(May Report)
Deadline: Thursday May 31th, 2018 – 8pm (Eastern time)
InstructionsFill out the May report items using the link posted on the website (
Please email the completed report (this word doc or exported online submission) to the following contacts:
Your Regional Correspondent (contact info available on the National website )
Your Chapter Advisor
Save a copy of this form for the Chapter files. You may need to refer to this form at a later time. It may be useful to have a copy available when completing forms in the future.
If you have questions about this report, please contact the Grand Vice President for Student Affairs
at or call (800) PDC-1883.
Report Contents
44. Official Chapter Attendeeto LDS (2 Points)
45. Formal Meeting with Regalia (1 Bonus Point)
46. New Initiates (1 Point)
47. Annual Chapter Publication (20% of Thurston Cup) (6 Points)
48. Official Chapter Delegate to the Regional Conference (2 Points)
49. Additional Attendee at the Regional Conference (1 Bonus Point)
Chapter Information
Chapter Name:
Brother Filling out Report:
E-mail Address:
ITEM #44: Official Chapter Attendee to Leader-Development Seminar: (2 Points)
Official Attendee’s name:
Mailing Address:
City: / State: / Zip:
E-mail Address:
Please indicate an alternate attendee:
Alternate Attendee’s name:
Mailing Address:
City: / State: / Zip:
E-mail Address:
ITEM #45: Formal Meeting with Regalia (1 Bonus Point)
According to Chapter IV, Number 12 of the Constitution and Bylaws of Phi Delta Chi Fraternity, "Each Chapter shall have at least one formal meeting each month." Formal meetings require use of the complete Ritual opening and closing, as well as Officer's Robes, Regalia, and devices as outlined in the Ritual Book. Please note here the date of your Chapter's Formal Meeting for this month:
Formal Meeting held? / Yes No
Date of meeting: / (Only meetings that occurred during May 2018 will be given credit.)
ITEM #46: New Initiates (1 Point)
This report is used to help reconcile the Chapter’s Roster with Reports of New Initiates received since December. New initiates are to be reported to the National Office within 72 hours after initiation, and payment of the Initiation Fees should accompany that report. Credit for this item is assigned by reviewing the records of the National Office. Graduate and Honorary Brothers (as authorized by the Executive Council) should sign the Chapter registry, receive a Chapter registry number, and be reported to the National Office as well.
All initiates have been reported to the National Office
Note: Even though you have sent in all initiation forms, please record all new initiates for the past semester
Some Brothers are not on the National Roster (Please send in initiation forms for each Brother not reported to the National Office.)
No Initiation took place this semester!
Spring Semester (List all Initiates since January 1st, do not list Fall initiates)
Initiation Date:
Please list your new Initiates in Registry Number Order
Name / Registry # /
/Registry #
Item #47: Annual Chapter Publication (6 Points)*************** 20% of Thurston Cup ***************
AWARDS: Norman H. Franke Scholarship; engraved plaques awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
JUDGES: Regional Directors for Alumni Affairs
CRITERIA:Content (history and progress of Chapter activities)
Interest to Alumni
Professional Style
Arrangement (layout) and neatness (typos)
The following are recommendations based on elements frequently found in successful chapter publications. Formatting and layout can vary, making each publication unique. Give your publication the flair to mark it as ‘yours.’ Study the format and content of previous issues of your Chapter’s publication, as well as those from other publications or magazines, to spur your imagination. The intent of the Chapter Publication is to serve as an annual communication with your Chapter’s Collegiate Brothers and Alumni to showcase your Chapter’s achievements and events.
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Masthead (list of Brothers responsible for editing and arrangement)
- Officer Reports (can be an effective way of describing the year’s activities, but edit them carefully to avoid a tedious set of repetitive or vaporous papers)
- Thematic reports not limited to:
- Scholarship
- Leadership
- Professional and service projects
- Philanthropy
- Recruitment
- Social events
- Chapter Advisor
- Alumni outreach
- School events
- Year in Review Summary
- Remarks for the Good and Welfare: Have creative and fraternal, but remember to project a professional image.
- Graphics: Fraternity coat-of-arms. Please use the official coat-of-arms that can be found at under Collegiate Resources. University coat-of-arms or mascot.
- Photographs: Brothers in action. Chapter officers. Report authors. Graduating class. Alumni Brothers.
- Consider single-, 1.5-, or double-spaced. Balance allowing enough “white space” for pleasant viewing, along with enough density for a space-efficient document.
- Use boxes, columns, graphics and shading or color to tell the story of your Chapter’s year in an appealing and compelling manner. Use headlines and captions to cue readers to detailed content.
- Create a PDF version of your publication and archive it on your chapter website.
The Norman H. Franke Scholarship is awarded to the Chapter with the best publication in honor of Brother Franke, who served as Grand Editor from 1965 until 1973, as Grand President from 1973 to 1978, and as Grand Past President until he died in 1981. Annually, Chapters prepare a publication that records the detailed events of the Chapter's year and reaches out and communicates with the Chapters' Alumni Brothers.
Upload the Chapter Publication document to the AAPonline submission platform, preferably in PDF format. (Other formats maybe accepted but please email to find out if it acceptable or not before submitting). Hard copies of this report are no longer required to be mailed. Save a copy of this report for your files for future reference. If you still have questions regarding the submission of this report please contact the AAP administrator at .
All Chapters are encouraged to bring copies of their Chapter Publication for display and distribution at Grand Council, Regional Conferences, and LDS.
If additional information or suggestions are needed, please call the Grand Vice President for Communications.
Examples of winning reports can be found on the Fraternity’s website at
Worthy Alumni Liaison or Chapter Publication Editor.
Primary Author of this report:
Electronic submission: / Yes No
Our Chapter Publication has been emailed to my fellow Worthy Correspondents and the Grand and Regional Officers.
Our Chapter Publication has been emailed to Chapter Collegiate Brothers and Alumni Brothers.
Describe here the circulation of this edition of your publication:
Total Copies Printed:
Number of Chapter Alumni who were mailed/emailed the publication
Number of Chapter Collegiate Brothers who were mailed/emailed the publication
Other distribution/files:
No, our Chapter did not complete the Chapter Publication
It is strongly encouraged by your Grand Officers that Chapters print a sufficient number of copies of your Chapter Publication to archive for the Chapter’s historical record and also to share with other Chapters at Regional Conferences, Grand Council, and Leader-Development Seminars. Since a purpose of the Chapter Publication is to record the Chapter’s events, it also serves as a medium to share information and knowledge with Brothers at other Chapters. Please note the National Office does not print Chapter Publications or require print copies for judging.
ITEM #48: Official Chapter Delegate to the Regional Conference (2 Points)Official Delegate’s name:
Our Chapter did not attend the Regional Conference
Explain why not:
Note: Please note that attendance at the Regional Conferences of Phi Delta Chi is mandated by our Constitution.
ITEM #49: Additional Attendee at the Regional Conference (1 Bonus Point)
The Chapter will receive a bonus point for listing additional Collegiate Brothers who attended the Regional meeting. Besides our official chapter delegate, the following brother attended the recent Regional meeting, Please list only one name even if there were more attendees:
Check if no additional attendee
Thank you for another great year of Phi Delta Chi’s AAP. See you at LDS in August!
Phi Delta Chi Achievement Award Program
May Report
Revised January 2018