





Health care/Medical


Information and Communication Technology

Legal Advice

Manual trades (e.g. plumbing/construction)


Motor trade/vehicles



Personnel/Human Resources

Public relations

Public speaking



Social work/Counselling





Youth/Community Work

Other Sectors Experience:

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What are your interests?

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Beauty and fashion


Computer games



Creative Writing


Eating out






Outdoor pursuits

Personal development





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Please list any additional languages you speak and your fluency in them (basic, intermediate, advanced, mother tongue).


Why do you want to volunteer and why have you chosen The Prince’s Trust? Please tell us about any relevant experience you have for the role you are interested in (please consider the role description and person specification when answering – it is not sufficient to simply copy the person specification). 500 words limit.


Any comments? Is there any other information you feel we may need to know at this point?
Have you ever had contact with The Trust before? For example, were you supported by The Trust, or have you volunteered before? Please give details:

How did you hear about volunteering for The Trust?

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Another Care leaver

Business Support Agency






Job Centre/Benefits agency


Leaving Care Team

Mentoring Project Staff



Personal Advisor

Police/Probation Service

Prince’s Trust Client

PT Staff

PT Volunteer

PT worker


Team Leader

Social Worker

TV/ Radio

Word of mouth

Youth worker

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What is your current occupation?
Employed Unemployed Student Other Retired
Self Employed
If employed/ self-employed what is your job role and which company do you work for?
If studying what course are you studying?

3. References

Please give details of 2 people (to whom you are unrelated and have known for at least 2 years) who will be able to offer a reference about your ability to act as a volunteer in this role. References supplied will be held in the paper file only in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Referee 1

Name (include title)
Contact address (include postcode)
Phone number / Email

Referee 2

Name (include title)
Contact address (include postcode)
Phone number / Email

4. Criminal records

For all volunteering positions we require you to complete a Self-Declaration Form. For some roles we also require a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Disclosure. Having a criminal record however will not necessarily bar you from volunteering but this will depend on the nature of the opportunity sought, and the circumstances and background of the offence – for more detail please refer to our “Recruiting Safely” policy on the volunteering website (

If you do not consent to these checks being carried out, or if consent is withheld, we will be unable to proceed with your application.

Do you have any unspent criminal convictions? / Yes / No
Are you prepared to complete a Self-Declaration Form and Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure if needed? / Yes / No

5. Additional personal details

You do not need to complete this section, however as The Prince’s Trust is striving to ensure equality of opportunity we wish to monitor our recruitment practices. Please note that answers given here will not affect your application.

Gender / Date of birth
What is your ethnic origin? Please X the box that best describes you.
British / Caribbean
British English / African
British Northern Irish / Other black background
British Scottish / Other mixed background
British Welsh / Indian
Irish / Pakistani
Other White background / Bangladeshi
White and black Caribbean / Other Asian background
White and black African / Chinese
White and Asian / Other background
Traveller/Gypsy / I prefer not to say

The Disability Discrimination Act describes a disability as “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect upon a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”. Using the definition, please tick the relevant box:

I would / I would not / consider myself to have a disability
I would / I would not / require any special adaptations / equipment to take up a volunteering role
If so please specify

6. Declaration

I confirm that the information given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that The Prince’s Trust may:

Send me information about the product and services of The Prince’s Trust and its subsidiary, Prince’s Trust Trading, unless I tick this box .

Retain and use the information and share it with other organisations working with The Prince’s Trust, to:

  • help run, fund and evaluate The Trust programmes
  • contact me and to match me with a young person if I am working directly with young people

I understand that this information may be kept for as long as required for this purpose.

I understand my right to request to see all the information held about me by the Prince’s Trust. In signing this form I give my consent for the information to be used as above.

For further information about how The Trust uses your information please see the full privacy statement available at or ask a member of staff.

Signed * / Date

* If emailing this form, please type your name in the space above

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