Edward de Bono’s Six Hats Book Report

White Hat /

Facts about the book:

Title, author, illustrator, main characters, setting
Yellow hat / What were the strengths in:
The plot
Making readers aware of social/ environmental issues
Writing style
Black hat / What were the weaknesses in:
The plot
The characters
Style of writing
The social/ environmental raised
Green Hat / What new ideas did the author have in:
Development of the plot
How did the author make the story different?
Use your green hat to express new ideas which you think would improve the story
Red hat /


How did the story make you feel?
How did you feel about the characters?
List them and write your feelings for each.
Overall, what emotion was the author trying to make you feel?
What is your opinion of the story?
Blue Hat /

Thinking about what the author was trying to do

Was there any message or moral in the story?
How did the author get you involved as a reader? What devices did he/she use to keep you reading?