Temple Of The One

© 2008 Volume 2 by Dr. Sir Clifford N. Alford

Messages of Hope for the End of the Age –

Beliefs Held in common –

There is a basic tenet found in most religions of the world, and that most of their adherents don’t practice. Simply put, that belief says “Do no harm”. Let’s consider a few of these teachings from various religions:

  1. Christianity says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, and Judaism says “Don’t do anything to anyone that you would not want them to do to you. They are essentially the same.
  2. Hinduism says, “Do not hurt others, do no one injury by thought or deed, utter no word to pain thy fellow human creatures.”
  3. The Cherokee Asaga teaching is that “Like attracts like. If you do good then good will come to you, and if you do evil then evil will come to you. Therefore, do only good.”
  4. Buddhism says, “Hurt none by word or deed, be consistent in well-doing.”
  5. Jainism says, Master of his senses, avoiding wrong, one should do no harm to any living being by thoughts nor words nor acts.” And…
  6. The Wiccan Rede says, “An it harm none, do what you will, except in the case of self-defense.”

I tend to get amused with these from time to time. For example, I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma where most people consider us “the buckle on the Bible belt”, and are absolutely horrified at the mention of such Goddess religions as Wicca. But, the Christian ethical statement of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” has some interesting views. While most Christians don’t think this way, when the rest of the world looks at this standard, some might get the idea that if a sado-masochist wants to be hurt by someone then its’ okay if they hurt someone else to make that happen. After all, you do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Then along comes the Wiccans with their Rede: “An it harm none, (Either by their standards or by yours), do what you will.” That is about as simple and clear as you can get. But, while Wiccans tend to be very peace-loving people, they add the provision of “Except in the case of self-defense.” Let’s face it. Sometimes people get out of control, and letting them think that it’s okay to attack others is not the brightest position to take, then the sensible thing to do is to defend yourself if you cannot avoid them all together.

The Hindu view is very interesting too. They recognize that thoughts are energy. In the Asaga we have a teaching on blessing and cursing that says, “Whenever you think about someone then you are instantaneously connected to them, and when you think about them with emotion then you have either blessed them or cursed them, depending upon the kind of emotion you have felt.”

You can see this played out while driving in traffic everyday. Try this: Pick a different color of car each day, and then smile and wave at the driver. Even in cities, if you drive the same route everyday then you will soon see other people starting to wave back, or even to wave first. A smile and a wave (other than with only one finger) makes people feel good, and they crave the acknowledgement.

December 21, 2012: The End of Days, or a New

Beginning –

Okay, let’s begin where we left off last month (If you missed the previous issue then send a message requesting it to “”.) by taking a look at Kali art over time. Originally, Kali was known as the Goddess of the Shamans, and was called Mahakali. Those of us who live according to these ancient ways still refer to Her as such, and we see Her as both our primordial Mother and spiritual Lover. Originally, She was depicted as being fully nude at all times, and was free of all illusions. Then, along came patriarchy, and the artists began to be embarrassed by Her nudity. They dealt with this first by using Her necklace of human male heads to cover her breasts, and then by adding a skirt of human arms and hands to cover her pubic area. This supposedly represents Her freeing us from our negative karma. What it actually represents is the fear inherent in all forms of patriarchy.

The photograph below is a picture of the statue of Mahakali that is on my personal altar:

The Buddhists were a bit put off by Her, but they still have Her in their pantheon of Goddesses in the forms of Naro Cha Chod, Vajra-Yogini and the Taras. Even though they have tried to tame Her, Mahakali remains who She is: the Goddess who tramples ignorance on the Path of Love.

Mahakali is who She is. Matriarchal tribal shamanism knows this even though the Hindus, and then the Buddhists have tried to tame her, and the reflections of Her art continue to be the best illustration of what is coming next. From the original form of the Goddess, who was naked and without illusions, to the Goddess Kali shown completely covered in many Hindu temples of the present day, or in a “civilized” form by the Buddhists, Kali represents the process of devolution shown in both the Tao Te Ching and the Book of Chuang Tzu. We will continue by taking a look at both passages, and then moving on to the worship of Kali. Here we go…

  1. The Devolution of Man -- We have this from the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu:

“The mighty Way declined among the folk

And then came kindness and morality.

When wisdom and intelligence appeared,

They brought with them a great hypocrisy.

The six relations were no more at peace,

So codes were made to regulate our homes.

The fatherland grew dark, confused by strife:

Official loyalty became the style.”

Paraphrase: There was a time when men shared with all the other creatures the balance of nature, its spontaneity and effortless change. Then the process of civilization set in with its inevitable constituents, kindness, morality, wisdom and intelligence. Their opposites came with them: unkindness, immorality, foolishness and stupidity. Then there was trouble everywhere. The six family relations (father and son, mother and daughter, husband and wife) are disturbed. The loyalty of public officers has become a pretense.

Translation by R.B. Blakney (#18)

The progression of “civilization is the devolution of humankind in its relationship to Universal Spiritual Truth and the resulting disharmony.

Here is a translation of an ancient Chinese history from the “Book of Chuang Tzu” provided by Derek Bryce in “The Mystical Way And The Arthurian Quest”:

“Right at the beginning men were simple and natural. There were no disorders from natural physical forces. The course of the seasons was regular so that no one suffered, and there were no premature deaths, theories or sciences. That was the age of perfect unity and union, of men with each other and with nature. However, decadence came. It began with the institutions of Sui-jen and Fu-his (artificial production of fire and laws of family and marriage) which seemed to be a progress but which inaugurated the ruin of the primordial simplicity and promiscuity. Decadence increased at the time of Shen-nung and the Yellow Emperor (abandoning of nomadic life for agriculture, and formation of the state). Well-being increased, but at the expense of the ancient spontaneity. The decadence increased further when Yao and Shun reigned, introducing systematic correction through laws and schools and the obligatory practice of a conventional so-called goodness. The period of primitive ways was finished. Since then men have substituted theories in place of their inborn instinct, and peace has disappeared from the empire. Now the progress of arts and sciences has done away with what remained of natural simplicity and peoples” minds have been filled with distractions. Now everything is disorder and perversion.”

Both of these passages stand in sharp contrast to the modern notions and beliefs concerning progress. It is interesting to note that we began to go wrong when the inventions of artificial fire (matches) and artificial relationships (marriage) were invented. We shall revisit this shortly.

  1. The Worship of Kali:

The true worship of Kali among the Hindus is through the Tantric order known as the Sahdakas. They are the closest to the Ban Jhankri shamanic tradition which employs the use of the Phurba. The rituals are often complex, and stand in sharp contrast to all of the forms of polite society. And, women play the part of Shakti in the rituals. Without them, it would be impossible to access the power of the Goddess.

In her book entitled “The Book Of Kali” Seema Mohanty states that they involve “…the conscious rejection of all things Vedic and the inclusion of all things generally considered inauspicious and activities considered polluting involving flesh, blood, alcohol, drugs, skulls, funeral ash, dead bodies and sex….The idea behind these rituals is not to shock a prudish public, but to break through the social conditioning that can be a mental straitjacket to the spiritual aspirant.” The worship of Kali is the willful rejection of the lies and hypocrisy of the world in which we live.

The original Templar Initiation – One of the things that seriously irritated the Roman Catholic Church, and led to the censoring to the Templar Order, was a practice required in the first Templar initiation. After having been taught the Secret of the Templars (That history proves the fallacy that the Jewish people did not exist before the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, and so the basis for Judaism, Christianity and Islam is a sham) the new Knights Templar were required to spit on a crucifix and swear their oaths while standing on it. This was not done to offend anyone, but was to help them accept the fact that no one needs a mediator to stand between them and God. The Knights Templar had learned this during their time in the Middle East while studying with spiritual masters living in the area or passing through in caravans. Many of those latter people were from India and were worshipers of Kali.

Tantra – This a Sanskrit word that means “exercise”. In the formal body of tantric teachings, approximately ninety-six percent of it is oral wisdom, and only four percent is sexual. In the western patriarchal world, sex is hated and yet the body is worshipped in art, and sexuality and nudity is cheaply used for all forms of advertising. This is as true for patriarchal churches as for the rest of society. They may show some ugly men in their advertising, but they never show ugly women! Sexual Tantra is about using sex for spiritual enlightenment, and there is no where that this is more true than in the worship of Kali.

The Right Hand Path vs. The Left Hand Path – The Right-Hand Path is the formal body of wisdom teachings in the traditions that involve ascetic practice. The Left-Hand Path is the formal body of Teachings that lead the practitioner to not only achieve enlightenment in this lifetime, but to experience a continuous state of Bliss in the process. This process is very sexual, including visualizations of sexual intercourse during ritual processes, and physical sexual practices as well. The Left-Hand Path has been vilified by both Hollywood and patriarchal religion because it is exactly what we need to break free of patriarchal influence and return to a purer state of being in the coming Golden Age.

Patriarchy and the concept of “Original Sin” –In case you are so fortunate as to have never heard of “Original Sin”, it is a concept invented by Pauline Christianity that says, “You are a sinner because you had the gall and temerity to be born after your parents had sex.” You see, to fundamentalist Christians, sex is evil and dirty. So, since your parents had sex, just like theirs did, then both they and you were “born in sin”. Personally, I think that is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. It ranks right up there with God sending an angel to tell Mary that God was going to give her a dose of spiritual Spanish Fly (a date-rape drug) to knock her out so God could get her pregnant while she was asleep.

The Patriarchal hatred of sex and the human body – Because of these views concerning Original Sin and sex, patriarchy has developed it’s distorted views of human sexuality and the body. They have also done their best to teach the world that the male energy is “Yang” and the female energy is “Yin” when the opposite is actually true. They also did their best to subdue women, and turn them into the property of men. And, they have even managed to brainwash many women into being the greatest champions of patriarchy. Take, for example, Sarah Palin.

In matriarchal cultures, we know that we are all one, but patriarchal culture is all about separation and individuality that breeds fear and divisiveness. Nowhere is this more true than in the area of relationships. This has given rise to the ugliest form of fear on the face of the earth.

  1. Jealousy: The Root of Fear and Separation --

FACT: Jealousy is at the heart of all forms of Conditional Love. The absence of jealousy in your life is the single greatest defining factor in the true manifestation of Unconditional Love.

QUESTION: Is the concept of Oneness a Truth in your life, or is it just a term used for mental masturbation? Do you have it in your spirit, or is it just something that you believe?

Oneness and Truth vs. your beliefs and your homework – Considering what we learned last month about only having twenty-five percent of the Truth remaining to us in this current Age, now is the time to take your homework, and consider where your beliefs really come from, and whether they can be confirmed by sources outside of your own pet religion. After researching this for awhile, and paring down what you believe versus what you know, then consider the following question:

Where do we experience the greatest amount of jealousy? (Hint: the answer is in the next sentence!)

Statistics concerning relationships:

  • Global census data reveals that the tendency for couples to divorce after four years is greater than the tendency to continue on together.
  • While most people aspire to lives of serial monogamy, national surveys have revealed that from 37% to 70% of all men have extramarital affairs and from 29% to 50% of all women have extramarital affairs, and the percentages are increasing rapidly.
  • For single, unattached men and women the incidence of multiple, simultaneous relationships is even higher.

Words change their meaning over time. “Non-monogamy used to mean having more than one spouse in a lifetime. Now it means that you have more than one sexual partner at the same time. “Dr. Deborah Anapol

Monogamy – You get married for life, and only have sex with that one person.

“Sex is a sacrament, not a prison. While monogamy can be a beautiful, even a sacred bond, it might not be the agreement that best suits everyone. Our thinking that monogamy is inherently a nobler arrangement than any other has created a nation of hypocrites – which is what we’ve become.”

-- Marianne Williamson, “A Woman’s Worth”

Serial Monogamy – You only have sex with the person you are married to, and divorce them when you get tired of the relationship. Then, you marry someone else, and you have sex only with them to keep “polite society” happy until you get tired once again, and “fall in love” with someone else.

Polyamory – This is a realistic and ethical understanding that you can actually be in love with more than one person at a time, and can actually have meaningful, intimate, and even sexual relationships with all of them without hurting either your primary relationship or your other lovers.

Dr. Deborah Anapol has written three excellent books, given in the resources below, that help both you and your partner(s) adjust to a life free of jealousy. I encourage you to get them, and get started today. She also has a free monthly newsletter, and presents seminars to help you down the path as well.

WWKD – “What Would Kali Do?” When in doubt, ask yourself this question. Kali would trample any ignorance in Her way, and would go for the Love, and so should you. Don’t allow anything to hinder your personal freedom. This is your Goddess-given right. If you let such false and impractical beliefs as monogamy stand in your way, and you live a life of frustrated misery in the process, then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Jealousy as a path to Spiritual Growth and Unconditional Love – In her books, Dr. Anapol gives some excellent guidance concerning how to help both you and your partner(s) get over jealousy. In the process, you will realize that the more unattached your romantic relationships become the greater you ability to love unconditionally becomes. And, you will be a lot happier as well.