December 2016 – Meeting Minutes
The DeafBlind Committee met at 5:00pm on December 14, 2016 at State Services for the Blind (2200 University Avenue West, Suite 240, Saint Paul, MN 55114).
SRC-B DeafBlind Committee Members (2016-2017)
Chair: Molly Wezel-Peterson
Jamie Taylor
Cathy Lyle/Deanna Rothbauer
Chris Marble
Wendy DeVore
Sarah Carlson
Rachel Eggert
SSB Facilitator: Katy Kelley
SSB Staff/Minutes Taker: Brianna Mehr
Committee Members in Attendance:
Jamie Taylor (acting Chairperson), Chris Marble, Wendy DeVore, Sarah Carlson, Rachel Eggert
SSB Staff in Attendance:
Katy Kelley, Brianna Mehr
Guests in Attendance:
Tou Yang and Sheila Koenig (SSB Transition Staff)
Meeting Agenda
Approval of October and November Minutes
The Octobermeeting minutes were approved by all attending members. The November meeting minutes were amended and approved by all attending members.
Introduction of Tou Yang – Work Opportunities Navigator at SSB
The committee welcomed a newly appointed member, Rachel Eggert, to the meeting.
Katy introduced Tou Yang, a new staff member at SSB. Tou reviewed his role as the Work Opportunities Navigator (WON) for transition services at SSB. Tou assists transition students in figuring out their career paths and identifying opportunities to support students in reaching their career goals. Activities may include career exploration, information meetings with employers, locating internship opportunities, and setting up job shadow experiences. Tou is part of transition services at SSB and works closely with Sheila Koenig (Transition Coordinator), Jesse Anderson (Transition Assistive Technology Specialist) and Ashlynn Cahill (Transition Counselor).
Tou brings over 3 years of experience to the position through his work with AmeriCorps and LifeTrack. Tou has limited experience working with DeafBlind job seekers and is looking forward to learning more about how he can support the needs of the DeafBlind community in his position.
The committee recommended that the transition team look into job shadow and work experiences at the State Capital as one of the committee works at this location and it could represent positive learning opportunities for students about self-advocacy and the legislative process.
Sheila and Tou announce that SSB will be hosting a Career Opportunities Expo on February 25, 2017 from 12pm to 4pm at the Fairview Community Center in Roseville. The Expo will include information booths for Minnesota ATB Trainers, Assistive Technology Vendors, and Youth Internship Programs. There will also be panel discussions focused on employment. The committee recommended that Sheila and Tou look into inviting a person who is self-employed as well.
The committee reviewed ways to encourage DeafBlind students to attend these types of events. It was recognized that communication is main concern as takes longer for DeafBlind individuals and events designed for hearing job seekers can become exhausting experiences. The committee recommended that SSB provide time before events that is reserved for DeafBlind attendees, this will allow for communication and provide a more positive experience. Additional recommendations to help support DeafBlind attendees include more tactile information and specific workshops/panel discussions on job accommodations and self-advocacy. Sheila and Tou will look into including these recommendations for future events, at this time it is not possible to provide additional time at the Career Expo in February due to scheduling conflict with the event location.
The committee also discussed with Sheila and Tou about opportunities to coordinate with MSAD, Metro Deaf School, and District #917 (Jay Furman) to engage DeafBlind youth in services. All three have been in contact with SSB and open to collaboration. Currently, MSAD and MDS are working to partner and provide additional opportunities for Deaf and DeafBlind students across the State of Minnesota and MSAD in partnership with SSB is working to set up a self-advocacy workshop taught by John Lee Clark.
Discussion on Initiating DB Mentor Program:
The final FY 2016-2017 Goal and Priority that needs to be addressed by the committee is the implementation of a DeafBlind Mentor Program. The committee brainstormed different options about the purpose of the DB Mentor Program and what activities it may include. Three main areas that the DB Mentor Program could address include: (1) the DB Committee Members acting as Mentors to DB individuals currently engaged in SSB services, (2) provide opportunities for DB Youth to explore college, and (3) provide opportunities for DB job seekers (adults and youth) to explore work possibilities and job accommodations.
The committee also identified many different activities that may be included in the DB Mentor Program, the ideas are listed below.
- DB Committee Members Acting as Mentors to DB individuals currently engaged in SSB Services
- This area will be discussed in more detail during the next DB committee meeting
- Opportunities for DB Youth to Explore College
- College Campus Experience (current opportunity being explored by Sheila and Tou)
- Partner with University of Minnesota Deaf Day
- Explore opportunities to connect with colleges that have Deaf Programs such as Gallaudet, NTID, RIT, and CSUN.
- Informational meetings with DB students attending online college courses
- Develop a list of DB adults willing to be interviewed about their profession and provide a list of recommended questions to DB youth for the interview
- Opportunities for DB Job Seekers to Explore Work and Job Accommodations
- Assist job seekers in connecting with DB individuals who are successfully employed to demonstrate that it is possible to work and provide positive experiences
- Provide education about job accommodations specific to DB needs
Concerns when establishing one-on-one, long-term mentorship opportunities is confidentiality and the safety of students. Public events such as the Career Expo or Deaf Day offer short-term opportunities that do not break confidentiality and ensure student safety.
Public Comments/Announcements
DB Club will be meeting on Saturday, December 17, 2017 depending on weather. An announcement will be made by 11am on Thursday, December 15, 2017 if the meeting will be canceled.
SSB announced Katy Kelly will be absent from committee meetings starting in January, until her return from maternity leave in June. DeafBlind committee meeting concerns and requests for itnerpreters can be brought to Brianna Mehr. Taxi requests will continue to be made through Sam Fischer.
The meeting was ended at 6:54pm.
Next Meeting
January 11, 2017 at 5:00pm
State Services for the Blind (SSB)
2200 University Avenue West
Suite 240
Saint Paul, MN 55114
Please remember to inform Brianna Mehr if you are attending the meeting and need interpreters as well as braille or large print copies of the meeting agenda. For a taxi ride to and from the meeting please contact Sam Fischer.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Brianna Mehr, SSB staff
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