DC/CE101: Syllabus Page 10
DC101M: Syllabus Dr. John R. Cionca
Spring 2005 Bethel Theological Seminary
March 28 – June 6 e-mail:
Mod R1: Monday 5:30-7:30 pm Phone: 651-638-6163 Office: B205
Mod R2: Monday 8:00-10:00 pm http://www.bethel.edu/~jcionca
Discipleship in Community
Course Description:
This course provides an introduction to the theological framework and critical functions necessary for effective Christian discipleship in a local church. Approaches to discipleship and models of ministry will be reviewed. A variety of instructional methods will be utilized to help participants develop an understanding of educational staffing, organization, programs, curriculum, methodology, and facilities. Ministry to children, youth and adults will be presented. Learning styles, classroom teaching and assessment of the teaching-learning process will be examined. Discipleship through small groups is also examined. Students will gain a vision and enthusiasm for the discipleship possibilities within any congregation.
Learner Outcomes: The students will . . .
¨ Develop a Biblical/theological framework for discipleship through a local church.
¨ Analyze congregational approaches to discipleship and models of ministry.
¨ Value discipleship ministries with children, youth and adults.
¨ Appreciate the value of conducive learning environments.
¨ Know the critical elements necessary for building a dynamic ministry team.
¨ Design lesson plans that engage learners in Scripture study.
¨ Establish a criterion for evaluating the quality of teaching within a given classroom.
Required Texts:
Cionca, John, ed. Inviting Volunteers to Minister. Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing, 1999. isbn: 0-7847-0947-5 [Entire book on-line at http://www.bethel.edu/~jcionca ]
Donahue, Bill and Russ Robinson. Building a Church of Small Groups. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2001. ISBN 0-310-24035-2. [Hereafter referred to as BCSG].
Lewis, Robert. The Church of Irresistible Influence. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 2002 Paperback Edition. ISBN: 0-310- 250153
Sine, Tom. Mustard Seed versus McWorld: Reinventing Life and Faith for the Future. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1999. isbn: 0-8010-9088-1
Supplemental Texts [Suggested Optional Readings]:
Barna, George. Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2003.
Kimball, Dan. The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2003. ISBN 0-310-24564-8.
LeFever, Marlene D. Learning Styles: Reaching Everyone God Gave You to Teach. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook Publishing Co., 1995.
Course Requirements:
- Attendance, Reading and Participation: Since this class includes group interaction/participation, regular attendance is expected for all sessions. One prearranged absence is permitted without affect on your grade. Each additional session missed will lower your grade ½ a letter grade. Three tardies is equivalent to an absence. Regular attendance and participation in class sessions for a total of 20 hours of class time is expected. (Also approximately 800 pages of reading @ 30 pages per hour = 27 hours).
All papers are due at the beginning of the class session, though they may be submitted at the end of class after group discussion. All late papers will lose one letter grade in value. Printer failure is not an acceptable excuse for lateness. I suggest all copies be printed the day before class.
2. Learning Styles Articles and Inventories: Read the article listed below, and complete the two on-line inventories listed below (5 Hours):
· Felder, Richard. Matters of Style. (On-line article) www.ncsu.edu/felder-public/Papers/LS-Prism.htm
· Solomon, Barbara. Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire (On-line inventory)
· Differences Between Left and Right Hemisphere – Hemispheric Dominance Inventory http://www.mtsu.edu/~studskl/hd/hemispheric_dominance.html and interpretive article at: www.mtsu.edu/~studskl/hd/LRBrain.html
· Felder, Richard. Learning Styles and Strategies (On-line article) www.ncsu.edu/felder-public/ILSdir/styles.htm
3. Inviting Volunteers Interactive Report: Compare and contrast the staffing approaches of the seven churches in Inviting Volunteers to Minister—see page 5 of the syllabus. (5 hours) [10% of grade].
4. Building a Church of Small Groups Interactive Report: Preparation for discussion of Donahue and Robinson’s book—see page 6 of syllabus (5 hours) [10 % of grade].
5. Church of Irresistible Influence Interactive Guide: Preparation for discussion of Lewis’ book—see page 7 of syllabus (5 hours) [10% of grade].
6. Mustard Seed vs. McWorld Interactive Report: Preparation for discussion of Sine’s book—see page 8 of syllabus (5 hours) [10% of grade].
7. Contextual Teaching Assignment: Teach two original lessons following the lesson plan format on page 9. Use of the observer’s evaluation form on page 10 of the syllabus will be explained in class. (18 hours) [30% of grade]. Submit the following:
· Your two original lesson plans
· A 1200 word personal summary assessing your experience.
· Eight observer evaluation forms (four per lesson) completed by observers of the lessons.
8. Final Exam covering the topics of Lesson Plans, Scripture Memory, Learning Environments, Teacher Competence and Models of Ministry (15 hours of Preparation) [30% of grade].
9. Alternative Assignments: Students who have had significant evaluative teaching experience may complete one of the assignments below in place of # 7. The chosen alternative assignment is due the last day of class. Students who choose this option are still required to turn in one lesson plan outline.
· Research Paper on “Discipleship Within the Cell Church”
The house church movement around the world is a dynamic phenomenon. More recently a “new reformation” is taking place within the western world via cell churches. Write a 2500-word paper describing discipleship within the cell church [not a church that has small groups, or a META church, but a house church]. How does teaching, learning and training take place within these smaller faith communities? Use and document at least fifteen different sources concerning discipleship within this ministry model. [30% of grade. Substitutes for # 7].
· Research Paper on “Discipleship in a Cross-Cultural Setting”
Students not living in a traditional western church setting (especially international students) may choose to write a 2500 word paper applying principals learned in class to their particular culture. What discoveries from DC101 apply to the discipleship of children, youth and adults? Spend less time on what doesn’t apply; use your word allotment to show what does apply. Don’t just write a paper on the ministry in your cultural setting (you could have done this before the class). Present areas of transferability and application [30% of grade – substitutes for #7].
Course Grading:
Building a Church of Small Groups Guide 10%
Mustard Seed versus McWorld Guide 10%
Church of Irresistible Influence Guide 10%
Inviting Volunteers to Minister 10%
Contextual (or Alternative) Assignment 30%
Final Exam 30%
The professor will ascribe:
· An “A” if the assignment is met with distinction—like really wows me!
· A “B” if the assignment is above average—like really good!
· A “C” if the assignment is satisfactorily completed—like the graduate level of work submitted by students seated around you.
The student’s course grade will be the total of all assignments, based on the scale below:
A+ / 98% / B+ / 88% / C+ / 78% / D+ / 68%A / 95% / B / 85% / C / 75% / D / 65%
A- / 92% / B- / 82% / C- / 72% / D- / 62%
F Below 62%
DC101mR1-2_S05-cionca.doc : 3/8/2005 12:23 PM
DC/CE101: Syllabus Page 10
Date / Topics / Assignments DueMarch 28 / Introduction to the Course
A Theology of Discipleship in the Church
The Holy Spirit and Teaching
April 4 / Classroom Teaching:
Lesson Plans
Methodology / Read: On-line Inventories (See Asmt #2)
Complete: On-Line Profiles
Memorize: Acts 2:42, 47
April 11 / Classroom Teaching:
Learning Styles
Assessing the Teaching-Learning Process / Due: Draft Lesson Plan (this is to be completed by every student)
Memorize: Mark 3:14
April 18 / Learning Environments
Teaching Competence / Memorize: 2 Corinthians 3:4 & 5
April 25 / Discipling Children:
*Guest presenter: Leane Sneen (Children’s Minister at Brooklyn Park E Free Church) / Read: Inviting Volunteers to Minister On-line PDFs by Cionca
Due: Interactive report on Inviting V to M
May 2 / Discipling Students:
*Guest Presenter: Heather Flies
(Junior High Pastor at Wooddale Church) / Memorize: 2 Timothy 2:2
Read: Building a Church of Small Groups
May 9 / Discipling Adults / Models of Ministry
Adult Learning and Ministry
Adult Life-Stages and Generations
The 2 C Model / Due: Interactive Guide on Building a Church of Small Groups
Memorize: Hebrews 10:24 & 25
May 16 / Discipling Adults:
The 3 C Model
The Community Service Model / Read: The Church of Irresistible Influence
Due: Interactive Guide on the Church of Irresistible Influence
May 23 / Discipleship in Post modernity
Bridging Church and Home /
Read: Mustard Seed vs. McWorld
Due: Interactive Guide on Mustard Seed vs. McWorldMay 30 / No Class—Memorial Day Holiday / Prepare for Final Exam
June 6 / Discipleship in Community / Due: Contextual Teaching Report
Final Exam
John Cionca, Inviting Volunteers to Minister
1. Create a grid [chart with boxes] that compares and contrasts the recruitment practices of the seven churches.
2. How do these churches differ in their approach?
3. With which model do you most agree? Why?
4. Delineate the principles that you believe critical to staffing your volunteer ministry.
5. Delineate the principles that you believe are useful for smaller or urban congregations.
6. What principles do you believe are inappropriate for smaller or urban congregations?
7. What was a highlight(s) for you from the book?
* Your reactions are for the maximum benefit of small group discussion. They should be word-processed and a minimum of 1250 words in length (5 pages). Submit to the professor after class utilization.
Circle the chapters read: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name: ______P.O. Box ______
Donahue & Robinson’s Building a Church of Small Groups
1. What differences are there between a church with small groups and a church of small groups?
2. “In effect, we were a bunch of Para church ministries with the same address. Each of us was gathering people to his or her own ministry area and beginning to build lots of programs and events around the gathering. Small groups were ancillary,” (page 12). What’s wrong with that? Are not these sub-ministries building community?
3. Is the small group approach the only way to produce Christian community? The best way? Explain your response.
4. Do you agree with Willow’s “four nonnegotiables for achieving spiritual community within small groups”? (pp. 55ff)
5. What ministry does your church have to P.O.W.S.? (page 65)
6. Is it realistic for lay leaders to own all shepherding, (discipleship and caring), in the congregation? (page 111ff)
7. Respond to the “5 G’s” framework. What else might be included in a model of Christian formation? (page 116)
8. Relate an experience, (yours or another’s), where relational restoration occurred or did not occur. How did the points in the chart on page 100 relate to the outcome?
9. How can you identify emerging leaders? What characteristics are you looking for in them? (page 124)
10. On page 149, read the paragraph on coaches as of lovers of leaders. On a scale of 1-10, (10 being the highest), how loved do your church’s volunteers feel? What specifics can be done to raise the love index?
11. If you could design a small group study from scratch, what types of groups would you establish?
* Your reactions are for the maximum benefit of small group discussion. They should be word processed and approximately 1250 words in length (5 pages). Submit to the professor after class utilization.
Indicate the number of chapters read: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Name: ______P.O. Box ______
Discussion Preparation Guide*
Robert Lewis, The Church of Irresistible Influence
1. Read Lewis’s Observation on page 23 (top 2/3 of page—As the church engages…). Do you agree with his analysis? What specific things/ministries would you suggest to address this problem?
2. I realize that my first error was in trying to convince a postmodern world of truth when it rejects truth (page 37). How does your church do this? What other approaches have you tried? What else might work?
3. The purpose of [your church] is to become a people who present living proof of a living God to a watching world (page 41). How would you rate this as a purpose statement? How might you modify it?
4. I realized that we didn’t need to be slicker or trendier to draw people in our community to Christ… We didn’t need to be more religious; we needed to be more connected (page 47). Identify some realistic, specific ways your church could become more connected to your community?
5. Fellowship Bible Church made three major decisions (page 75). How practical/transferable are these to all churches?
6. In your own words, describe FBC’s model of ministry (pages 80-84), particularly in light of a 2Cs or 3Cs paradigm. State your level of agreement with their philosophy of ministry. What conditions might limit this model’s effectiveness?
7. What is the primary purpose of your church structure? How is it designed to process and move people into personal ministry (page 88)?
8. What would it take for your church to participate in or lead a community Share-Fest?
9. What practical steps could you take this next year to improve your church’s reputation in the community?
10. How ready are your people to embrace the Three i2Requirements (pages 214-216)? What steps might you take to move them forward?
* Your reactions are for the maximum benefit of small group discussion. They should be word processed
and approximately 1250 words in length (5 pages). Submit to the professor after class utilization.
Indicate the number of chapters read: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Name: ______P.O. Box ______
Tom Sine, Mustard Seed versus McWorld
A. Interactive Report:
1. How is the community in which your church is planted likely to change in the next ten years (page 43)?
2. Describe both the upsides and downsides of the long-boom scenario, and how our families, churches, and communities need to get ready (page 68).
3. Describe both the upsides and downsides of the slow-meltdown scenario, and how our families, churches and communities need to get ready (page 68).