Take control over your check disbursement activity
Canadian banking services made easy
<Correspondent bank name>’s Canadian cash management services are made possible through our partnership with BMOCapital Markets® (BMO), a part of BMO Financial Group, one of the largest diversified financial services providers in North America. This partnership allows you to enjoy the ease and convenience of complete North American banking, while retaining Correspondent bank name> asyour sole point of contact.
Intro summary
DirectCheque (DCH) is an automated check processing and account reconcilement service that eliminates the need to manually track your check disbursement activity. DCH produces reports that coincide with your accounting cycle, which can assist you in the timely and efficient reconciliation of your account and reduce your workload.
Fraud risk reduction
DCH manages check fraud risk through a combination of features and options. The Positive Pay product option ensures check serial numbers or amounts are not altered. The MICR line on paid checks is matched to your issue file and you are informed of any irregularities so you can investigate them immediately. In addition, an optional critical value report is available, highlighting all paid checks equal to and over a specified amount (determined by you). This data is available on paper or via electronic transmission.
Faster information reporting
DirectCheque provides options for electronic transmission of paid data, critical value reports and a daily stop payment report, as well as for electronic transmission of your issue data. Check status inquiry and stop payment placement and removal are available through our Online Banking for Business platform. Your checks are processed through the Bank’s Automated Clearing System. The checks are truncated at the Operating Service Centre, thus bypassing branch processing.
Account reconcilement
Account reconcilement plans are designed to meet the full spectrum of your reconcilement needs:
Partial: A hardcopy reconciliation report lists all paid checks in serial number order, providing serial number, dollar amount and paid date. If you wish to supply the serial number range of issued checks, we can identify outstanding items. The reconciliation report will coincide with your regular accounting/statement cycle (minimum monthly reconciliation).
Full: The check issue information you provide to us is matched against paid items and then you are provided with reports of checks outstanding and checks paid. Many reconcilement reports are available electronically.
An Imaging Option
This gives you access to high quality images of your issued checks. Your checks are scanned and digitally stored on CD-ROM for easy viewing. You can quickly retrieve check images, allowing you to respond to inquiries quickly, tighten internal controls and further minimize the risk of check fraud.
Minimum technical requirements (for access to Online Banking for Business)
• Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8. For the best online banking experience, Internet Explorer 8 is recommended.
• 486/66-Mhz processor or higher (Pentium® III Processor recommended) with a Windows® based operating system (Windows Me, NT® 4.0 with SP6a and higher, 2000, or XP)
Other Canadian Cash Management Services
We help you maximize your working capital, better understand your cash position, and make informed financial decisions. Ask us about our:
• Canadian Cash ManagementReceivables solutions whichhelp you accelerate your collections process to put your cash back to work quickly.
• Canadian Cash Management Payables solutions whichhelp you pay suppliers and employees efficiently, manage cash outflows, mitigate fraud risk, and improve payment timing.
To learn more about how DirectCheque can improve your Canadian Cash Management Service, contact your <Correspondent Bank name> sales representative at <Phone Number> or visit us at <website, if applicable>.
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Treasury Management services provided by Bank of Montreal.
BMO Capital Markets is a trade name used by BMO Financial Group for the wholesale banking businesses of Bank of Montreal, BMO Harris Bank N.A. and Bank of Montreal Ireland p.l.c., and the institutional broker dealer businesses of BMO Capital Markets Corp., BMO Nesbitt Burns Trading Corp. S.A., BMO Nesbitt Burns Securities Limited and BMO Capital Markets GKST Inc. in the U.S., BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. in Canada, Europe and Asia, BMO Nesbitt Burns Ltée/Ltd. in Canada, BMO Capital Markets Limited in Europe, Asia and Australia, BMO Advisors Private Limited in India and Bank of Montreal (China) Co. Ltd. In China.
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