Dean Team MinutesPresent (*):Kathie Hunt* Samira PardananiGuests: Cheryl Roberts

October 15, 2014Kim Thompson*Dan Fey* Kira Wennstrom

9:00 –11:00 a.m.Bob Francis*Alison Leahy*Amy Kinsel

Central Conference RoomSusan Hoyne* Ann Garnsey-Harter*Jerry Owens

Bayta Maring*Terry Taylor*Stephanie Olson

Topic / Presenter / Discussion / Action Items
1 / Minutes / All / The September 10 and September 19, 2014 minutes were approved.
2 / Action Items / Bayta / Release Time Update. Bob finished meeting with program chairs and assistants. He will collate all information and consult with DT next week.
CRAG Procedures. Susan met with Kim T., Amy K., and Kira W. They will put out a call for faculty and meet with them to talk about the process (this is a random selection process pursuant to the faculty contract). Kim will find some students to have a meeting with. Susan will work with Kerry to develop a template for notes for CRAG hearings. Susan described EdCC’s Grade Change Committee and how that process would avoid the pretense of a trial.
SCC Email – Negative Feedback. Bob will talk to Ann GH and PIO re feedback.
Changes in English and Business Writing. Kathie met with Alison and Business faculty. They will be making the appropriate changes (renaming ENGL 100 and Business Writing classes). The changes will need to go through the Curriculum Cmt but the curriculum is not changing. Kathie will report the timelines to meet once she attends the ATC meeting this week. The next step will be communicating this information to the Faculty Senate and divisions. All impacted planning guides and pathway sheets will need to be revised.
2.0 Passing Subject. Bob talked to Kira W. They will go to those who have certificates and have them be more specific as to what they mean by “successfully complete.”
Testing Center. Deans will send information to Ann G-H about faculty using the Testing Center to proctor exams. There will be an update next week.
Tutoring Center. The Tutoring Center will move to identified rooms in the Library. Chris Matz will talk to Ann G-H about relocating the after-hours use of one of the offices. The move will be effective Winter Quarter. Bob noted President Roberts is interested in exploring more casual study space on campus.
Competency Based Education. SCC pulled out of the pilot but will continue investigating CBE and bring in the idea of Prior Learning Assessment. A meeting is scheduled with faculty on Monday, October 20 to discuss. / Susan will provide an update in November.
Kathie will communicate information on timelines to meet requirements to change English and Business Writing.
Deans will send information to Ann G-H about faculty using the Testing Center to proctor exams by October 17.
3 / Retention/SEM Workshop Update / Bob/Bayta / The SEM Workshop was attended by Bob Francis, Amy Kinsel, Kim Thompson, Kira Wennstrom, Yvonne Terrell-Powell, Rosalie Tepper, Guy Hamilton, Dan Fey, Bayta Maring and Chris Melton. We can begin to explore ideas of having Enrollment Management in place. The idea of Enrollment Management will be launched at the Friday Retention meeting. The group will be expanded to include SEM participants as well as Stuart Trippel and Jim Hills. This effort has to meld with the Board’s four focus areas. This big committee will meet (perhaps monthly) and break down into particular workgroups. Potential issues that will impact our SEM are the increase weight of SAI in our funding, potential switch of Int’l Student FTEs (contract or state funded), demographics, etc. We will start our Strategic Planning process in November and have an outside consulting firm help us build an official SP. Our committee will be heavily involved in that as well as the Dean Team. Enrollment Management supports overall the Strategic Plan. The SCC Foundation is doing their Strategic Planning as well. They will hold a Strategic Planning session with the Board Directors and the external consultant on November 25. This fall the SPBC will “tweak” the Strategic Plan, revise the SAP process and the Opportunity Grant process as well as set up accountability for those who received a SAP this year.
The CTCLink will go live for two pilot colleges in November which may or may not affect subsequent waves of implementation. SCC will prepare for implementation in June of 2015. When this rolls out it will put tremendous workload on many of our support people. Anyone who interacts with HP3000 will go through training. It will be expensive and an arduous task. / Bob will share the Power Point Presentation with the DT.
4 / Data Presentation (Update on President’s Questions) / Do we have the right classes to insure students meet their educational goals? Cheryl Roberts specifically asked for an analysis on Waitlists. Bayta provided Deans the Waitlist Analysis Fall 2013 document she created. WL data is challenging for a lot of reasons. Bayta walked through her chart and described the headcount, seats and indicators of concern.
Do we have the right courses for students to be able to graduate in 2 years?
Do we truly have second year level courses?
  • What is the difference between 100 and 200?
  • Do we address this at division level? MCO level?
What courses are in the heart of mornings? What is the enrollment to room capacity?
What rooms could be converted to more flexible seating arrangements?
What is the Student Faculty ratio at different periods?
5 / Equipment – 2nd Round / Bob/Kerry / Bob called for a second round of equipment requests to be due by October 31 (in priority order). Bob reminded that Gary in TSS met with the Dean Team and emphasized that he needs to know their needs. Ann noted there is only one faculty member on the Technology Committee, which is a great place to have their voice heard. TSS is on an 8-year replacement cycle with a goal to be on a 4-year cycle. / Deans will submit their instructional equipment requests in priority order to the VPASA by October 31.
6 / Grade Check-In / Bob/Bayta / Bob and Bayta talked briefly in terms of two levels of messaging. One is to faculty. There were 2 major issues raised. One is faculty have confusion how to use the gradebook in Canvas (which has been resolved and there is a training scheduled today). The second is if a student says they need help with reading, we need to make sure all services are available and put together a service sheet. The second level of messaging is to students. It is a little late to get a full fledge messaging out to students, but communication can happen. Please have faculty encourage students to check in. Bob asked Deans to commit to emailing faculty about the October 20 grade check week. Winter Quarter grade check week will be the week of January 26. Both Grade Check Week and Roster Day will fit under Enrollment Management.
Tomorrow is the Great Washington Shakeout (earthquake-safety awareness campaign) that will occur at 10:16 a.m. Please message your faculty about this. Information is available on DAAG. / Deans will email their faculty about the October 20 Grade Check week emphasizing best practices and retention.
Deans will email their faculty about the October 16, 10:16 a.m. Shake Out.
7 / VPASA / C. Roberts / Dr. Roberts shared information about an organizational redesign and context setting with the Dean Team and faculty and student leadership members that will be announced campus wide this afternoon. Bob agreed to remain in his position as VPASA in a permanent status until June 2016 at which time he will retire. This will give the college a year to clarify what is needed in that leadership role to move the college forward. Cheryl will continue with the three Executive Director model in Administrative Services that Daryl Campbell set up, and a VPAS will not be hired. A search will begin right away to replace Holly Woodmansee’s position since she accepted a VP job at Bates. In the interim, Mary Kelemen will take on the role Holly had. This structure will give us the stability we need. There are a lot of moving parts right now and this is the legacy building time at the college. Cheryl clarified she is listening to all concerns, and the concerns have not gone without notice.
  • A partnership with Goodwill is being in looked at to bring students on campus.
  • The Westminster housing project is off the plate now. They have a new buyer for the property.
  • Dr. Roberts met with the Chinese investors regarding housing. We are hoping to have more decisions around that in January.
  • Bob and Alison will engage in interviewing finalists for the Dean of HO/PE position soon.

8 / Review Study Abroad Review Committee Criteria / Samira / Postponed.
9 / Professional Development for Deans / All / Postponed.
10 / Division Updates (Standing Item) / All / Postponed.
11 / Good of the order / Postponed.

Adjourned 11:04 a.m.