Meeting Date / 26 March 2018 / Report Number
Report Author: / Ben Fragola, Data & Business Intelligence Officer
Presented By / Tracy King, Assistant Director
Subject / Family Group
Type of Report: / Information
That the Performance and Resource Board members note the contents of the report.
Essex County Fire and Rescue Service is a member of Family Group 4 (FG4). The group is formed of 18 Fire and Rescue Service members, each considered to be similar in demographic and function. The FG4 Performance Report is produced on a quarterly basis by Hereford & Worcester Fire Service. The latest report covers Q3 2017/18 and is attached as an Appendix 1.
The table below providesEssex County Fire and Rescue Service’s ranked position against Family Group members for each indicator on the report; by comparing Q4 2016/17 (end of Financial Year) with Q3 2017/18 results. However, please note the following:
A comparison between Q4 2016/17 and Q3 2017/18 is NOT available for the following indicators:
- BV 146i Malicious False Alarms not Attended per 1,000 Population
- All Emergency Calls Received per 10,000 Population
- Home Fire Safety Assessments Delivered
The subsequent indicators are included in the FG4 Performance Report for information only, and are observed and discussed in meetings when appropriate:
- Co-Responder Attendances
- RTC Attendances
- Safe and Well Visits
ECFRS Position in Family Group 4
Performance Indicator / Q4 2016/17 / Q3 2017/18 / Change
NI 33 - Deliberate Fires per 10,000 Population / 7 / 6 / 1
NI 33i - Deliberate Primary Fires per 10,000 Population / 8 / 5 / 3
NI 33ii - Deliberate Secondary Fires per 10,000 Population / 7 / 7 / 0
NI 49i - Primary Fires per 100,000 Population / 15 / 11 / 4
NI 49ii - Fatalities in Primary Fires per 100,000 Population / 7 / 9 / 2
NI 49iii - Injuries in Primary Fires per 100,000 Population / 13 / 9 / 4
BV 142iii - Accidental Dwelling Fires per 10,000 Dwellings / 12 / 12 / 0
BV 143i - Deaths in Accidental Dwelling Fires per 100,000 Population / 11 / 6 / 5
BV 143ii - Injuries in Accidental Dwelling Fires per 100,000 Population / 10 / 11 / 1
BV 146ii Malicious False Alarms Attended per 1,000 Population / 8 / 9 / 1
BV 149i - AFAs in Non Domestic Premises Att. per 1,000 Non Dom Premises / 4 / 6 / 2
BV 206i - Deliberate Primary Fires Excluding Vehicles per 10,000 Population / 3 / 3 / 0
BV 206ii - Deliberate Primary Fires in Vehicles per 10,000 Population / 10 / 10 / 0
BV 206iii - Deliberate Secondary Fires Excluding Vehicles per 10,000 Pop / 7 / 6 / 1
BV 206iv - Deliberate Secondary Fires in Vehicles per 10,000 Population / 14 / 17 / 3
BV 207 - Fires in Non-Domestic Premises per 1,000 Non-Domestic Premises / 16 / 15 / 1
% of Fires Att. in Dwellings where one or more Smoke Alarmsdidn't Activate / 14 / 12 / 2
AFAs in Dwellings Attended per 10,000 Dwellings / 2 / 3 / 1
All Fires Attended per 10,000 Population / 11 / 11 / 0
Increase in Position / Static Position / Decrease in Position
Of the 19 Performance Indictors in the table, the service has improved its position against peer Family Group members in 8 categories. The greatest positional increase of 5 was achieved for the indicator: BV 143i - Deaths in Accidental Dwelling Fires per 100,000 Population, where a 50% reduction in Q3 2017/18 against the previous year has seen significant improved performance. Positional increases of 4 for the indicators NI 49i - Primary Fires per 100,000 Population and NI 49iii - Injuries in Primary Fires per 100,000 Population have also been realised, where improved performance of 8.03% and 10.37% in Q3 2017/18 against previous year respectively has been achieved.
The service has maintained its position against Family Group members infive of the 19 Performance Indicators.
There are 6 Performance Indicators where the service needs to improve its position against Family Group members. The positional decrease of 3 for the indicator: BV 206iv - Deliberate Secondary Fires in Vehicles per 10,000 Populationrequires the most improvement. Positional decreases of two for the indicators: NI 49ii - Fatalities in Primary Fires per 100,000 Population and BV 149i - AFAs in Non Domestic Premises Attended per 1,000 Non Domestic Premises also needs to be addressed;however, in Q3 2017/18 there was a 42.5% and 8.84% improvement in performance against previous year respectively.
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