Agenda and Course Descriptions
Date / Room 1 / Room 2 / Room 3Tues, May 15th / AM / NEI/Point
9:00AM - 5:00PM / MOVES
No webcast offered
Wed, May 16th / AM / Oil & Gas
No webcast offered
PM / Key NH3Sectors
1:00PM – 5:00PM / Emissions Preparation for Air Quality Modeling (AQM)
1:00PM – 5:00PM
Thurs, May 17th / AM / Toxics Release Inventory
9:00AM – 12:00PM / Projecting Emissions Inventories for AQM of Future Years
9:00AM – 12:00PM
1:00PM – 5:00PM / Inventory Guidance for Ozone, PM
and Regional Haze
1:00PM – 5:00PM
- All course times are Eastern
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Point Inventory (1 day) INSTRUCTORS: Ron Ryan
The point inventory training is a full day course intended for state, local, or tribal inventory personnel who submit, retrieve, or review point source data for NEI development. This course covers the submittal of the agency’s facility and point inventory data to the Emissions Inventory System (EIS) using XML format, and using the EIS Gateway and EIS reports to review and edit the submitted data. Also, the development and usage of EPA’s Point Augmentation datasets and the selection of emissions values for the NEI will be described, along with how S/L/T agencies can use the EIS to access and review those datasets and the NEI draft selection.
Phone: 1-202-991-0477
Conference ID: 7506179
MOVES2014a Training (2 days) INSTRUCTOR: Gary Dolce
This 2-day course covers the use of MOVES for the development of onroad and nonroad emission inventories. It describes how to run MOVES at National, County, and Project Scales, including creating input files and processing MOVES inventory and emission rates output. No prior knowledge of MOVES is required. Attendees will need to bring laptop computers with the latest version of MOVES2014a already installed and tested and with the course materials loaded. Please allow enough time ahead of the course for installation and testing, as we will not be able to resolve installation problems the day of the course. The latest version of MOVES2014a is available here: The latest version of the training materials, along with additional instructions for preparing for this course are available here: NO WEBCAST OFFERED
Oil and Gas (8:00am start (1/2 Day)INSTRUCTOR: Jennifer Snyder
This full day course is for stakeholders interested in learning about the types of sources and emissions that may occur at upstream oil and gas exploration and production sites and for those interested in using the Nonpoint Oil and Gas Emission Estimation Tool to compile an emissions inventory for this important source category. While the major emissions sources associated with oil and gas collection, processing, and distribution have traditionally been included in the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) as point sources (e.g. gas processing plants, pipeline compressor stations, and refineries), the activities occurring “upstream” of these types of facilities have not been as well characterized. The EPA developed the Nonpoint Oil and Gas Emission Estimation Tool to assist state and local agencies with estimating emissions from these upstream sources. The course is divide into three parts. The first part will provide a general overview of upstream oil and gas exploration and production processes, emissions sources covered by the tool, and where data may be available to assist in estimating emissions for these upstream sources (including gathering data that could be used as inputs from permit data or E&P TANKS or GlyCALC runs from your state’s existing data sources). The second part includes a discussion of EPA’s plans for the 2017 NEI pertaining to oil and gas. The third part will cover use of the tool to compile emissions estimates and prepare them for submittal to EPA and the 2017 NEI. NO WEBCAST OFFERED
Key Ammonia Sectors (1/2 day)INSTRUCTORS: Tesh Rao and Jesse Bash
This half-day training will provide background on Ammonia’s (NH3) importance in air quality and secondary PM formation and presentthe methods that the EPA uses for Livestock Waste and Fertilizer Application sectors. Since NH3 is now a “presumed” precursor for fine particulate matter (PM2.5), State Implementation Plans (SIPs) will need to considerNH3as part of the process for PM2.5 planning. Some areas may also need or want to consider control options for attaining PM2.5 standards. As a consequence, NH3 inventories are an important source of information for PM2.5 SIP developers and also for regional haze planning. The focus in this course on Livestock Waste and Fertilizer Application reflect that these categories comprise over 80% of the total NH3 in the 2014 National Emissions Inventory.
Weblink -
Phone: 1-202-991-0477
Conference ID: 7506179
Emissions Inventory Preparation for INSTRUCTORS: Alison Eyth and Jeff Vukovich
Air Quality Modeling – Base Year (1/2 day)
This half-day training will describe how the emissions inventories used for modeling relate to the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) and how they are processed into formats that are used by air quality models. The course includes information about chemical speciation, temporal allocation, spatial allocation, and quality assurance techniques.
Weblink -
Phone: 1-202-991-0477
Conference ID: 2723177
Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Training Course – The Quality INSTRUCTOR: Stephanie Griffin
Behind the Numbers and Helping You Get to the Numbers (1/2 day - webcast)
This half-day course will cover several aspects of TRI and is available only in a webinar format. The TRI data are a valuable dataset for including in emissions inventories. In the first half of this course you will learn what is available in this Public Right-to-Know Registry. We will start with a brief overview of the TRI program then dive into the data quality processes and documentation supporting the program. You will hear how the TRI data fits into the Combined Air Emissions Reporting (CAER) project, and then we will address specific questions presented by the attendees. The second half of this course will cover how to get to the TRI data that best match your specific needs, what on-line tools are available, pros and cons of the various tools and demonstrations of some live data pulls.
Weblink -
Phone: 1-202-991-0477
Conference ID: 7506179
Projecting Emissions Inventories for Air Quality INSTRUCTORS: Alison Eyth, Caroline Farkas
Modeling of Future Years(1/2 day)and Jeff Vukovich
This half-day training will describe how emissions inventories representing future years are prepared for air quality modeling. The techniques used to prepare future year inventories for air quality modeling for electric generating units, other stationary point and nonpoint sources, commercial marine vessels, and onroad and nonroad mobile sources will be discussed.
Weblink -
Phone: 1-202-991-0477
Conference ID: 2723177
SPECIATE’s VOC and PM Speciation Profiles and Their INSTRUCTOR: Madeleine Strum
Use to Prepare for Air Quality Modeling (1/2 day)
This half-day training provides general concepts on chemical speciation, the SPECIATE database and browser, and how to create model ready speciation inputs for a photochemical air quality model. We will focus on speciation of VOC and PM2.5 for air quality modeling.
Weblink -
Phone: 1-202-991-0477
Conference ID: 7506179
Inventory Guidance for Ozone, PM and Regional Haze(1/2 day) INSTRUCTOR: Marc Houyoux
This half-day training will be an overview of the Emissions Inventory Guidance for Implementation of Ozone, PM, and Regional Haze. The class should be most helpful for those who are not familiar with State Implementation Plan (SIP) inventory requirements andfor those who support SIP development for areas where the attainment status has changed. The course will include information about the legal basis for these SIPs, types of inventories required under different cases for each rule, and illustrative examples.
Weblink -
Phone: 1-202-991-0477
Conference ID; 2723177