Deadline for nominations – Midnight, Tuesday 17th April 2018

Please email the completed Nomination Form to

Please read through the entry rules below, before completing the nomination form.

Entry Rules

-  Applicant must be based in the North West at the time of entry and the awards evening.

-  Applicant information will be treated as confidential and will not be used for any other purpose other than judging for the E3 Business Awards.

-  Applicants can enter a maximum of 3 Award categories.

-  Entries will be judged by a panel of eminent and impartial adjudicators.

-  Winners will be announced at the E3 Business Awards Dinner on Thursday 12th July 2018, held at the Macron Stadium in Bolton. We encourage all finalists to attend the evening with their team / colleagues to celebrate business success.

-  The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winners will be the businesses that, in the opinion of the judges, demonstrate the greatest fulfilment of the award category criteria.

-  Award Finalists & Winners may state in advertising/promotional activity and on their stationery that they are a winner/finalist but this must state the category and the year.

-  All Finalists and Winners consent to take part in PR and publicity relating to the E3 Business Awards; the appointed PR agency will contact all finalists to gather individual information and quotes for future press releases and features.

-  Any answers that exceed the word count will not be included as part of your entry. With the exception of the Business Overview (150 words), all other questions have a 250 word entry limit.

-  All finalists in the Family Business of the Year Award category must attend the judging panel interview taking place on Wednesday 9th May 2018 at the Macdonald Kilhey Court Hotel, Wigan, WN1 2XN. Unfortunately, if you, or a representative from the business cannot attend, your application will automatically be disqualified from the process.

-  On the day of the judging panel interviews, all finalists will be required to take part in the following:

1.  Judging Panel Interview - This will comprise a 10 minute verbal presentation about your business followed by a 10 minute Interview by the Judges.

2.  Production of a 30 second video clip about your business and the reason for entering the awards. Examples of previous finalists can be found here. These videos will be used for the evening, social media and the website.

3.  Professional photography (for the magazine, website, social media and other relevant marketing channel)

Deadline for nominations – Midnight, Tuesday 17th April 2018

Please email the completed nomination to

Are you nominating (please circle one) Yourself For Another Company
If completing for another company, please complete this section below: / Name and full postal address of your bank/building society branch
Email Address:
Applicant Details
Contact Name: / Position:
Business Name:
Town/City: / Post Code:
Telephone: / Fax:
Mobile: / Email:
Website: / Twitter Address (if applicable):
Turnover (most recent end of year accts): £ / Net Profit (most recent end of year accts): £
No. of Employees(Current): / Date Established (MM/YYYY):
Nomination Entry
Award Nomination Category: Family Business of the Year
Company overview (max. 150 words)
1. Please provide evidence of how many family members currently work in the business (max. 250 words)Evidence may take the form of a simple list of names and roles.
2. Demonstrate an investment in training and personal development of family members / employees in order to maintain or improve the success of the business (max. 250 words)Here, we are looking for evidence that the company is not allowing itself to stagnate; that family members are being developed so that they make a worthwhile contribution to the business, and that non-family members are being developed so they feel the business offers them a viable career path with credible prospects for progression. Evidence could take the form of details/dates of recent training programmes and the skills/qualifications resulting from them. Answers should also indicate how this training is relevant and helpful to the company's strategy and operations.
3. Please provide evidence of significant growth and innovation in the company’s market sector (max. 250 words)Here, we are looking for clear evidence that the business is performing well. Evidence should ideally include financial details - year-on-year sales and profits. 'Innovation' might include successful new product development, introducing new technology or processes, or devising and implementing new strategies for sales, marketing or cost-reduction. Evidence of such can take the form of short descriptions of each initiative.
4. Demonstrate examples of achievement and performance that makes the business stand out from its competitors (max. 250 words)The applicant should be capable of describing particular achievements that go beyond the ordinary growth that might be expected in a slowly recovering, post-recession economy. Judges should look for evidence that these achievements were planned, that they required effort and investment, and that they were part of a properly considered strategy, as opposed to being just a fortunate accident or an isolated one-off win.
5. Additional Information (please feel free to provide further information to support your application) (max. 250 words)Here, applicants can list any other information that they feel is relevant. It may relate to the criteria listed above or it could go on to address other issues.

Thank you for completing the nomination form for the Family Business of the Year.

Please email a copy of this nomination form to .

Good luck!