Deal Town Council
Town Hall, High Street, Deal, Kent CT14 6TR
The minutes of the Planning Committee held on 5 August 2015
Cllr W Elliott (Chairman) Cllr T Bond
Cllr L Butler Mr B Elliott (co-opted member FONDs)
Cllr A Friend (ex-officio) Mr R Green (co-opted member Deal Society)
Officers: Mrs K Lawrence – Planning Clerk
Mrs L Crow - Town Clerk others: 30 members of the public
The Chairman stated that due to public interest agenda item 8 would be moved up the agenda to be considered after public participation, members agreed. / Town Clerk
2 / Apologies for absence: Cllr K Lee, Cllr Hartley
Absent: Cllr Harper
3 / Declarations of interest: Cllr T Bond declared an OSI on agenda item 9
4 / Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 July: RESOLVED: To accept the minutes of the planning committee meeting held on 8 July 2015 as a true and accurate record subject to including Robin Green onto the Development Plan Group. (P) TB (S) AF Agreed. The minutes were signed by the Chairman. / Chairman
5 / Clerks Report: Members RESOLVED: to note the Clerks report. (P) AF (S) LB Agreed
6 / Public Participation:
A number of members of the public wished to speak regarding the proposed South Street Plans, one member of the public thanked KCC Officer Ben Hilden for attending the recently held public consultation and another thanked the Town Clerk for arranging the meeting. Other concerns were raised regarding this consultation and the comments included;
· No Environment, traffic or bus study has been undertaken
· Health aspect concerns regarding additional diesel fumes
· Will cause additional road blockages
· Cyclists will be forced to use one way street
· Bus routes and timings will increase
· Gilford Road/Victoria Road already dangerous crossing for pedestrians and will only get worse with extra traffic
· Concerns for delivery lorries illegally reversing into High Street
· Increase in traffic using Wellington Road which is a conservation area
· Will cause congestion at top of South Street
· Concerns over chaos caused by additional road markings
· Current system means taxi drivers have clearer choice of customers
· System currently works well, why change, what are the benefits?
The Chairman thanked the public for their comments, and reminded all to submit their concerns to KCC to be included as part of the consultation.
(8) / South Street Consultation: Members considered the consultation and following a lengthy debate RESOLVED: To instruct the Chairman of the committee to write to Cllr Paul Carter, Mr Steve Rivers and relevant officers at KCC, and the Chairman of the Dover Joint Transportation Board with the following comments; Although Deal Town Council would welcome minor changes to this area they are against any reversal of the traffic flow, and can see no benefit in the proposed changes, there seems to be a lack of studies including in the consultation eg, Environment, traffic or bus study. The council also request that Stagecoach consider relocating the National Express stop to the coach stop on beach street and re-instate the bus shelter there. (P) WE (S) AF) Agreed / Chairman
(7) / Correspondence Received:
a) Letter received from Mr M Phillips re Deal Saturday Pedestrian Scheme: Members considered the proposal and consulted with Mr Phillips. Following discussion members RESOLVED: That Mr Phillips should add more information with the proposal, including the views of all businesses in the affected area and send the full information to KCC Cllr Eddy and KCC Cllr Rowbotham requesting that they investigate this directly with KCC. (P) TB (S) AF Agreed
b) Letter received from FOND re proposed South Street Consultation including response received from KCC: Discussed at item 7.
9 / Strategic Indoor Leisure Needs Assessment: Cllr Bond left the room.
Following discussion members RESOLVED: To request the Town Clerk and Chairman complete the questionnaire assessment on behalf of the council reflecting that all current leisure facilities in the area are maintained. (P) AF (S) LB. Agreed
Cllr Bond returned to the meeting / Town Clerk/
10 / Planning Procedures: Members considered the report and RESOLVED: to trial the new procedure for Ward councillors and that highway notices are no longer included on the agenda but emailed out to the planning committee when received. (P) WE (S) AF Agreed / Planning Clerk
11 / Planning applications received:
15/00521 / Land between Deal & Sholden, Church Lane, Sholden / Reserved matters application for change of house types to 88 plots and removal and replanting of a section of hedgerow to the rear plots 147 – 150 pursuant to outline permission DOV/10/01012 (which was for residential development) (residential development of up to 230 dwellings and public open space, with access from Hancocks Field, Hunters Walk, and Hyton Drive, including roads, cycle paths, footpaths, ancillary works incorporating landscaping, a pond, and alterations to existing public rights of way) / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
15/00586 / 17 St James Close, Deal,
CT14 9BG / Erection of an outbuilding / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
15/00605 / 117 Sandown Road, Deal,
CT14 6NY / Erection of a rear first floor flat roof extension and balcony / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
Cllr Bond abstained
15/00607 / 57 Albert Road, Deal,
CT14 9RB / Erection of a single storey rear extension (existing conservatory to be demolished) / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
15/00618 / 169 Sandown Road, Deal,
CT14 6NX / Erection of a two storey and single storey side and rear extensions / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) LB (S) WE
15/00614 / 117 London Road, Deal,
CT14 9TR / Erection of a two storey side extension with integral garage and single storey rear extension (existing garage to be demolished) / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
15/00632 / 3 Market Street, Deal,
CT14 6HS / Erection of a replacement dormer window to front and new dormer window to rear, installation of skylights and parapet wall, replacement kent peg tiles, window and door to front elevation with associated internal and external alterations / RESOLVED: Defer to DDC Heritage Officer for decision
(P) AF (S) LB
15/00641 / 10A Northcote Road, Deal, CT14 7BZ / Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission DOV/1300779 – to allow alterations to door and window and erection of porch (application under Section 73) / RESOLVED: Object as fully support DDC’s valid planning officers decision on original conditions to prevent an increase in overlooking neighbouring houses
(P) WE (S) AF
Cllr Bond abstained
15/00668 / Upper Floors, 69 Beach Street, Deal, CT14 6HY / Replace existing upvc windows with timber double glazed units and associated internal and external works / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
15/00667 / Upper Floors, 69 Beach Street, Deal, CT14 6HY / Replace existing upvc windows with timber double glazed units / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
15/00672 / Breewood School, 86 London Road, Deal,
CT14 9TR / Erection of fencing around activity area / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
15/00685 / 79 Beach Street, Deal,
CT14 6JA / Installation of new and replacement windows and internal and external alterations / RESOLVED: Defer to DDC Heritage Officer for decision
(P) AF (S) LB
Cllr Bond abstained
15/00689 / 190 High Street, Deal,
CT14 6BL / Erection of a single storey rear extension / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
15/00718 / 34 Tormore Park, Deal,
CT14 9UY / Erection of a single storey rear extension / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
15/00706 / 357 London Road, Deal,
CT14 9PS / Erection of a single storey rear extension / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
Mr Green advised he knows the architect for this application
15/00736 / 99 Middle Street, Deal,
CT14 6JN / Erection of a single storey rear extension (existing external outbuilding to be demolished) / RESOLVED: If unable to get an extension for this application so that the listed building application and this one can be considered together at the next planning meeting, Town Clerk to use delegated powers to make recommendation
(P) AF (S) LB Agreed
12 / Tree applications received:
15/00661 / Plot 2, 12 St James Close, Deal, CT14 9BG / Reduce crown of Sycamore tree and remove risings / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
15/00673 / 1 Warden House Mews, Deal, CT14 9WD / Fell one Oak tree / RESOLVED: Object no valid grounds to fell as tree is healthy and should be preserved
(P) AF (S) LB
Cllr Bond abstained
15/00682 / Flats 1-6, Finch Mews, Deal, CT14 7XT / Works to three Lime trees / RESOLVED: No objections
(P) AF (S) LB
13 / DDC decisions: RESOLVED: Members agreed to note the report. (P) LB (S) AF Agreed
14 / Highways: No current Highway notices
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm