Combe Martin Parish Council
Minutes of a meeting of Combe Martin Parish Council held in the Village Hall on
Monday, 9 July, 2012 at 7pm.
Present: / Councillors / Andrew Jay / John LoveringJulia Clark / Clare Mountain
Graeme Coombs / Ken Mullins
Wendy Druce / Steve Seldon
Yvette Gubb / Jill Sidebottom
Josie Jones / Jackie Ward
In Attendance / County Cllr Andrea Davis, 14 parishioners, Parish Clerk
57/12 / Matters arising from the public session
a Trevor Kibble – Cllr Yvette Gubb was thanked for her work in replacing the planters at Seaside with half-barrels. The interpretation boards at the Beach have not been updated, although the bathing water results have been good this year.
b Mr Coulstock - asked what was happening about the Coach Park. He was advised that a planning application is being made to convert the Coach Park into part car parking. He asked why neighbours had not been consulted before such a decision was made, and was advised that he would be able to comment to the planning authority about the application. Mr Coulstock also complained that people had been camping in the Coach Park overnight and that large vehicles had been using the Coach Park. He was advised that the Civil Parking Enforcement Officer had moved on a camper, that permission had been granted to a lorry, and was asked to ring the Council Office if he saw anyone else sleeping there overnight.
58/12 / Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from PC Martin Beck and PCSO Ade Drury.
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Declarations of Interest
CouncillorGraeme Coombs
Wendy Druce
Yvette Gubb
Josie Jones
John Lovering
Clare Mountain
Steve Seldon / Subject
Tourist Information Centre
Tourist Information Centre
Planning application number 54011
HPP Committee report – Barton Gate Lane
Tourist Information Centre
Tourist Information Centre
Planning application number 54294 / Reason
Wife is member of Tourism Association
Member of Tourism Association
Trustee of Liberal Club (property)
Lives at Barton Gate Lane
Daughter is member of Tourism Association
Member of Tourism Association
Son is employee of applicant
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County Councillor's report
Public Health and Devon Health and Wellbeing Board
The Devon Health and Wellbeing Board will be a forum for key leaders from the health, public health and care systems to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of the population and reduce health inequalities. A Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board for Devon has now been established. The overarching priority of the HWB is ‘promoting health equality’. It will seek to achieve this by providing systematic leadership to bring about more integrated commissioning, which aligns resources and focuses on preventive approaches as much as treatment and care.Thousands of carers in Devon supported by new service
There are an estimated 82,000 carers in Devon, of which around 12,500 do not have reliable support from their family and friends to be able to take a short break from caring. Devon Carers has been operating a phone line, as part of an annual £1.3 million investment by Devon County Council and NHS Devon to help people access carer support.Carers are able to access the following services:
• Support and information at the ‘first stop’ from the helpline advisor
• A network of local carers’ support workers who provide face to face support and activities for young carers to enjoy being young people
• Opportunities to meet other carers in their area for mutual support, friendship and time away from caring
• Short carers breaks
The helpline (08456 434 435) is open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and on Saturdays from 9am to 1pm. A website is at
Superfast broadband survey aims for 25,000 responses
The Connecting Devon and Somerset Superfast Broadband programme is asking residents and businesses to help them reach 25,000 responsesto their survey, to prove how much demand there is for superfast broadband. The programme aims to provide 100% broadband coverage of 2Mbps with a minimum of 85% superfast broadband at 24Mbps by 2015 and superfast broadband for all by 2020.Surveys can be completed online at, or ordered directly from the team by emailing .
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District Councillors’ reports
North Devon Council has been working with Torridge District Council to establish the effect that the Welfare Reform Act will have in their areas. There will be a consultation on this in August and September, and there are concerns about how low income families will be effected.NDC has decided to move the litter bin from outside the library, as there have been problems with young people using it to climb up onto nearby roofs. The bin will be relocated at the Coach Park.
Fixed penalty notices have been issued in Ilfracombe to people allowing their dog to mess on the street and not clear up after it.
A consultation on waste will be held shortly.
Villagers are asked to return the forms that have recently been sent out for registering to vote as soon as possible, as there will be an election to appoint the Police Commissioner on 15 November, 2012.
There is still time to join the summer programme of activities being provided by NDC for young people.
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Police and vandalism reports
a PoliceIn the period 12/07/11 to 8/07/11 there were 26 crimes recorded, compared to 6 in the same period this year. They were:
1 theft of a handbag from a shop (recorded as a burglary)
1 theft of a car number plate
2 cars had panels scratched
1 assault and criminal damage from the same domestic incident.
There were also 15 calls for police for various problems.
b Vandalism
5 bar gate at Arnolds Plot - bottom rail smashed beyond repair
Fence rail broken at Arnolds Plot
Hollands Park play matting badly damaged
Barriers at Newberry/Parade pushed down and weakened
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Minutes of the last meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 11 June, 2012 and the Extra-Ordinary meeting held on 25 June, 2012 were signed as a true and accurate record, subject to:63.1 amending Min 46/12 (Representatives to Outside Bodies) to read:
'The Museum footfall is down due to bad weather. Museum
members are working very hard to raise money in the shop,
with coffee mornings and other activities. Their hard work is
63.2 adding the following at Min 47/12 (Correspondence):
Mr R Schofield – Request to hold firework display at Marine Drive
RESOLVED that there were no objections to the Carnival Committee holding the annual firework display on the Friday of Carnival Week, providing that the area is left in a clean and safe condition and proof of the appropriate insurance is provided in advance.63.3 Extra-Ordinary meeting minutes - amending the date of the Audit Committee meeting from June to July.
64/12 / Update on the Parade
Cllr Jackie Ward advised that the Heritage Lottery Fund is not willing to make a grant for the remedial works at the Parade. It would therefore be necessary to explore other options, including obtaining a loan.
A response from the insurance company regarding the builder’s letter was expected by 14 July, 2012.
Following the proposal by Cllr Ken Mullins, “That this council should hold a meeting with Simon Dovell and the engineering company Michael Foulkes to discuss Time Frame/Specification in order to move towards a tendering process”, it was RESOLVED to set a date for an Extra-Ordinary meeting to consider the present position regarding costs for the project and current funding, together with considering the insurance company’s reply. Mr Simon Dovell is to be invited to attend the meeting.
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Planning applications
District Councillors Julia Clark and Yvette Gubb drew the meeting’s attention to the fact that any observations or decisions which they made regarding planning applications at this meeting were based upon the information available at the time. Such observations and decisions might well change in the light of any information which might comebefore district councillors when sitting upon North Devon District Council’s planning committee.
Cllr Yvette Gubb declared an interest in the following item and left the room.
Applicant - The Trustees of Combe Martin Liberal Club
RESOLVED to advise the planning authority that this Council has no objections to the development, as the amendments are minor. There is no parking on site, and the nearby Cormelles Car Park is almost full to capacity at times, but the development would retain and repair the existing facia, thus removing an existing eyesore.
Cllr Steve Seldon declared an interest in the following item and left the room.
Applicant - for giving cic c/o agent Mr Steve Clements
(Consultation as adjoining parish)
RESOLVED to recommend that the application be APPROVED.
RESOLVED to write to Mr Damien Hirst to congratulate him on
his proposal to place the ‘Verity’ statue at Ilfracombe Pier, and to
ask if he would consider placing a further statue at the Parade,
Combe Martin.
Applicant - Mr Michael Cornish
It was noted that the application is outside the development
boundary and adjacent to Exmoor National Park, but it was
RESOLVED to advise the planning authority that there were no
objections to the application, as it is to replace a single skin
extension with a more sustainable extension.
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Planning Correspondence
41.1 Pre-application consultation on Atlantic ArrayThe letter of objection to the Atlantic Array from Ms Jennifer Shepherd was noted.
RESOLVED not to respond to the consultation as a parish council, but that members should respond as individuals, as members needed time to study the proposals in more detail.
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Matters arising from the last meeting
67.1 Min 45/12 - Advertisements on rear of interpretation boardsAny advertisements on the rear of the boards will need advertising consent. A pre-application enquiry can be made to NDC once this Council has agreed the full details.
67.2 Min 47/12d - Siting of Fair on Council land for Carnival Week
Representatives from the Fair had visited Combe Martin, but the entrance of Kiln Car Park was not suitable to permit the vehicles to use Kiln Car Park for a Fair.
67.3 Min 48/12d - Memorial bench for Omar Osman
The bench had been delivered and will be installed in time for the visit of Mr Osman’s family at the end of July.
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Committee reports
68.1 Personnel, 20 June, 2012Minutes of the Personnel Committee meeting held on 20 June, 2012 were ADOPTED.
RESOLVED that this Council should not hold any meetings in August, 2012, to enable staff to deal with current workloads. To assist with this aim, it was AGREED that:
68.1.1 The office should only be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in August 2012.
68.1.2 The office telephone should be put on answer phone when the office is closed and ‘caller display’ set up.
68.1.3 Email should be set up with an 'out of office' when the office is closed.
68.1.4 The Chairman and Cllr Jill Sidebottom are given Power to Act to authorise payments of invoices which would normally be paid at the August meeting.
68.1.5 An experienced councillor has agreed to assist with car park administration during August.
68.1.6 Cllrs Andrew Jay, Yvette Gubb and Graeme Coombs be granted Power to Act to respond to any planning applications received. Details would be emailed to councillors, so that councillors may make comments for the appointed councillors to consider when making their response.
Cllrs Yvette Gubb and Steve Seldon declared interests in the following item and left the room.
68.2 Highways Property and Planning, 25 June 2012
The report of the Highways, Property and Planning Committee meeting held on 25 June, 2012 was ADOPTED. The following actions were AGREED:
68.2.1 Village Hall
RESOLVED to seek advice from solicitors and the Devon Association of Community Buildings about whether or not it would be possible to include a break clause in the lease, or if this would invalidate grant applications. If this is a problem, to agree to a 15 year lease without a break clause. It was agreed that the lease should be in place by the end of December, 2012. In the meantime the Village Hall Community Group are authorised to take over the administration of all bookings, the income to be paid into a VHCG bank account.
The Chairman and Clerk are granted Power to Act to select and instruct a solicitor to draw up the lease for the Village Hall. It was agreed in principle that the CAB may use the police office free of charge until the lease and transfer of responsibility for the Village Hall are completed.
68.2.2 Community Centre
DCC has advised that the charity trustee is to be Combe Martin Parish Council as a body, rather than named councillors. RESOLVED to agree that this Council will take over the Community Centre with effect from 1 September, 2012. Cllrs Andrew Jay and Graeme Coombs are authorised to meet DCC representatives to finalise details.Cllrs Graeme Coombs, Wendy Druce, Yvette Gubb, Clare Mountain and Jackie Ward declared interests in the following item and did not vote.
68.2.3 Seacott/Tourist Information Centre
The proposal by Cllr Josie Jones, 'That this Council arranges an informal meeting of all councillors to explore the options open to Council, and all related issues for Combe Martin Museum, Seacott's flat and the Tourist Information Centre before meeting representatives of the Tourism Association' was lost.Those voting for the proposal were Cllrs Josie Jones and Ken Mullins, those voting against the proposal were Cllrs Julia Clark, Steve Seldon and Jill Sidebottom. Cllrs Andrew Jay and John Lovering did not vote.
The letter from Combe Martin Museum regarding the future of the Museum was NOTED and the matter will be considered together with the future of Seacott and the TIC.
68.3 Parks and Open Spaces, 27 June 2012
The report of the Parks and Open Spaces Committee meeting held on 27 June, 2012 was ADOPTED.
It was agreed to have the statutory car parking notice board, currently in the store, put up at Hollands Park Car Park.
An officer from North Devon Council will be coming to Combe Martin to carry out a responsible dog owner event with volunteers, similar to that held in Ilfracombe recently.
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Revised Code of Conduct and Members’ Declarations of Interest